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Jambanja PaHotera

15 Feb 2014 at 12:07hrs | Views

There has been a serious commotion at a local hotel in Swaziland involving husband and wife!

Apparently the man had told the wife he was going to Mzansi on work related business, only to book at a local hotel with his mistress for a valentine adventure. On the other hand the wife who was meant to remain at home with their 2 children also decided to take her toy boy lover who looks 23 to the same hotel for some valentine treat not knowing the husband booked the same hotel as well.

After a night of valentine treats and pleasure, drama unfolded this morning when different couples were checking out. The wife recognised her husband soon after settling the hotel bill. As she moved out towards the exit door the woman spotted her husband sitting on the couch. He was all over a young beauty, kissing & laughing, a sign that the man had a great night indeed.

According to the receptionist the woman who appeared 38 screamed and charged towards the husband who is believed to be 45 calling him all sorts of names and demanding to know why he lied to her that he was going to Joburg.

While the man was busy trying to explain, apologising believing he was caught cheating, the hotel porter escorted the young mistress out and tipped her that the wife of the man also spent a night with another man in the same hotel.

The mistress who is believed to be 21 came charging towards the couple and accused the wife of also sleeping around. She screamed to the man to wake up and smell the coffee and said his wife was equally guilty of dishing it out. The man got confused, while he was still trying to understand what his mistress was saying, the terrified toy boy emerged and confessed to the husband of the woman that yes indeed he bedded his wife and wanted to apologise.

It suddenly became dirty with screams and shouts which awaken me. Being so paranoid in this world of terrorism l thought maybe the hotel was under siege from terrorists so l ran out of the room, through stairways and off to the hotel grounds with no shoes.

On realising that was not the case, l went back to the hotel via reception. I witnessed some horrifying and savage attack on a human being by another human being. The man viciously attacked the young man, punched and kicked him all over the body. He then went straight to the wife who was now asking for forgiveness and appealing to the husband to "start their relationship afresh". While the wife was kneeling down sobbing, showing signs of regret, the husband kicked her on the face, she fell down bleeding profusely.

Police were called in, the husband was arrested while the ambulance crew took the wife who appeared to have lost some front teeth and her toy boy lover who is suspected to have broken ribs to hospital. The man's beautiful mistress was left wondering around outside the hotel appearing confused with her beauty still intacked, no sign of scratch or any marks or visible bruises around her God given stunning body.

Police refused yours truly to take pictures of the "mini war" and threatened to take away my phones and cameras. Efforts to get the condition of the injured lovebirds were unsuccessful as their names were not revealed by the hotel. On updating this status the man was still in police custody. This is why l don't believe in this so called Valentine day! There are few people who understand the word 'LOVE', l believe this word is abused and misused in the name of a relationship. It's fake, people lie to one another, cheat and it looks like both sides lie!!!

Source - Ezra Tshisa Sibanda (Facebook update)
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