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Tamborinyoka must resign

10 Jul 2019 at 15:18hrs | Views
It was disturbing to read the press statement issued by the MDC Deputy Spokesperson published on the party's facebook page a day before Jacob Sikhala was arrested by the Zimbabwe Republic police on Tuesday 09 July 2019.The press statement left me with a lot of questions unanswered and I will highlight them in the following few paragraphs.

To start with; I wondered why the Luke published the press statement? He said in his statement,the MDC will use peaceful means to remove the Zanu PF government.Who had said the MDC will use violence to remove the ZANU PF government? Was Luke insinuating that Sikhala had called for terrorist action against the ZANU PF government.Is Luke now a judge to convict Sikhala over a speech which he uttered at a party rally? Did Sikhala ever mentioned the use of arms to unseat the ZANU PF government?

Secondly,Ruka says "The MDC notes with deep worry and concern that Hon. Job Sikhala's statements made during a rally in Bikita East over the weekend have caused uproar and the party wishes to clarify its position regarding the same." My question is, where was the uproar against Sikhala's speech felt? Is it the duty of Ruka to make a press statement over each speech made by senior members at rallies.Is Ruka now a moderator of all speeches made by senior party members at rallies? In light of the fact that Wiwa was later arrested over the same speech a day after Ruka's press statement, will I be wrong to conclude that Ruka indirectly reported his party member to the police?

Thirdly, Ruka is not the spokesperson of the MDC party but he is only a deputy and therefore many concerned people need to know why the press statement was not issued by the MDC spokesperson. Where was Ruka's senior when this press statement was issued.

Ruka went on to say "Sikhala's views as expressed at the rally and widely quoted in the press were his own personal opinions,.." Was Ruka distancing or disowning Sikhala by this statement? Some other backward MDC party members would like to argue and say Ruka was only explaining the party position,party position? Why explain the party position in relation to Sikhala speech? Why didn't he explained the party position before the rally.Why would Ruka only single out Sikhala to have expressed "his own opinion" amidst all other speakers who spoke at the same rally.

Ruka's press statement was completely wrong and showed that he or the one who appointed him does not have any comradeship with Wiwa.(Remender-Ruka was appointed and Wiwa was elected) .Tsvangirai stood with Roy Bennet after he assaulted Chinamasa in parliament, and now Tsvangirai's successor is failing to stand with his sub-ordinate who made a bold statement against a corrupt, clueless, murderous and evil political party which killed our innocent brothers on August 1 2018 and 14 January 2019.

Zimbabweans are tired by lack of employment in the country,high commodity prizes ,corruption etc and are looking up to a leadership which can give them quick change.Chamisa promised Zimbabweans before his congress that he will force Mnangagwa to the negotiating table but after congress he is seen in the streets of Harare eating sadza and beans in public.Thats not what Zimbabweans are looking for.Sikhala sounded courageous and a man of action to all progressive MDC supporters.His words resonated well with the masses.Chamisa himself at congress told the country that they must wait for a signal, and Sikhala sounds the signal Ruka and his boss instead vave kumurumisa nembwa kumagaro.Is Chamisa taking his supporters for a ride? If Chamisa claims that the signal issued by Wiwa is the wrong one when is the correct signal coming?

I now believe that Chamisa's competencies to lead the MDC party was overrated.The guy is a coward.Insult me if you want but this is the truth.The MDC party need a vibrant leader like Malema of EFF.The MDC needs men and women of more action and less of drama and words.Should another congress be called now Wiwa will defeat Chamisa. I dont doubt that.

Chamisa is captured.If there is a man capture by ED is Chamisa,he is even more captured than Khupe and Gutu. It is a fact that Chamisa's message each and every time he is interviewed by media is that GNU.Yes they want it to sound different by naming it a NTA but its the same GNU. He is expecting to be appointed by ED as the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe and therefore he wants to act nice and seen as a nice boy by the regime hence the decision to throw Wiwa under the bus through Ruka's press statement.

A good leader protects his followers, true comradeship must be seen to happen.The best thing to do was for Ruka to withdraw the press statement and resign as Deputy MDC Spokesperson .

Etiwel Mutero +264817871070

Source - Etiwel Mutero
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