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Brig-Gen Mutsvunguma declared hero

by Staff reporter
27 Jun 2024 at 06:45hrs | Views
War veteran and Retired Brigadier-General Romeo Donald Mutsvunguma, who passed away in Rusape last Wednesday at the age of 67, has been declared a national hero. President Mnangagwa awarded this highest honor in recognition of Mutsvunguma's significant contributions to Zimbabwe both before and after independence.

ZANU-PF Secretary for Legal Affairs, Patrick Chinamasa, delivered the announcement to the Mutsvunguma family at their Rusape home, accompanied by several other officials. Chinamasa conveyed President Mnangagwa's decision, praising Mutsvunguma as an outstanding cadre.

Mutsvunguma's younger brother, Charles, expressed the family's gratitude, stating they are humbled and committed to continuing Mutsvunguma's legacy of service to the party.

Born on March 4, 1957, in Makoni District, Mutsvunguma joined the liberation struggle in 1975, initially serving at Nyadzonya Camp and receiving military training at Morogoro ZIPRA Camp. He held various key positions throughout the struggle and was instrumental in political reorientation and instruction at ZANLA Headquarters.

After independence, Mutsvunguma played a vital role in integrating ZANLA and ZIPRA forces and served in various capacities in the Zimbabwe National Army, including commanding officer roles and as Defence Attaché to the United States.

Source - The Herald