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Looting cripples MDC-Alliance operations

04 Aug 2021 at 14:15hrs | Views
Zimbabweans in the Diaspora and sponsors of the MDC Alliance have threatened to stop contributing funds to the party's financial coffers following reports of mass looting of donated funds by the party's leadership.

According to inside sources, the MDC Alliance senior members have been enriching themselves by looting donated funds.

One of the UK based funders, who spoke on condition of anonymity to this publication, revealed that individuals and entities within the UK had donated close to eight hundred thousand British pounds to the MDC Alliance in 2020.The source observed that the funders got wind that very little of the donated money was utilized in furthering the party's cause.

The funders further observed that there was little evidence that the MDC Alliance was active on the ground, yet huge amounts of money were being channeled into the party's coffers.

An individual who claimed to be close to the MDC Alliance treasurer in the UK and Ireland Province, Kumbirai Chikosha, revealed that the province had always made remittances to the party through a very senior MDC Alliance member in the National Executive Council

"Normally, donations of the MDC Alliance are made through the Treasurer but we have established that the money is not being channeled through David Coltart, raising the possibility that it is being received by the Secretary General, Charlton Hwende," the source said.

People close to the leadership of the North America branch of the MDC Alliance hinted that substantial amounts from the USA and Canada were being channeled to the party. He estimates that US$1 million had been sent to the MDC Alliance.

However, MDC Alliance is reported to be in financial hot waters. This has prompted senior MDC Alliance officials to go on a begging spree to Western embassies in Harare. The MDC Alliance has approached the US, British, and other Western embassies with requests for funding for its protests, Lawfare and rural penetration programmes.

Questions have also been raised as to how senior party officials have been able to sponsor their lavish lifestyles. MDC Alliance leaders who have looted donated funds are known to own car dealerships, shops and prestigious homes. Some are known to spend their money on "yellow bones".

Financial support towards the opposition party has been dwindling over the years following the funders' realization that donated funds were being misappropriated by the party's leadership. Besides looting, sponsor fatigue has also developed as a result of the cluelessness of the MDC Alliance leadership and failure to topple the ZANU PF Government. The funders are now threatening to withdraw funding as their desired results are not being realized.

Source - Innocent Mujeri
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