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Unravelling Douglas Mwonzora's web of Zanu-PF capture

22 Mar 2021 at 15:06hrs | Views
Procrastination is the thief of time. To Mr Douglas Mwonzora the wait was just too much and he made sure that the tables were turned to his favour. The only way was to hide under constitutionalism where he accused Nelson Chamisa of unconstitutionally grabbing power when Tsvangirayi died.

He accused the leader of MDC-Alliance Chamisa of grabbing the political power and eating where he did not sow.

Its a taboo culturally in Zimbabwe for a young person to start picking a piece of meat before an elder picks up it. They must wait.

Our society does not believe in preparing young people to be the leaders. Douglas Mwonzora was angry and bitter that he failed to take over when Morgan Tsvangirayi died.

Surely the future of the young people in Zimbabwe shall remain doomed. They are always disadvantaged when it comes to getting leadership posts.

They are told that 'they are leaders of tomorrow' When tomorrow comes the older people are too reluctant to leave their positions and always come up with excuses.

The adage also goes on that a young person cannot have a seat whilst the elderly are standing in a bus. In this case Nelson Chamisa is paying the price of dipping a big mosel of sadza in the plate full of meat and simultaneously picking a big piece of meat.

It is now as clear as Chibuku that the leadership which was surrounding the late Morgan Richard Tsvangirayi were all after power and not serving the people.

The likes of Thokozani Khupe and Douglas Mwonzora are a true testimony that they are just purely driven and oiled by monetary gains. Such kind of leadership is atrocious as they squarely fit into the shoes of today's Tshombes who can easily sell the struggle for just a few pieces of silver.  

They can do anything for it, hence they could not resist the carrot which was dangled by Zanu PF.

They don't know what they really want. Thokozani Khupe once contested as a President where she got a partly 45 000 votes but is now an MP so as Mr Douglas Mwonzora who wanted to be President of MDC-Alliance and ended up contesting as a Secretary General. When he lost he started canvassing through the captured judiciary and won the battle. He got all the assistance to from the security forces to take over Morgan Tsvangirayi House under a dubious court order.

Since when did the police assist another opposition party to take over?  From that time Mr Mwonzora started getting more air space from the government controlled media like ZTV and The Herald getting much praise from these two media outlets. That much alone meant a lot that Mwonzora had a very long hand controlling him and was wholly captured and brought under the armpits of Zanu PF. Thanks to Covid19 strict lock down regulations where all such things were happening without the people responding.

What Douglas Mwonzora is doing to keep his position as the MDC-T leader is too keep on (Kafadza mutengi wedoro) literally meaning to keep on entertaining his boss President Mnangagwa through always talking nice things to him. That is why he ordered his Member of Parliaments not to chant anti Emmerson Mnangagwa's slogans.

Without that Mr Douglas Mwonzora's political life will  hang by a thread.
He is protecting his master, he respects the hand that feeds him and cannot bite it. He must dance according to the tune or else he will leave the dancing floor.

He got everything on a silver platter including the MRT House and all the assets without sweating. Will one day Mr Douglas Mwonzora lead a strong opposition party? Let's keep our fingers crossed.

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Source - Leonard Koni
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