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Chikwaka Villagers Terrorized by Land Grabbing 'Authoritarian' Headman Mungoni

by Staff Reporte
07 Jul 2024 at 17:34hrs | Views
An area under Chief Chikwaka in Murehwa is in turmoil as Headman Edmore Mungoni continues to terrorize villagers by seizing ancestral lands in Ward 10.

The residents of Udebwe and Dzvete villages have been living in constant fear due to Mungoni's heavy-handed tactics and authoritarian rule.

Villagers claim that despite the presence of appointed village heads, Mungoni seeks to consolidate his power, wanting to be both village head and headman, overriding everyone else.

He sees himself as the ultimate authority in the villages under his jurisdiction, disregarding the traditional leadership structure.

A visit to the area by this publication revealed a community that is living in fear as most villagers interviewed did not want to be interviewed on grounds that they may be victimized.

"Anyone who dares to speak against him is seen as an enemy. He uses his influence to report us to the police, leading to false charges and arrests. This has created an atmosphere of fear and oppression," said one resident who wished to remain anonymous.

Last year, Mungoni's actions led to the arrest of numerous villagers, including elderly men and women, on trumped-up charges.

Many spent nights in police custody, and while some were eventually released, others were fined by the court for allegedly undermining his authority.

The most recent controversy centers around land in Udebwe village, where Mungoni has constructed a so-called 'culture centre' on land that belongs to a local family.

This move has sparked outrage among the villagers, who are now appealing to the government for intervention.

"We can't let this continue. This land has been in our family for generations. Mungoni's actions are not only illegal but also disrespectful to our heritage and traditions," said a local villager.

The villagers have called on Local Government Minister Daniel Garwe to take action against Mungoni.

"We need the government to step in and address this situation. Mungoni's actions are tearing our community apart," said another resident.

As villagers in Chikwaka continue to fight for their ancestral lands and their rights, they hope that the authorities will heed their calls and put an end to Headman Mungoni's reign of terror.

Effort to have the matter brought before Chief Chikwaka who is also identified as Bungu have hit a brick wall as villagers fear for their lives.

Source - Byo24News