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Chamisa versus Matemadanda

06 Dec 2018 at 21:18hrs | Views
Chamisa presented a petition to parliament demanding negotiations with Mnangagwa so that they form a second GNU in the name of NTA. Chamisa is signaling the amendment of the constitution so that he is given either a Deputy President's post or a Prime Ministers post in the government.Soon after Chamisa petition silly,stupid and rogue War Veterans announces that Presidential age limit be moved from 40 to 52.

The Constitution must be protected at all cost and should not altered easily.I wrote an article condemning Chamisa's NTA proposals and many rushed to label me a Pferorist but I was right.Now look what Matemadanda is not proposing.Chamisa opened the gates to unnecessary constitutional amendments.He openned Matemadanda's eyes that the constition is not sacred but it can be amended easily and at any time.

Some of you here claim that if the constitution was amended in 2009 and the GNU was formed what can stop the amendment of the same constitution today so that the NTA is formed.Hey.What was done in 2009 cannot be a good example.What Mugabe and Tsvangirai did in 2009 was completely wrong.Call me whatever names you like and i don't mind.I am against unnecessary constitutional amendments;amendments which will benefit a few MDC and ZANU elites while the masses continue to suffer.

As Zimbabweans gained nothing in the first GNU they will gain nothing from Chamisa's NTA the second GNU. Now that Matemadanda is proposing an amendment to the constitution in order to change the Presidential candidate age limit, what will Chamisa say? Will he say Matemadanda is wrong in suggesting a constitutional amendment ? What about his proposal to amend the constitution for him to benefit?

Will you call me a pferorist again today.I leave it here.

Etiwel Mutero

Source - Etiwel Mutero
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