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Mthwakazi was never a Ndebele Kingdom but a San Kingdom

13 Oct 2018 at 16:13hrs | Views
The only group of people which overthrew the Mthwakazi State was the Ndebele people led by Mzilikazi in 1863, since then the Mthwakazi Kingdom was never freed.

Today we are told there is a group of people calling for the independence of the Mthwakazi State. I was expecting the San people to be at the forefront of this movement calling for the independence of their State but alas not even a single San is part of this movement. All the proponents of this movement speak Ndebele, the very same people which conquered and colonised the Mthwakazi State.

Today groups of Ndebeles are fighting amongst each other over who must be crowded Ndebele King in Zimbabwe but no mention to the crowning of the Mthwakazi Queen who was dethroned by Mzilikazi.

The reasons given for the separation of Midlands and Matebeleland regions from Zimbabwe includes gukurahundi, but Shonas didn't kill Ndebeles in the 1980s but Ndebeles were killed by known politicians some of them are still alive today. Why not sue them in civil and criminal court than to paint all Shonas with the same brush of murder and rape.

I found the idea of dividing Zimbabwe into two not only silly but stupid as well because those calling for separation are neither Tonga, Venda Nambya or Kalanga but Mzilikazi's descendants, people with roots East of the Shona Mapungubwe ruins in the Limpopo province of South Africa.

Let the psychotic separatists come to their senses. I found that these dreamers have no support. The last election gave them a rude awakening for they failed to win even a single seat even in Tsholotsho their assumed stronghold. These separatists are nonentities who think they can feed their families riding on the waves of tribalism. Shame on them. One Zimbabwe One Nation.

Etiwel Mutero

Source - Etiwel Mutero
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