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Civilian military leader needed to restore electoral democracy before 2023 presidential elections

21 Mar 2019 at 06:27hrs | Views
Without doubt electoral democracy has failed to work in Zimbabwe, it might have worked in Zambia, South Africa and Botswana but in Zimbabwe electoral democracy has failed dismally, it is on record that the Movement for Democratic Change since its inception and up to the reign of Nelson Chamisa it has been giving Zanu PF tough times.

The late Morgan Tsvangirai a maverick and charismatic leader by birth gave former President Robert Mugabe torrid time to the extent of winning the 2008 presidential elections but with all those showings during the presidential elections the main opposition party is yet to taste the presidency.

A lot can be said to why the opposition have failed to capture state power and a lot have been written with well decorated scholars on how the late Morgan Tsvangirai missed it and of recent how Nelson Chamisa did the same. Recently respected Human Rights advocate Dewa Mavhinga noted that MDC Alliance needs to capture three things if it dreams of setting its foot at the sacred State House and these include capturing ZEC, State Security, Judiciary and adequate Funding.

To me these four things of course decides who can win an election in Zimbabwe but Zimbabweans needs more than these four things if we are to realize electoral democracy. Main opposition marksman Tendai Biti with other respected African leaders wrote a book titled Democracy Works, that book illustrates how democracy if put into practice can boom development in Africa just like what is happening in South Africa. Tendai Biti and his co-authors are totally and absolutely correct considering how South Africa has flourished under a democratic environment. In Zimbabwe democracy has failed to work hence another alternative is urgently needed.

Zanu Pf government has refused electoral democracy and in doing so many people have lost their lives for speaking against the once feared African strongman of politics Robert Mugabe, political activists like Itai Dzamara disappeared and up to now, no one knows his whereabouts even the police. Robert Mugabe killed many people during and after the liberation war struggle with many cadres who voiced against him dying mysteriously like the late Solomon Mujuru, a lot of cdes died one after another in car accidents while the majority Zimbabweans perished via Gukurahundi, poverty and poor health care systems. When Robert Mugabe was ousted via a soft military coup a lot of Zimbabwean had vigorous hope of change of fortunes but the New Dispensation led by President Mnangagwa has proven to be worse than its predecessor. President Mnangagwa's government has been condemned internationally for killing innocent people during democratic protests, while the economic situation has been deteriorating daily while the commander in chief in the capacity of President Mnangagwa watch helplessly.

Mnangagwa has already been seconded to run for the top job again in 2023 yet he hasn't fulfilled even a single electoral promise he made prior to the presidential elections. Nelson Chamisa and his MDC Alliance are doing pretty well but not enough to restore electoral democracy in Zimbabwe.

If Zimbabweans are not careful we will have another Zanu Pf government come 2023, hence to avoid such a scenario a military civilian leader is needed to restore economic and political sanity. Zimbabweans cannot endure another torrid ten years of Mnangagwa, hence an imminent solution which must block any kind of rigging prior to 2023 is urgently needed.

MDC Alliance on its own will never bring the desired change which all suffering Zimbabweans are agitating for. MDC Alliance needs you and me to lead the struggle and the struggle starts now.

Knowledge Hakata is the leader of MyZimbabweMyVoteMyVoice Progressive Group. Can be contacted on

Source - Knowledge Hakata
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