Opinion / Columnist
Zanu-PF: A postmorteum after the military assistance of November 2017
24 Nov 2017 at 07:04hrs | Views

Lest we forget the big march of the generation aged between 1980 and to 2017 on the 17 November 2017 was not to say we support Zanu rather to voice all the shortcomings Zanu caused through its greater medium and ‘god' father and mother Robert and Grace Mugabe. If the defence forces have to live to this magnanimous stature, of 13 November 2017 take over, they must cease preaching lies, associating the struggle with Zanu only excluding the majority of the masses who sacrificed to obtain peace in the land. This is one maturing fact that has to dawn on us as a people and nation. Also to summon to memory that fact that although the "Public Order Safety Act" (POSA) was amended in 2007 that the chief architects of the act when it was formulated were the late John L Nkomo and Emmerson Mnangagwa. The act helped create the majority of Mugabe's bad governance to grow in the increase of his unlimited powers. Bear in mind that in 1999 political dynamics had introduced a formidable opposition for the first time in the history of the country that had captured the workers, peasants and part of the intellectuals.
Strategy such as was used to topple Mugabe, no matter how excellent and best it was, must be viewed in the context of resuscitating the pending death to Zanu which had and has failed to uphold the values of our revolution and struggle and succumbed to worship corruption and adulteration in fraud and hiding moneys in their homes than in the banks, making the economy to break down totally. The point being, in their majority numbers, Zanu Parliament is infamous for passing legislation that is oppressive and anti-common persons. We need move on a step by step christianing each other from the demonic partisanship with evils spirit into the love for each other above partisan ideology. We need value people and their lives more than embellishing in party dogma and slogganism. Speaking on experience of the past, Itai Dzamara should have been brought to court than disappear and a government does not search or take caution to warn the culprits and hunt them to bring them to books. When we have chance to examine a past lets concern ourselves in issues selflessly and consider lives that were cut short unnecessarily and agree on compensatory methods that put to rest the spirit of evil and usher in a spirit to give value and respect to live.
What is it which will show seriousness of purpose for the old Zanu given a new face lift? The first question is do they believe in what has happened apart from considering that they have been spared from extreme embarrassment if military had kept on a witch hunt for culprits who are a threat to the country's economy by virtue of being corrupt. This government must take over the program of exposing even leadership, if need be, if they have skeletons of corruption in their wardrobes. Our children marching in the streets believed every one left in Zanu are good people when we know it is impossible. Zanu need work on a cleansing procedure and account to the people of Zimbabwe poor governance the nation suffered and how and when a TRUTH COMMISSION begin its work judiciary to vindicate the falsely accused and put to justice the guilt even if they are forgiven let alone.
It must be noted that the idea is not to be vindictive but puritan and clean the way forward setting the system impeccable and blameless. As is, the system carries bruises from men and women who cannot blame everything on Robert Mugabe irrespective of his numerous failures. All men in Zanu are by our country standard very rich and cannot account for every pen in their ownership no matter how prudent investors they profess they are. The road has been ugly. It has to be admitted without any excurse and that is how we got to where we were by 13 November 2017 when the army took a move. The action on clean-up was too short or tended to have gone clandestine once those they were looking for were netted in. Is there not much more to be found out and who is going to do it? Could it be that Zanu wanted only scratch the top of the rot then cover the rest?
Lack of transparency has and can cause deep seated vengeful hurting that transpires in odd acts from society whose ramifications can destabilize any nation anywhere worldwide. Our army has done a tremendous job but they have to take responsibility to the full by guarding to see honesty and integrity on the course they set up is completed. Military intelligence had watched the rot and knew where the rot was, even among the bosses. Historically what induces coups by lower ranking officers is from the concealment of issues and taking an action half way then relapsing into concealment again. I have watched three coups take place in my life and studied their motives numerated as causes. The shock and horror of coups is that they turn up to be opposite of their announcements only a few months thereafter. When our soldiers go back into barracks and methods of bringing back police into force will show seriousness of the rebranded Zanu without Mr. Mugabe.
The understanding of completing a circle is necessary when it comes to truth denied or concealed when the whole story on Zimbabwe is told. Suffice to say much is not said and not revealed yet that remains the tough work of investigation if we need to return our nation on the road to progressive recovery. We have to come up with a NATIONAL AGENDA and watch carefully to see the honesty of the revived Zanu leadership. Equally we could watch a quick demise from an attempt of concealment on the rot that now make up riches in many people's bank accounts and the types of possessions which could open as the breadth and depth on corruption that caused economic haemorrhage in Zimbabwe.
To find ministers keeping money in their homes is the tip of the ice bag that could easily unveil the 10 Billion's whereabouts or its spending patterns. The ugly and nasty underlining Zimbabwe corruption that collapsed the country economy will only come to surface if honesty is the watchword hereafter. The need for the TRUTH COMMISSION cannot be over emphasized. Sanctions commonly chaperoned as cause to economic collapse in Zimbabwe is just a smoke screen. Human greedy leading to deliberate mismanaged misjudgement are only an aspect embroiled in the economic carnage of avarice not parallel, that Zanu colluded to fruition. We only thank Mr. Robert Mugabe for reading wrong scripts in a speech but this time coming from his heart on much that already had happened and done beyond his control. To get there we have to do first things first in repairing the human wastage, the image and economy of the country.
Firstly, we have to consider the re-examination of the use of legislation such POSA and the damage they caused to maturing of Zanu into a dictatorship party that still seeks dominating the political field in spite of its numerous failures and repeated defeat electorally were it not for her electoral shenanigans and an evil legislation on voter registration and subsequent down grading of transparency and freedom completely. The Public Order and Security Act (POSA) is a piece of legislation introduced in Zimbabwe in 2002 by a ZANU-PF dominated parliament. It gave tremendous power to the police which they abused as a tool of Zanu contrary to working in the national interest. The Defence Forces had been in the watching domain for too long if they only insist on finishing all dirty work revelations.
Secondly, the voter's roll registration has to be revisited and made public to all people including working on the citizens abroad vote process during the coming 2018 elections in Zimbabwe.
Thirdly, that Zanu has to admit she has overused political slogans at the detriment of national interest and identity to an extent they mean nothing if not undermining our very fabric of nation building in independence. Who is an enemy of Zimbabwe? It needs defining and cannot be used lightly or else we invoke a sense of indignation that can tear the country into pockets of sectionalism and selfishness against harmony, which is the recipe for development. After thirty eight years of independence our language need refinement to depict maturity as revealed by our defense forces. They could have concocted lies and shot some people under pretext of they were resisting orders or some such fabrication. The resistance to do that by our defense forces shows that these young Zimbabweans have embraced the true spirit of patriotism and constitutional supremacy.
The need now is to brand the nationalists and the middle aged into appreciating that the nation could work upon each citizen through educational system to refine better political thinking process. Agitating for support need not be based on false exaggerations that are never fulfilled. Political processes ought to have a sense of national interest to support the country by building a story on facts and integrity. Defense forces could have denounced the police force for example but they never did and went on to work systematically to disable their bad influence on community. Zanu can also tell her disadvantages that worked against their building coherence and integration and show signs by action of working to improve the past. Words like slogans are a devil weapon used to disarm good thinking when failure is looming.
Fourthly, we need purposely to nature a sense of nationhood as a national agenda and not put party above national togetherness once a party is in power and governing the country.
Fifthly, we need consider business and its engagement only as we work parallel in cleaning corruption and bringing to books those who broke the law and brought shame on the country somehow. We need to develop a sense when politics can be viewed as a service item not a money laundering and fraud undetected system for the ruling. One cannot run away from the fact that in Africa politics is a source of enrichment and power corruption. In part the executives have grown above the judiciary and Legislature because they have blackmailed the nation into being small ‘gods' not to be questioned. Such facilities as Presidential scholarship if not policed, from a legislative control and accounting to the Auditor General, can be a subtle way of political campaign used against unity. It has nothing to do with kids groomed from it but with intentions of those who create such machinery. There are simple ways of growing business acumen ethically in the nation. Lets' shy away from my Merced Benz is bigger than yours mentality.
Finally, Zimbabwe has lacked leadership vision from the outset and is paying for it in the manner we matured through to 13 November 2017. We need educationalist servant leadership philanthropic philosophy to take the nation away from the self centered hopelessness we found ourselves in. Hope and inspiration needs planting from basic honesty, sincerity and integrity.
It's true that we are like we have just begun after thirty eight years in bad apprenticeship where individualism grew over collective and arrogance and stupidity prevailed over basic truth. Establishing systems of checks and balances than relying on personalities is a permanent solution with continuity. God help Zimbabwe hereafter with wisdom first, the fear of God and in the love for God then there shall be love for each other as mankind.
Strategy such as was used to topple Mugabe, no matter how excellent and best it was, must be viewed in the context of resuscitating the pending death to Zanu which had and has failed to uphold the values of our revolution and struggle and succumbed to worship corruption and adulteration in fraud and hiding moneys in their homes than in the banks, making the economy to break down totally. The point being, in their majority numbers, Zanu Parliament is infamous for passing legislation that is oppressive and anti-common persons. We need move on a step by step christianing each other from the demonic partisanship with evils spirit into the love for each other above partisan ideology. We need value people and their lives more than embellishing in party dogma and slogganism. Speaking on experience of the past, Itai Dzamara should have been brought to court than disappear and a government does not search or take caution to warn the culprits and hunt them to bring them to books. When we have chance to examine a past lets concern ourselves in issues selflessly and consider lives that were cut short unnecessarily and agree on compensatory methods that put to rest the spirit of evil and usher in a spirit to give value and respect to live.
What is it which will show seriousness of purpose for the old Zanu given a new face lift? The first question is do they believe in what has happened apart from considering that they have been spared from extreme embarrassment if military had kept on a witch hunt for culprits who are a threat to the country's economy by virtue of being corrupt. This government must take over the program of exposing even leadership, if need be, if they have skeletons of corruption in their wardrobes. Our children marching in the streets believed every one left in Zanu are good people when we know it is impossible. Zanu need work on a cleansing procedure and account to the people of Zimbabwe poor governance the nation suffered and how and when a TRUTH COMMISSION begin its work judiciary to vindicate the falsely accused and put to justice the guilt even if they are forgiven let alone.
It must be noted that the idea is not to be vindictive but puritan and clean the way forward setting the system impeccable and blameless. As is, the system carries bruises from men and women who cannot blame everything on Robert Mugabe irrespective of his numerous failures. All men in Zanu are by our country standard very rich and cannot account for every pen in their ownership no matter how prudent investors they profess they are. The road has been ugly. It has to be admitted without any excurse and that is how we got to where we were by 13 November 2017 when the army took a move. The action on clean-up was too short or tended to have gone clandestine once those they were looking for were netted in. Is there not much more to be found out and who is going to do it? Could it be that Zanu wanted only scratch the top of the rot then cover the rest?
Lack of transparency has and can cause deep seated vengeful hurting that transpires in odd acts from society whose ramifications can destabilize any nation anywhere worldwide. Our army has done a tremendous job but they have to take responsibility to the full by guarding to see honesty and integrity on the course they set up is completed. Military intelligence had watched the rot and knew where the rot was, even among the bosses. Historically what induces coups by lower ranking officers is from the concealment of issues and taking an action half way then relapsing into concealment again. I have watched three coups take place in my life and studied their motives numerated as causes. The shock and horror of coups is that they turn up to be opposite of their announcements only a few months thereafter. When our soldiers go back into barracks and methods of bringing back police into force will show seriousness of the rebranded Zanu without Mr. Mugabe.
The understanding of completing a circle is necessary when it comes to truth denied or concealed when the whole story on Zimbabwe is told. Suffice to say much is not said and not revealed yet that remains the tough work of investigation if we need to return our nation on the road to progressive recovery. We have to come up with a NATIONAL AGENDA and watch carefully to see the honesty of the revived Zanu leadership. Equally we could watch a quick demise from an attempt of concealment on the rot that now make up riches in many people's bank accounts and the types of possessions which could open as the breadth and depth on corruption that caused economic haemorrhage in Zimbabwe.
To find ministers keeping money in their homes is the tip of the ice bag that could easily unveil the 10 Billion's whereabouts or its spending patterns. The ugly and nasty underlining Zimbabwe corruption that collapsed the country economy will only come to surface if honesty is the watchword hereafter. The need for the TRUTH COMMISSION cannot be over emphasized. Sanctions commonly chaperoned as cause to economic collapse in Zimbabwe is just a smoke screen. Human greedy leading to deliberate mismanaged misjudgement are only an aspect embroiled in the economic carnage of avarice not parallel, that Zanu colluded to fruition. We only thank Mr. Robert Mugabe for reading wrong scripts in a speech but this time coming from his heart on much that already had happened and done beyond his control. To get there we have to do first things first in repairing the human wastage, the image and economy of the country.
Firstly, we have to consider the re-examination of the use of legislation such POSA and the damage they caused to maturing of Zanu into a dictatorship party that still seeks dominating the political field in spite of its numerous failures and repeated defeat electorally were it not for her electoral shenanigans and an evil legislation on voter registration and subsequent down grading of transparency and freedom completely. The Public Order and Security Act (POSA) is a piece of legislation introduced in Zimbabwe in 2002 by a ZANU-PF dominated parliament. It gave tremendous power to the police which they abused as a tool of Zanu contrary to working in the national interest. The Defence Forces had been in the watching domain for too long if they only insist on finishing all dirty work revelations.
Secondly, the voter's roll registration has to be revisited and made public to all people including working on the citizens abroad vote process during the coming 2018 elections in Zimbabwe.
Thirdly, that Zanu has to admit she has overused political slogans at the detriment of national interest and identity to an extent they mean nothing if not undermining our very fabric of nation building in independence. Who is an enemy of Zimbabwe? It needs defining and cannot be used lightly or else we invoke a sense of indignation that can tear the country into pockets of sectionalism and selfishness against harmony, which is the recipe for development. After thirty eight years of independence our language need refinement to depict maturity as revealed by our defense forces. They could have concocted lies and shot some people under pretext of they were resisting orders or some such fabrication. The resistance to do that by our defense forces shows that these young Zimbabweans have embraced the true spirit of patriotism and constitutional supremacy.
The need now is to brand the nationalists and the middle aged into appreciating that the nation could work upon each citizen through educational system to refine better political thinking process. Agitating for support need not be based on false exaggerations that are never fulfilled. Political processes ought to have a sense of national interest to support the country by building a story on facts and integrity. Defense forces could have denounced the police force for example but they never did and went on to work systematically to disable their bad influence on community. Zanu can also tell her disadvantages that worked against their building coherence and integration and show signs by action of working to improve the past. Words like slogans are a devil weapon used to disarm good thinking when failure is looming.
Fourthly, we need purposely to nature a sense of nationhood as a national agenda and not put party above national togetherness once a party is in power and governing the country.
Fifthly, we need consider business and its engagement only as we work parallel in cleaning corruption and bringing to books those who broke the law and brought shame on the country somehow. We need to develop a sense when politics can be viewed as a service item not a money laundering and fraud undetected system for the ruling. One cannot run away from the fact that in Africa politics is a source of enrichment and power corruption. In part the executives have grown above the judiciary and Legislature because they have blackmailed the nation into being small ‘gods' not to be questioned. Such facilities as Presidential scholarship if not policed, from a legislative control and accounting to the Auditor General, can be a subtle way of political campaign used against unity. It has nothing to do with kids groomed from it but with intentions of those who create such machinery. There are simple ways of growing business acumen ethically in the nation. Lets' shy away from my Merced Benz is bigger than yours mentality.
Finally, Zimbabwe has lacked leadership vision from the outset and is paying for it in the manner we matured through to 13 November 2017. We need educationalist servant leadership philanthropic philosophy to take the nation away from the self centered hopelessness we found ourselves in. Hope and inspiration needs planting from basic honesty, sincerity and integrity.
It's true that we are like we have just begun after thirty eight years in bad apprenticeship where individualism grew over collective and arrogance and stupidity prevailed over basic truth. Establishing systems of checks and balances than relying on personalities is a permanent solution with continuity. God help Zimbabwe hereafter with wisdom first, the fear of God and in the love for God then there shall be love for each other as mankind.
Source - Andrew M Manyevere
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