Search / Non-shona
Ndebele artists compelled to perform in their 'oppressor's' language?
In his analysis of ethnicity and tribalism in Zimbabwe, Eleph Gula-Ndebele explains that the ethnic cleansing of Ndebele people during the Gukurahundi genocide is a sore that refuses to go away for ma...Published: 05 Jul 2022 at 07:21hrs | 12 | by Gibson Ncube & Gugulethu Siziba
Marginalisation, tribalism - The emergence of Mthwakazi Republic Party
A PARTY of young people from Matabeleland, the Mthwakazi Republic Party, believes there is no reason for Matabeleland to remain under the subjugation of Zimbabwe and they have been calling for secessi...Published: 14 Apr 2021 at 06:51hrs | | by Thandekile Moyo
Where is Dr. Masimba Mavaza? A story worthy-Amai Merry Chiwenga is left in the mud and mire
This is exactly what we mean when we say tribalism is giving a bad smell at every corner of Zimbabwe. Tribalism is raw and present, not even possible to conceal it because it appears to be the lifelin...Published: 15 Mar 2021 at 07:31hrs | 2 | by Nomazulu Thata
Cowardice is when you pounce on the weak and shout Courage!
For abusing his office Mohadi must be condemned for his deeds. I refuse to hear tribalists talking about Mohadi resigning from office because of the last week's scandals that were caught on media. Why...Published: 22 Feb 2021 at 12:44hrs | 1 | by Nomazulu Thata
Dr Masimba Mavaza is a tribalist: Inherent hatred for non-Shona people
I want to excuse myself right from the beginning of this article: It is not about protecting VP Mohadi and his scandals of his previous marriage with Senator Tambudzani Mohadi that left us cold about ...Published: 21 Feb 2021 at 18:02hrs | 2 | by Nomazulu Thata
The Consolidation of Democracy in Zimbabwe
DEAR President Emmerson Mnangagwa,Zimbabwe celebrated National Unity Day a few days ago, commemorating the historic unification of former liberation war movements-PF Zapu and Zanu into what we...Published: 30 Dec 2020 at 07:37hrs | | by Robert Sigauke
Patriotic Union of MaNdebeleland
While I was going through my archives I came across the Election Manifesto below. Quite interesting.PATRIOTIC UNION OF MANDEBELELAND (PUMA)ELECTION MANIFES...Published: 21 May 2019 at 12:35hrs | 16 | by PUMA
Zimbabwe's multiple VPs, tribalism and elusive democracy
The generality of Zimbabwe's political parties are strangely filled with multiple posts for vice presidents. At face value this could allude to deep-seated democratic orientation. Conversely, the conc...Published: 10 Apr 2019 at 09:41hrs | | by Nhlanhla Moses
Chamisa upsets non-Shona speakers in UK
Adv Nelson Chamisa, leader of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T/Alliance) has come under attack for addressing Zimbabweans in England, UK, in Shona.Some MDC-T supporters who attended t...Published: 07 May 2018 at 08:08hrs | | by Mafu Sithabile
Political agent provocateurs have been unleashed, Mthwakazi!
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win" - Mahatma GandhiThe 'mocking you' stage is set to end soon enough, and to give way to the 'fighting you' stag...Published: 16 Dec 2016 at 20:56hrs | 3 | by Xoxani Ngxoxo
Be careful Madam Mujuru! Some lines are not supposed to be crossed
It's one thing to be a politician, it's something else to try and ride on people's emotions especially when it concerns death. An example is Dr P. Dzamara who has ridden over the disappearance of his ...Published: 13 Sep 2016 at 12:19hrs | 2 | by Sindisiwe Mkandla
Imagine a rat dreaming making love to a cat!
This week I enjoyed two statements sure to enrich the national stock of political sayings. The first one came from Kudzai Chipanga, the de facto leader of the Youth Wing of the ruling party, Zanu-PF. ...Published: 03 Sep 2016 at 09:38hrs | 1 | by Nathaniel Manheru
Zimbabwe: Not in a thousand years!
Let's start with a series of small, light-hearted but revealing anecdotes. Beitbridge. I am told there was quite some build-up of tension on both sides of the bridge, which means a build-up from South...Published: 02 Jul 2016 at 12:01hrs | 1 | by Nathaniel Manheru
Tribalism storm hits Chronicle
Bulawayo residents have accused Bulawayo based Zimpapers publication Chronicle of being insensitive to readers in Matabeleland after the paper published two stories in the front page of its Satur...Published: 27 Jul 2014 at 19:23hrs | | by Moyo Roy
Can Professor Welshman Ncube and MDC rule Zimbabwe?
This article is a response to some of the arguments raised especially by the MDC-T in Matebeleland. The party has sought to pour water into the hopes of our people that we are too few compared to Mas...Published: 30 Apr 2013 at 08:45hrs | 15 | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
Shonas don't constitute 85% of Zimbabwe
It was once stated famously by the Nazi Propaganda Chief Josef Goebbels that "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can only be maintai...Published: 12 Jan 2013 at 18:53hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel Moyo
'It's high time for a non Shona Zimbabwe president'
It is high time we have a non-Shona President for Zimbabwe, a Canada based scholar, Jonas Mandiwisa Musara, states.Musara who has before called himself 'President Jones Musara' has sworn with ...Published: 30 Apr 2012 at 13:42hrs | 68 | by Staff reporter
The Church must be ashamed of itself
Address to the ChurchIf there is one institution in Zimbabgwe that should be ashamed of itself, it is the Church. Whilst there are some churches and chu...Published: 29 Apr 2012 at 14:51hrs | | by Ndzimu-unami Emmanuel
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