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Opposition parties believe IMF and World Bank will save Zim economy - analyst

by Stephen Jakes
14 Aug 2015 at 09:37hrs | Views
Social and Politicval commentator Ngqabutho Mabhena has said the Zimbabwe opposition parties have a problem of believing the the International Monitory Fund and the World Bank will save the economy of Zimbabwe forgetting the ills that were brought by the same international finance institutions when they brought the Economic Stractural Adjustment Programme (ESAP).

Mabhena said his friend was asking him why opposition parties are silent over the Supreme court ruling that has sent, thousands of workers to their homes without any benefits.

"Firstly, the very opposition parties believe that, only IMF and World Bank policies will grow our economy," he said.

"They have forgotten about Esap which was introduced in 1991. So, the opposition can't go against the economic advice given to the ZANU ( PF ) government. If they do, their donors located in foreign capitals will shut them out and push for a reformed ZANU ( PF )."

Mabhena said some leading politicians in both, the ruling party and in the opposition, are employers (bourgeoisie ) themselves, though the majority of their members are working people (proletariat ).

"The Supreme court judgment is a blessing to Zimbabwean employers (including politicians) , some might pay lip service in public, but in private they are celebrating," he said.

"We know that the IMF and the Zimbabwean government are working together to create an environment that will attract Direct Foreign Investment, which the opposition so much desire. So why would the opposition then turn back and accuse the IMF and ZANU ( PF ) for creating a crisis in our country?"

Mabhena said the IMF, ZANU ( PF ) and the opposition, have joined forces against the working class.

"As Marxist, we believe it's time , the workers unite and build their political party (the vanguard ). We must accept the painful reality , that workers are on their own," he said.

Source - Byo24News