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Rebellious youths must heed wise counsel

20 Oct 2021 at 14:05hrs | Views
In the news, both print and electronic media, cases of bizarre happenings are now common. Maybe telltale signs of a world coming to an end. Call it end times.

A Form One student hung himself because his mother had asked him to study hard. Young and beautiful, a high school third former took a pesticide because dad had chastised her for coming home late from an unauthorized outing. She died an agonizing death and as preachers say, Heavens do not accept life takers even self-life.

Why take a shortcut to Hades and Hell?

Most children now take the threat of suicide as a back pocket weapon to cow down guardians, educators and parents but one would ask, whose life is it and whose judgement awaits who? If facts be divulged, we have a whole lost generation. Much as we want restoration, even the clergy is now in the terraces not sure where to start. Elders have since been stripped of that authoritative borne fire counsel and so are aunties and uncles.

A simple corrective rebuke for waywardness is all it takes to despatch someone to you know where. Even some girl children have become rebellious, chat back to parents and elders has become communication of today. Shouting is the trending way of conversing, really?

Lives are being lost to feats of rage, pique and unconcilable self-hate. Amicability is the key, people must learn to give an ear to wise counsel. Village and church indabas should be revived to help solve seemingly  insurmountable family disputes and differences.

ZRP is a people's force that also have public relations departments that can help douse flames in communities. Solve problems do not shelf them. Speak to other people and be guided accordingly. Above all. Give peace and dialogue a chance. Praise be to God.

Thomas Murisa. Mash. Central

Source - Thomas Murisa
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