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The revolution is a relay
17 Dec 2014 at 16:53hrs | Views

Today we celebrate the day when ZAPU was formed. It was on this day, 17th of December 1961 that ZAPU (Zimbabwe African People's Union) was formed, with Joshua Nkomo as its President and Parirenyatwa as its Vice President. This is the day at Cold Comfort Farm, where the revolution was affirmed by predecessors.
Let us take a minute of silence tomorrow wherever we maybe in remembrance of all the people of Zimbabwe who fought for the freedom of our people. Let us not forget the ideals of the great Joshua Nkomo, Alfred Mudzimiri, Sidney Malunga, JZ Moyo, Lookout Masuku, George Silundika, Thenjiwe Lesabe, Alfred Nikita Mangena and the great revolutionary Commandante Josiah Tongogara, who fought for the good of our country regardless of race, tribe or party affiliation.
Like Simon Bolivar, who fought off the Spanish in the 1800's throughout Latin America, inspired and passed on the baton stick to the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, the Bolivian and Venezualan revolutions of Chavez and Morales.
The baton stick has been passed onto the cheetah generation, the young people of Zimbabwe. This is the generation which knows no tribe, this the generation above petty shenanigans which hold our country back. The Cheetah generation is robust and fearless.
So has the baton stick been passed onto the ZAPU youth to fight and liberate themselves. The ZAPU Youth will revolutionise not only the young's people's thinking but the old and young alike. We at ZAPU Youth front we view ourselves as our own liberators; we view ourselves as the leaders of today and tomorrow. Our fight is pure. Our fight is anchored on the ideals and values of the liberation struggle.
"The Revolution is a Relay. Now is our time."
Amandla! Masimba! Matimba! Power to the people!
Source - Lenin Mafela