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Let the children learn and play

28 Aug 2021 at 16:35hrs | Views
Who said puppies cannot bite? Deep cuts and 'weeping skin lacerations' have all been observed on victims of puppy bites 'Tumbwa'.

These are cheap illicit alcoholic spirits packed in plastic bottles under various labels. Both the youths and the elderly are caught in the intoxicating maze of 'Tumbwa', some women too. The catch, the drinks are very cheap that generous handouts are always available. The stuff is so strong that in no time one can forget his name and home address.

Injuries from falls are as common as day, healing wounds and some still bleeding with freshness. Surely can this be called happiness or pleasure, I beg to differ. Who is brewing this strong drink and what good is coming out of it? Young men are lost in it, with a few ZWL notes one can get sloshed till cows come home. How safe is this brew and are there any qualitative checks or its all about the drink that gladdens kings?

Surely 'Tumbwa' is a bad omen with short-lived happiness. Could this be an extension of the notorious 'Musombodia', raising the tempo to another level of drunkenness? This lockdown sabbatical has also its attendant problems, back yard merry-making. Some youths talking to oneself, not sure if not losing marbles. Churches where are you.

The clergy, village elders and all. Let's tame the situation before it's too late. The youths are the future. Mask up. We still need you. Indications are that schools will be opening soon, after a long Covid induced break but wait and see. Surprise, surprise!

Some parents will still mourn and winch that they had not be warned, God forbid. Give education a chance because taking cover behind a finger is no excuse at least for now. Let the children learn and play. Education the only investment with zero risk.

Tondo. Chinehasha.

Source - Tondo. Chinehasha
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