Opinion / Columnist
Zimbabwe about to split into two states yet Mnangagwa says there is no crisis
05 Sep 2020 at 10:16hrs | Views

It seems the move by the ANC to send special envoys to Zimbabwe to meet all stakeholders has struck fear into the hearts of Zanupf leaders. The former liberation movement has made so many political blunders and enemies to a point that it now feels threatened and unsettled when a sister organisation extends a hand to rescue it from its own political mess.
Use of dirty tactics to belittle, insult and intimidate the ANC for the move viewed as positive by the world shows that Zanupf is a terrorist party determined to keep its own citizens at ransom.
"South Africa is the youngest State in our region. It faces myriad problems of a long apartheid. It has no capacity to help any African State in SADC, beyond friendly solidarity. Let that sink into minds of all and sundry", reacted George Charamba, Mnangagwa spokesman.
So says an unthankful Mnangagwa through his mouth piece George Charamba. Like it or not, due to
failure by the Shona supremacist government to run the country, Zimbabwe is now a defacto province of South Africa. More than 4 million political and economic refugees including Matabeleland genocide refugees have flooded South Africa since 1980 and the numbers tripled from year 2000 due to political and economic instability.
Some unruly Zimbabweans covertly or otherwise poke their nose into South African political matters causing insecurity and political instability in the country.
Zimbabwe is in deep crisis and it is only an ignorant pathological liar who can stand on the mountain top and shamelessly shout to the world that there is no crisis in Zimbabwe.
Not when the country is on the verge of splitting into two states with Matabeleland which has been suffocating under Shona tribal oppression for 40 years aggressively advocating for the Independence and reinstatement of the statehood of Matabeleland.
If the government of Zimbabwe is denying this obvious fact, then why did they arrest Cde Paul Siwela together with Charles Thomas and John Gazi in 2009 and charged them with treason for peacefully advocating for the restoration of Matabeleland state?
As if 95 days in Solitary confinement at Khami Maximum Prison did not inflicting enough pain, Cde Paul Siwela was released under strict bail conditions only for the murderous government to send its hit men to assassinate him. The reason why he was forced into exile where he is to this day.
State agents heavily armed with AK47ns have stormed his home in Bulawayo more than 7 times looking for him. We know that when Zimbabwe security state agents look for an innocent unarmed Matabele while carrying arms of war, they want kill him. We have over 40 000 unarmed innocent Matabeles that were murdered during Matabeleland genocide as evidence.
Do Matabele people enjoy seeing the innocent blood of their relatives being spilled wantonly because they are Matabele? For how long will they stand akimbo and watch while their leaders are politically persecuted, humiliated and dehumanised for exercising their right to call for self determination?
Zimbabwe is sitting on a time bomb. Only an idiot will believe that there is no crisis.
The Notice of Demand for the Restoration of Matabeleland State having been served to the government of Zimbabwe and Britain by MLO President Cde Paul Siwela, and for reference purposes the notice also copied to SADC, AU, Asian and Western countries, Zimbabwe deeps its head in the sand.
A country breaking into two states is in a huge crisis that cannot be minimized or wished away by insulting those who want to assist. If anything Zimbabwe is a troubled country that needs urgent help.
The ground work has been done for Matabeleland to breakaway from Zimbabwe and restore the state of Matabeleland that will re- emerge as The Republic of Matabeleland.
In fact, Zimbabwe is technically divided into two and the rest of the job was done by the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe when it deployed the Zimbabwe National Army 5th Brigade to slaughter over 40 000 innocent unarmed Matabele civilians, rape more than 100 000 women, burn down more than 100 000 homes, torture and maim over 300 000 and displace over 1 million Matabeles.
The remaining +- 4 million are chocking under Shona tribal oppression. To make things worse the government of Zimbabwe which committed Matabeleland genocide wants to dig Matabeleland genocide graves and bury the evidence.
Ours is to officialize the split whatever it takes. We prepared to shade blood for our independence.
Anyone who will listen to the government of Zimbabwe's lies that there is no crisis in Zimbabwe and ignore the huge crisis in Matabeleland must be prepared to be back in the country in a hurry to extinguish the fires of anger.
Izenzo kungemazwi!
Israel Dube
MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs
Use of dirty tactics to belittle, insult and intimidate the ANC for the move viewed as positive by the world shows that Zanupf is a terrorist party determined to keep its own citizens at ransom.
"South Africa is the youngest State in our region. It faces myriad problems of a long apartheid. It has no capacity to help any African State in SADC, beyond friendly solidarity. Let that sink into minds of all and sundry", reacted George Charamba, Mnangagwa spokesman.
So says an unthankful Mnangagwa through his mouth piece George Charamba. Like it or not, due to
failure by the Shona supremacist government to run the country, Zimbabwe is now a defacto province of South Africa. More than 4 million political and economic refugees including Matabeleland genocide refugees have flooded South Africa since 1980 and the numbers tripled from year 2000 due to political and economic instability.
Some unruly Zimbabweans covertly or otherwise poke their nose into South African political matters causing insecurity and political instability in the country.
Zimbabwe is in deep crisis and it is only an ignorant pathological liar who can stand on the mountain top and shamelessly shout to the world that there is no crisis in Zimbabwe.
Not when the country is on the verge of splitting into two states with Matabeleland which has been suffocating under Shona tribal oppression for 40 years aggressively advocating for the Independence and reinstatement of the statehood of Matabeleland.
If the government of Zimbabwe is denying this obvious fact, then why did they arrest Cde Paul Siwela together with Charles Thomas and John Gazi in 2009 and charged them with treason for peacefully advocating for the restoration of Matabeleland state?
As if 95 days in Solitary confinement at Khami Maximum Prison did not inflicting enough pain, Cde Paul Siwela was released under strict bail conditions only for the murderous government to send its hit men to assassinate him. The reason why he was forced into exile where he is to this day.
State agents heavily armed with AK47ns have stormed his home in Bulawayo more than 7 times looking for him. We know that when Zimbabwe security state agents look for an innocent unarmed Matabele while carrying arms of war, they want kill him. We have over 40 000 unarmed innocent Matabeles that were murdered during Matabeleland genocide as evidence.
Do Matabele people enjoy seeing the innocent blood of their relatives being spilled wantonly because they are Matabele? For how long will they stand akimbo and watch while their leaders are politically persecuted, humiliated and dehumanised for exercising their right to call for self determination?
Zimbabwe is sitting on a time bomb. Only an idiot will believe that there is no crisis.
The Notice of Demand for the Restoration of Matabeleland State having been served to the government of Zimbabwe and Britain by MLO President Cde Paul Siwela, and for reference purposes the notice also copied to SADC, AU, Asian and Western countries, Zimbabwe deeps its head in the sand.
A country breaking into two states is in a huge crisis that cannot be minimized or wished away by insulting those who want to assist. If anything Zimbabwe is a troubled country that needs urgent help.
The ground work has been done for Matabeleland to breakaway from Zimbabwe and restore the state of Matabeleland that will re- emerge as The Republic of Matabeleland.
In fact, Zimbabwe is technically divided into two and the rest of the job was done by the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe when it deployed the Zimbabwe National Army 5th Brigade to slaughter over 40 000 innocent unarmed Matabele civilians, rape more than 100 000 women, burn down more than 100 000 homes, torture and maim over 300 000 and displace over 1 million Matabeles.
The remaining +- 4 million are chocking under Shona tribal oppression. To make things worse the government of Zimbabwe which committed Matabeleland genocide wants to dig Matabeleland genocide graves and bury the evidence.
Ours is to officialize the split whatever it takes. We prepared to shade blood for our independence.
Anyone who will listen to the government of Zimbabwe's lies that there is no crisis in Zimbabwe and ignore the huge crisis in Matabeleland must be prepared to be back in the country in a hurry to extinguish the fires of anger.
Izenzo kungemazwi!
Israel Dube
MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs
Source - Israel Dube
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