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The Commission of enquiry report balanced

20 Dec 2018 at 02:42hrs | Views
Etiwel Mutero
It is unfortunate that the MDC want to discredit the Commision Report. I think in as much as we thought the report was going to be biased due to the involvement of Charity Manyeruke and Madhuku, the report proved to be balanced.

 The report implicates police and army as killers of the 6 people who were shot on 1 August, which is true. The report recommends that the victims be compensated by government, which is correct. The report also says those soldiers who killed people must be arrested and tried before the courts, which is just. The report says some of the words used by Chamisa during campaigns may have incited the post-election violence, which is possible.

I don't think people were expecting the commission to say Mnangagwa lost election to Chamisa, which was not the role of this commission. The report is balanced because it gives blame to both Chamisa and soldiers. Yes the report did not show how Mnangagwa approved the deployment of soldiers into the streets because documentary evidence is missing. However all in all the report is balanced it's not biased.

Sometimes as opposition parties must be ready to take responsibility for the wrongs which they do. They must be able to say yes we made an error. They must be sincere not to put all blame on the ruling party for some of the sins which we do.

ED must also admit that he never authorised the deployment of soldiers into the streets just as he admitted before he appointed the Commission of Enquiry.

Condemning the whole report as wrong is regrettable. The commission did well even though the product is not 100% perfect, I think the work is above 75% perfect. We can't rubbish everything.

Etiwel Mutero

Source - Etiwel Mutero
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