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Kasukuwere shakes ZANU PF to the core

17 Sep 2020 at 15:38hrs | Views
Since September 2019, there has been no session of Mnangagwa's politburo where they have not discussed Saviour Kasukuwere betraying their dread for the people's choice, Kasukuwere. In a dramatic press conference, Acting Spokesperson Patrick Chinamasa just fell short of unwittingly revealing fear of Kasukuwere that has engulfed the politburo.

With an unsteady, shaking voice and almost shedding tears a visibly terrified Chinamasa announced that Kasukuwere has applied to be admitted back into Zanupf and that the Politburo has rejected his overtures. Any student of politics can read in between the lines of Chinamasa's hilarious announcement.

It is a well known secret that none of the politburo members can commander more support from the grassroots than Tyson. Moreover, it is known that Kasukuwere's membership of Zanupf was never terminated at any point, how then can he apply for   re-admission when he is still a member? Something is amiss here. It could be that Chinamasa was trying to express his boss' fear of the masses that support and rally behind Kasukuwere.

If Kasukuwere's days as Mugabe's commissar, the million man marches, the youth interfaces in all ten provinces are anything to go by then Mnangagwa's fears of the man are justified. Kasukuwere has the numbers and Chinamasa knows it.

Could it be because Kasukuwere seems to know which direction the country must go, in stark contrast to the clueless  regime?  Kasukuwere's boldness  in openly challenging party leaders to put people first and solve the quagmire of economic problems that have bedeviled the country since they took over now an open threat to Chinamasa's boss.  

Anyone in ZANU PF knows that grassroots structures from all provinces are calling for Kasukuwere's return to the politburo. The voices are so loud they can be heard even in opposition corridors. In many cell meetings Matemadanda has been told to his face that the party is no longer the people's party, the party has been personalised and the people no longer belong. Could it be that the fearful announcement by Chinamasa was trying to silence these voices from speaking out? So it is true that the demand for Kasukuwere within the party structures has shaken ZANU PF so much so that the leaders have resorted to threatening those who speak out.

We have a circular from the secretary for Administration Obert Mpofu inviting central committee members to an extra ordinary session. Was Chinamasa then trying to pre-empt the discussion of the upcoming central committee? Central committee members know that the people are demanding the return of the party back to the people.

Kasukuwere is definitely shaking ZANU PF, it won't be long before we see results. Kudos to the young people that have persevered with #TysonWabantu message, the elders are not sleeping.

May the real ZANU PF please stand up!

Source - Peter Moyo
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