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WATCH: ZANU PF youths protest against Walter Magaya

by Simbarashe Sithole
15 Apr 2022 at 02:05hrs | Views
ZANU PF youths in Mazowe, Mashonaland Central province last week demonstrated against Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) Ministries Prophet Walter Magaya's appetite for gold.

The youths claim Magaya is just taking the precious mineral without giving back to the community.

Magaya was sponsoring Nyashanu mining syndicate in Mazowe and providing them with mining equipment.

The youths were waving placards which labelled Magaya a thief some were ordering him to go back to his church where they allege he steals for his congregants.

Beating drums the angry youths chanted Magaya must go.

One of the community leaders said Magaya was milking resources in Mazowe and does not plough back to the community.

"We are tired of Magaya he is taking our minerals here without giving back to the community, even the youths who work under him do not have anything.

Efforts to contact  Magaya were fruitless as his mobile number went unanswered.

Source - Byo24News