Opinion / Columnist
Dr Masimba Mavaza is a tribalist: Inherent hatred for non-Shona people
21 Feb 2021 at 18:02hrs | Views

I want to excuse myself right from the beginning of this article: It is not about protecting VP Mohadi and his scandals of his previous marriage with Senator Tambudzani Mohadi that left us cold about his criminal behaviour to her. It is not about bedding several married women. My today's article is mostly in response to the article written by Masimba Mavaza castigating Kembo Mohadi telling him that he is soiling the presidency. His actual wording was "Kembo Mohadi embarrasses the presidium." To pick Kembo Mohadi alone and in this manner is unacceptable. This is open tribalism. Mavaza writes 5-page article about Mohadi's love for married women forgetting that a week ago there was the same news about Gen Constantino Chiwenga wo is dating a married woman, apparently had been dating her since 2017 while still married to Merry: his divorcing wife. The whole Gen Chiwenga shamefully destroyed the family of Mazura completely: if that is not worth a five-page article about high moral values from Dr. Mavaza.
Why did Mavaza miss this news about Gen Chiwenga who is bedding a married woman: it is said he snatched her from her husband in a Hollywood style, but Mavaza instead finds it newsworthy to write about Mohadi bedding several young women in his office disgusting enough to write home about it. In a Hollywood style, the wife of Mr. Mazura, a father of two children, a resident in Marondera confronted Chiwenga about dating his wife in 2017. After that, this man never found peace again: He has been threatened with unspecified action by the CIO secret service and one of them in the secret service advised Mr. Mazura to leave the country, which he did. This was a ploy by the CIO to give Chiwenga free access to this woman without sharing him with the husband. It is said in 2017 Mazura fled the country to Mozambique, but for some reason he came back in 2018, has been hiding in Chitungwiza.
It is said that the wife of Mazura confessed: while she worked in a tuckshop in Marondera, a car stopped right in front of her tuckshop and she was ordered to get into the car that took her to a lodge at Masaiti farm. About 10 minutes later, Gen Chiwenga entered the room where the woman in question was ordered to be. This story is as credible as we can imagine it: the husband has no reason to lie about it. Now Dr. Masimba Mavaza sees no evil in this but can pounce on the weakest from the three in the presidium: a non-Shona, splash Mohadi bare on the social media and calls him an embarrassment. He cannot do this to Chiwenga for reasons we all know will never see light of day. General Chiwenga's life is a total mess and an embarrassment to the nation. We have not only an uneducated fool who holds two portfolios in an educated country like Zimbabwe; he cannot divorce his wife gracefully ever to meet the minimum of Dr. Mavaza's moral standards.
Now let us visit the lifestyle of the president of the so-called second republic of Zimbabwe: The Right Honourable Dambudzo, Immersen Mnangagwa. We are told by once upon a time a close friend of him; Professor Jonathan Moyo that Mnangagwa sired 41 children with many women. Later we had it through the grape wines that a young student was doing internship at Mnangagwa's farm also got a child with president Mnangagwa, curiously whose initials are ED: Ethan Dumisani, making 42 children of one man. Dr. Masimba Mavaza missed an incident that came in the news that the First Lady was tipped by her security details that in one of Mnangagwa's many farms, her husband was pleasuring himself with a young woman: name withheld. In total rage Auxilia caught them red-handed; to cut the story short: she went after Mnangagwa who ran away and hid in the maize field. Dear Dr., Masimba Mavaza, is this story not an embarrassment to the presidium, to the nation?
Evidently Dr. Mavaza sort to get Mohadi because he is a small fry from the three presidents we have in the country. In the scheme of things Mohadi's VP position was thrust upon him. A chronic sick man who has no formidable role as one of the top civil servants. Mavaza sat on Mohadi's neck; his writing skills about beautiful morals came handy. All stuff and nonsense that Mavaza wrote about were hollow considering the filthiness in our political leadership. Mavaza knows that he is writing for a public stint not that what he says has any weight and of any value to a country whose morals fibres have decayed to all time low, starting with the first civil servant: Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa.
Talking about tribalism in this country, one can despair. Tribalism is rife in this country. We have reached a situation whereby the people of Mashonaland are openly telling us that we are second in this land and lesser. Their tribalism towards us is open, they do not hide that they hate non-Shona peoples. One wonders how we are going to build a diversified country blessed with several tribes and dialects if their attitude is divisive and not nation building. It appears at if the people of Matabeleland are always on the receiving end; we react to what a Shona person will have carelessly said or done to openly provoke tribalism and in the media. I sometimes feel we people of Matabeleland must apologise to the Shona people for being in Zimbabwe. That we speak the Shona language eloquently is not enough, they will never try to speak isiNdebele. (Chindeere)
It is an embarrassment to the people of Mashonaland that Zanu has destroyed this nation. Nobody ever thought that this country will grind to a standstill because of mismanagement, nepotism, cronyism, corruption, tribalism that have manifested itself to the point of no return. Even opposition party are marred by tribalism and are singing the same hymns from ruling Zanu PF party songs. The opposition is nowhere different, certainly not the ideology that is already non-existent in the opposition.
It is an embarrassment to those who voted Zanu PF in 1980 because these are the people who voted on tribal lines more than ideological conviction. Hence, today we realize how the people of Mashonaland want Zapu to be as dirty as Zanu PF in their imaginations. They are busy crafting ways and means to suggest that be it Zapu and Zanu are equally corrupt and dirty parties to soothe their tribal egos. Does it surprise us that the people of Mashonaland wished Mafukufuku to be hanged publicly? This inherent wish to suggest that Zapu equals to Zanu corruption and its failings is wholly tribalistic, still entrenched in the hearts and minds of some Shona's. Zapu was never a government ever to measure its inability in comparison with Zanu government; Zapu has never ruled Zimbabwe: I suppose to most of them, this fact is not important at all. According to them, Zapu must also go down too and be falsified to be as bad as Zanu PF.
That Zanu has failed Zimbabweans to this devastating magnitude is an embarrassment and this fact should be put paid to those who voted for Zanu and must be the ones to remove the monster Zanu PF they voted for in the first place in 1980. Zanu PF is a Mashonaland project since the Zapu/Zanu split in 1963. For argument sake, if we participated in removing Zanu PF in power, we shall never smell the leadership of the aftermath of the struggle to remove Zanu PF. Instead we shall be told to be satisfied with appeasing positions that conceal tribal power structures in the leadership.
Despite all these tribal turbulences in our nation, we shall continue to fight tribalism in this country. It was the dream of Comrade Joshua Nkomo to have this nation united. It is not in the interest of the coming generations to leave this country tribally divided. Our forefathers and mothers failed to build a strong and united diversified nation. We the next generation are failing too to build a united nation. This is a beautiful country endowed with everything one hopes for to prosper nationally and globally. To divide this nation tribally into Mashonaland and Matabeleland is will not solve tribal problems: we have tribally mixed since the coming of the Nguni's to the north. We must work even harder to eradicate tribalism in our midst. We know that Globally, diversity is the buzz word and there are many positives and advantages to remain united than what divide us.
Let us not pretend tribalism does not exist yet it does and hence we see and experience it in various forms and actions daily. We must learn to face tribalism head-on without fear; just name it, if there is tribalism in any situation. Nobody in this country should feel like a second-class citizen for whatever reason. We respect the birth right of citizens born in this country: our white cousins; our former colonisers should have same equal rights enjoyed by all. Like him or hate him, this is Joshua Nkomo's dream we want to realize if we live.
Dr. Masimba Mavaza, you were wholly tribalistic in your previous article. If you fear General Chiwenga and President Mnangagwa, why pick on Kembo Mohadi the weakest link? Should we understand your article as giving a message to all three presidents perhaps; it appears you cannot possibly attack Chiwenga and Mnangagwa out of fear: in Shona we say: Kurova imbga waka viga mupini. Remember too that we read your articles and understand the devil in the detail. We are not bamboozled by your Oxford use of English language.
Why did Mavaza miss this news about Gen Chiwenga who is bedding a married woman: it is said he snatched her from her husband in a Hollywood style, but Mavaza instead finds it newsworthy to write about Mohadi bedding several young women in his office disgusting enough to write home about it. In a Hollywood style, the wife of Mr. Mazura, a father of two children, a resident in Marondera confronted Chiwenga about dating his wife in 2017. After that, this man never found peace again: He has been threatened with unspecified action by the CIO secret service and one of them in the secret service advised Mr. Mazura to leave the country, which he did. This was a ploy by the CIO to give Chiwenga free access to this woman without sharing him with the husband. It is said in 2017 Mazura fled the country to Mozambique, but for some reason he came back in 2018, has been hiding in Chitungwiza.
It is said that the wife of Mazura confessed: while she worked in a tuckshop in Marondera, a car stopped right in front of her tuckshop and she was ordered to get into the car that took her to a lodge at Masaiti farm. About 10 minutes later, Gen Chiwenga entered the room where the woman in question was ordered to be. This story is as credible as we can imagine it: the husband has no reason to lie about it. Now Dr. Masimba Mavaza sees no evil in this but can pounce on the weakest from the three in the presidium: a non-Shona, splash Mohadi bare on the social media and calls him an embarrassment. He cannot do this to Chiwenga for reasons we all know will never see light of day. General Chiwenga's life is a total mess and an embarrassment to the nation. We have not only an uneducated fool who holds two portfolios in an educated country like Zimbabwe; he cannot divorce his wife gracefully ever to meet the minimum of Dr. Mavaza's moral standards.
Now let us visit the lifestyle of the president of the so-called second republic of Zimbabwe: The Right Honourable Dambudzo, Immersen Mnangagwa. We are told by once upon a time a close friend of him; Professor Jonathan Moyo that Mnangagwa sired 41 children with many women. Later we had it through the grape wines that a young student was doing internship at Mnangagwa's farm also got a child with president Mnangagwa, curiously whose initials are ED: Ethan Dumisani, making 42 children of one man. Dr. Masimba Mavaza missed an incident that came in the news that the First Lady was tipped by her security details that in one of Mnangagwa's many farms, her husband was pleasuring himself with a young woman: name withheld. In total rage Auxilia caught them red-handed; to cut the story short: she went after Mnangagwa who ran away and hid in the maize field. Dear Dr., Masimba Mavaza, is this story not an embarrassment to the presidium, to the nation?
Evidently Dr. Mavaza sort to get Mohadi because he is a small fry from the three presidents we have in the country. In the scheme of things Mohadi's VP position was thrust upon him. A chronic sick man who has no formidable role as one of the top civil servants. Mavaza sat on Mohadi's neck; his writing skills about beautiful morals came handy. All stuff and nonsense that Mavaza wrote about were hollow considering the filthiness in our political leadership. Mavaza knows that he is writing for a public stint not that what he says has any weight and of any value to a country whose morals fibres have decayed to all time low, starting with the first civil servant: Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa.
Talking about tribalism in this country, one can despair. Tribalism is rife in this country. We have reached a situation whereby the people of Mashonaland are openly telling us that we are second in this land and lesser. Their tribalism towards us is open, they do not hide that they hate non-Shona peoples. One wonders how we are going to build a diversified country blessed with several tribes and dialects if their attitude is divisive and not nation building. It appears at if the people of Matabeleland are always on the receiving end; we react to what a Shona person will have carelessly said or done to openly provoke tribalism and in the media. I sometimes feel we people of Matabeleland must apologise to the Shona people for being in Zimbabwe. That we speak the Shona language eloquently is not enough, they will never try to speak isiNdebele. (Chindeere)
It is an embarrassment to those who voted Zanu PF in 1980 because these are the people who voted on tribal lines more than ideological conviction. Hence, today we realize how the people of Mashonaland want Zapu to be as dirty as Zanu PF in their imaginations. They are busy crafting ways and means to suggest that be it Zapu and Zanu are equally corrupt and dirty parties to soothe their tribal egos. Does it surprise us that the people of Mashonaland wished Mafukufuku to be hanged publicly? This inherent wish to suggest that Zapu equals to Zanu corruption and its failings is wholly tribalistic, still entrenched in the hearts and minds of some Shona's. Zapu was never a government ever to measure its inability in comparison with Zanu government; Zapu has never ruled Zimbabwe: I suppose to most of them, this fact is not important at all. According to them, Zapu must also go down too and be falsified to be as bad as Zanu PF.
That Zanu has failed Zimbabweans to this devastating magnitude is an embarrassment and this fact should be put paid to those who voted for Zanu and must be the ones to remove the monster Zanu PF they voted for in the first place in 1980. Zanu PF is a Mashonaland project since the Zapu/Zanu split in 1963. For argument sake, if we participated in removing Zanu PF in power, we shall never smell the leadership of the aftermath of the struggle to remove Zanu PF. Instead we shall be told to be satisfied with appeasing positions that conceal tribal power structures in the leadership.
Despite all these tribal turbulences in our nation, we shall continue to fight tribalism in this country. It was the dream of Comrade Joshua Nkomo to have this nation united. It is not in the interest of the coming generations to leave this country tribally divided. Our forefathers and mothers failed to build a strong and united diversified nation. We the next generation are failing too to build a united nation. This is a beautiful country endowed with everything one hopes for to prosper nationally and globally. To divide this nation tribally into Mashonaland and Matabeleland is will not solve tribal problems: we have tribally mixed since the coming of the Nguni's to the north. We must work even harder to eradicate tribalism in our midst. We know that Globally, diversity is the buzz word and there are many positives and advantages to remain united than what divide us.
Let us not pretend tribalism does not exist yet it does and hence we see and experience it in various forms and actions daily. We must learn to face tribalism head-on without fear; just name it, if there is tribalism in any situation. Nobody in this country should feel like a second-class citizen for whatever reason. We respect the birth right of citizens born in this country: our white cousins; our former colonisers should have same equal rights enjoyed by all. Like him or hate him, this is Joshua Nkomo's dream we want to realize if we live.
Dr. Masimba Mavaza, you were wholly tribalistic in your previous article. If you fear General Chiwenga and President Mnangagwa, why pick on Kembo Mohadi the weakest link? Should we understand your article as giving a message to all three presidents perhaps; it appears you cannot possibly attack Chiwenga and Mnangagwa out of fear: in Shona we say: Kurova imbga waka viga mupini. Remember too that we read your articles and understand the devil in the detail. We are not bamboozled by your Oxford use of English language.
Source - Nomazulu Thata
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