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Beam programme 'killing' schools

18 Oct 2021 at 06:30hrs | Views
GOVERNMENT's failure to assist disadvantaged children timeously is making schools unable to cater for pupils' needs as it pays the fees when the money has lost value. In some instances it completely fails to pay. For example, some schools did not get the money for last year.

The Basic Education Assistance Module (Beam) programme is a noble idea as not all children come from financially sound families. But if not properly managed, it can
disadvantage schools big time.

The government must pay the fees in time before the money loses value. This enables schools to take care of their day-to-day requirements.

In Zimbabwe, the majority of  schools survive on fees. Thus if government does not pay school fees for pupils on the Beam programme, most schools will be financially hamstrung.

Government must pay for its adopted children instead of pretending to be a good Samaritan when its actions are killing the operations of schools.

Source - NewsDay Zimbabwe
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