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Cheating man loots wife's clothes

by Prosper Dembedza
11 Feb 2015 at 08:00hrs | Views
A cheating man looted his wife's clothes and took their entire matrimonial property to his girlfriend's house while she was in the rural areas, the Harare Civil Court heard yesterday.

Sarudzai Bhasikoro claimed Mathew Mesoenyama was refusing to return her clothes and their matrimonial property.

Mesoenyama was seeking a protection order against Bhasikoro whom he accused of physically and verbally abusing him and his parents.

"She is teaming up with her brothers to physically and verbally abuse me at my own house," he said.

Mesoenyama told magistrate Ms Ruth Kamangira that Bhasikoro was disrespecting her parents.

"I want her to be evicted from my rural home where she is currently staying with my parents because at one point she physically abused them," said Mesoenyama

Bhasikoro denied the allegations levelled against her by Mesoenyama.

"He is trying to chase me out of our matrimonial home to pave way for his girlfriend whom he is currently staying with," she said.

Bhasikoro claimed the two are customarily married and have five children together.

"He looted all our matrimonial property and my clothes to his girlfriend's house and is refusing to return them," said Bhasikoro.

She told the court that she never assaulted her in-laws as alleged.

Ms Kamangira ordered Bhasikoro not to physically or verbally abuse Mesoenyama and to keep peace towards him at all times.

She however, said she could not evict Bhasikoro out of their matrimonial home since the two are still married.

Source - the herald