Opinion / Columnist
Oppressive Zimbabwe govt to blame for Elvis Nyathi's death
09 Apr 2022 at 08:22hrs | Views

While we do not condon the killing of foreigners in SA by South African mobs that have taken the law into their own hands, the death of Elvis Nyathi at the hands of vigilantes in South Africa and many others who have died before either crossing the Limpopo river or when they are already in the country must be blamed on the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe. The silent killer is in Harare, Zimbabwe AKA Mashonaland!
The Zimbabwe government behaves like a brood parasitic bird that lays its eggs in other birds' nests for its young to be hatched and raised by other birds.
We have in Harare a bunch of chest- thumbing tribalists who boast that they are the most educated people in Africa yet the everlasting political and economic crisis in Zimbabwe sells them out as the most incompetent in the whole African continent if not the world.
Zimbabwe, led by Shona people who claim monopoly to education and knowledge, has now become an unofficial 10th province of South Africa with political and economic refugees from all over Zimbabwe flooding into South Africa through means illegal and legal to survive.This has caused high competition with South Africans having to compete with foreigners especially Zimbabweans in the labour market. Health care, education and other institutions are overburdened leading to frustration and anger on the part of the citizens of South Africa.
Zimbabwe which is run by the people who claim to know it all is a failed state which is:
1) precariously sitting on the verge of a split into two states that will give birth to Matabeleland state which will join the family of nations as The Republic of Matabeleland
2) saddled with an unpaid and growing dept of over US $20 billion and burgeoning interest rates of US$13billion making a total sum of US$33billion.
3) without its own currency that officially collapsed on 12 April 2009
4) nose diving economy that has sent even the Shona people who claim to be the sole owners of Zimbabwe running to neighbouring and other countries
This is all due to unfettered and uncontrolled looting and plundering of national resources by Shona leaders who have a DNA of theft and corruption. These selfish and greedy people have insatiable appetite for opulence and extravagant life.
All the protests beatings and killing of foreigners in South Africa should be a rude awakening for Matabele people who are stateless. It is a fact that when the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe unleashed Zimbabwe National Army 5th Brigade in the 80s, you ran to South Africa to seek refuge and you were accepted. When the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe tribally segregated you in the labour market, educationally, economically and socially you ran to South Africa to seek refuge.
Perhaps this warm reception in South Africa has made us forget that we have our own country Matabeleland which is in the hands of black colonizers from Mashonaland. Remember, we are now in a sorry corner of statelessness where we are not welcome both in South Africa and Zimbabwe. This is not time to look for sympathy but to stand up and fight for our freedom from Zimbabwe. Why suffer in foreign lands when we have our country The Republic of Matabeleland, with vast land enough for all Matabeles, so rich in natural resources and mineral wealth that is currently being looted and plundered by foreigners from Zimbabwe?
We now have three options. Face the raging flames of anger in South Africa, face the raging tribal hatred in Zimbabwe that usually escalates to genocide or fight for the restoration of Matabeleland and break away from tribally oppressive and abusive government of Zimbabwe.
Fighting for the restoration of Matabeleland state is best. Home is best. We remind all Matabeles that the source of all our problems is the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe not South Africa. As we all know, freedom is too expensive. The highest price for freedom is blood. It (freedom) is never given on a silver platter but it has to be fought for by any means possible.
We have to take up arms and fight for our freedom. It is not a crime to take up arms and fight for your freedom, it is not a crime to take up arms and fight for what rightfully belongs to you. It is not a crime to take up arms and fight for your God given rights.
MLO has already prepared the ground by serving the government of Zimbabwe with a notice of demand.
1) we demand the restoration of Matabeleland state as at 3 November 1893 that will join the family of nations as The Republic of Matabeleland
2) payment of One hundred Billion United States dollars reparation for Matebele Genocide committed by the Zimbabwe government through the Zimbabwe National Army 5th Brigade, Central Intelligence Organisation ie CIO and Zimbabwe Republic Police Support Unit in 1981-87. This is a crime against humanity.
Having said that we urge all Matebeles who are in South Africa legally and illegally to respect all laws and by laws and citizens of South Africa and avoid confrontations everywhere and everytime. All Matebeles in South Africa must desist from criminal activities never mind how tempting.
Separate yourselves from Shonas. Do not join them in all their criminal activities in South Africa, suspicious meetings and spreading of negative and provocative propaganda against South Africans. You Know their un-african, nefarious and nebulous Southern Africa Grand Plan to colonize, loot and plunder Southern Africa which is yet to be known by other brothers and sisters in Southern Africa. Their Grand Plan must be made to fail.
Last but not least, on behalf of MLO President, Cde Paul Siwela and MLO Supreme Council, I express my heartfelt condolences to the Nyathi family and relatives. May Elvis Nyathi's soul rest in peace.
Izenzo kungemazwi!
Israel Dube
MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs
The Zimbabwe government behaves like a brood parasitic bird that lays its eggs in other birds' nests for its young to be hatched and raised by other birds.
We have in Harare a bunch of chest- thumbing tribalists who boast that they are the most educated people in Africa yet the everlasting political and economic crisis in Zimbabwe sells them out as the most incompetent in the whole African continent if not the world.
Zimbabwe, led by Shona people who claim monopoly to education and knowledge, has now become an unofficial 10th province of South Africa with political and economic refugees from all over Zimbabwe flooding into South Africa through means illegal and legal to survive.This has caused high competition with South Africans having to compete with foreigners especially Zimbabweans in the labour market. Health care, education and other institutions are overburdened leading to frustration and anger on the part of the citizens of South Africa.
Zimbabwe which is run by the people who claim to know it all is a failed state which is:
1) precariously sitting on the verge of a split into two states that will give birth to Matabeleland state which will join the family of nations as The Republic of Matabeleland
2) saddled with an unpaid and growing dept of over US $20 billion and burgeoning interest rates of US$13billion making a total sum of US$33billion.
3) without its own currency that officially collapsed on 12 April 2009
4) nose diving economy that has sent even the Shona people who claim to be the sole owners of Zimbabwe running to neighbouring and other countries
This is all due to unfettered and uncontrolled looting and plundering of national resources by Shona leaders who have a DNA of theft and corruption. These selfish and greedy people have insatiable appetite for opulence and extravagant life.
All the protests beatings and killing of foreigners in South Africa should be a rude awakening for Matabele people who are stateless. It is a fact that when the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe unleashed Zimbabwe National Army 5th Brigade in the 80s, you ran to South Africa to seek refuge and you were accepted. When the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe tribally segregated you in the labour market, educationally, economically and socially you ran to South Africa to seek refuge.
We now have three options. Face the raging flames of anger in South Africa, face the raging tribal hatred in Zimbabwe that usually escalates to genocide or fight for the restoration of Matabeleland and break away from tribally oppressive and abusive government of Zimbabwe.
Fighting for the restoration of Matabeleland state is best. Home is best. We remind all Matabeles that the source of all our problems is the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe not South Africa. As we all know, freedom is too expensive. The highest price for freedom is blood. It (freedom) is never given on a silver platter but it has to be fought for by any means possible.
We have to take up arms and fight for our freedom. It is not a crime to take up arms and fight for your freedom, it is not a crime to take up arms and fight for what rightfully belongs to you. It is not a crime to take up arms and fight for your God given rights.
MLO has already prepared the ground by serving the government of Zimbabwe with a notice of demand.
1) we demand the restoration of Matabeleland state as at 3 November 1893 that will join the family of nations as The Republic of Matabeleland
2) payment of One hundred Billion United States dollars reparation for Matebele Genocide committed by the Zimbabwe government through the Zimbabwe National Army 5th Brigade, Central Intelligence Organisation ie CIO and Zimbabwe Republic Police Support Unit in 1981-87. This is a crime against humanity.
Having said that we urge all Matebeles who are in South Africa legally and illegally to respect all laws and by laws and citizens of South Africa and avoid confrontations everywhere and everytime. All Matebeles in South Africa must desist from criminal activities never mind how tempting.
Separate yourselves from Shonas. Do not join them in all their criminal activities in South Africa, suspicious meetings and spreading of negative and provocative propaganda against South Africans. You Know their un-african, nefarious and nebulous Southern Africa Grand Plan to colonize, loot and plunder Southern Africa which is yet to be known by other brothers and sisters in Southern Africa. Their Grand Plan must be made to fail.
Last but not least, on behalf of MLO President, Cde Paul Siwela and MLO Supreme Council, I express my heartfelt condolences to the Nyathi family and relatives. May Elvis Nyathi's soul rest in peace.
Izenzo kungemazwi!
Israel Dube
MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs
Source - Israel Dube
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