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Zimbabwe police can only help unwell homeless white lady if she dies

13 Dec 2021 at 08:40hrs | Views
Dear Editor, 

There is a white lady who is homeless in Kuwadzana 2 Harare. I have met her in a taxi from town before and she seems to have a cancerous wound on her leg which is always bandaged.

On Sunday the 12th of December 2021 I saw her sleeping at the door of Dr Marisa's surgery in Kuwadzana 2 Harare. I enquired from one of Dr Marisa's nurses what was the problem with this homeless white lady and I was told she has been camped there for the past 3 days. She may have probably came there seeking for medical assistance but the surgery, which is a private one, wouldn't offer her a free service.

Apart from a cancerous wound, she seem to have a broken arm, and probably she may have got that broken hand from an attempted rape or she may have been raped. The nurse told me this homeless lady hasn't been eating for the past 3 days. I then asked why haven't the surgery called the Harare municipality ambulance if they can offer her a free medical service and I was told its the police which must assist but the police are not even willing to write a police report for her. 

I went to Kuwadzana 2 Police station and indeed the police refused to write a police report for this homeless lady and they said they will be able only to attend to this lady when she is dead, not while was still alive.

I am therefore asking for anyone who can assist with money so that I can pay for the medical bills for this lady at Dr Marisa's surgery where she is now. If I had money with me here I could have done so yesterday but I am also broke. You can ecocash me on +263773614293 etiwelm02@gmail.comEtiwel Mutero

Source - Etiwel Mutero
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