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'Pravin Gordhan was the embodiment of greed, corruption, and elitism'

by Staff reporter
13 Sep 2024 at 15:49hrs | Views
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The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) have issued a scathing statement in response to the death of former Minister of Public Enterprises, Pravin Gordhan, making it clear they feel no sorrow over his passing. The party, led by Commander-in-Chief Julius Malema, holds Gordhan responsible for the collapse of South Africa's state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and the betrayal of the nation's people.

In their statement, the EFF condemned Gordhan's legacy, describing it as one of "greed, corruption, and elitism." The party highlighted Gordhan's role in the deterioration of key SOEs, including Eskom, Transnet, Denel, and South African Airways (SAA). They pointed to the infamous SAA Takatso deal, which they claim was a corrupt arrangement that sold off the nation's assets for private gain.

Gordhan's political career, which spanned several decades, included two terms as Finance Minister under President Jacob Zuma. However, the EFF noted that his controversial history extended back to the 1980s when he was allegedly named by ANC President Oliver Tambo as part of the "Indian cabal," accused of undermining the liberation movement and prosecuting anti-apartheid icon Winnie Mandela.

The EFF also brought up Gordhan's admitted involvement in the creation of a "rogue unit" within the South African Revenue Service (SARS), which they allege was used to target political opponents on behalf of "white monopoly capital." Malema himself was reportedly a victim of this unit's actions.

As Minister of Public Enterprises from 2018, Gordhan was tasked with overseeing the turnaround of South Africa's SOEs. The EFF, however, claims his leadership led to their rapid decline. Eskom, once a reliable power provider, became crippled by load-shedding under his watch, while Transnet struggled to maintain operations. Denel, South Africa's state-owned defence company, was similarly reduced to a shadow of its former self. According to the EFF, Gordhan's time in office left hundreds of thousands unemployed, with shattered livelihoods and broken businesses.

The statement also criticized Gordhan for his refusal to be held accountable, referencing a Parliamentary session where he allegedly refused to testify, showing "utter disdain" for the South African people.

The EFF's statement concludes with a firm rejection of Gordhan's legacy, stating that while he may have escaped justice in life, the effects of his actions will continue to impact the country for years to come. "His death comes before he could face justice," the EFF declared, "but those left behind will continue to suffer the consequences of his betrayal."

The party ended by calling for vigilance against future leaders like Gordhan, ensuring that no similar "instrument of capitalism" is allowed to rise again.

Source - Byo24News