Opinion / Columnist
Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo: are Matabeles co-owners of Zimbabwe?
08 May 2022 at 12:33hrs | Views

It is of utimost importance for Matabeles to comprehend the true meaning of deceptive catchy phrases coined by the dubious Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe and ZANUPF since the days of the Zimbabwe struggle. Failing to do so may result in a political catastrophe on the part of Matabeles.
"Nyaka inovakwa nevene vayo", loosely translated as "a country is built by its owners", is the latest catchy phrase that is parroted ad nauseam by the government of Zimbabwe. Who are the owners of Zimbabwe? Are Matabeles owners of Zimbabwe, who is fooling who?
To save innocent Matabele lives from genocide and perpetual tribal oppression under the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe, it is our duty to shine the spotlight on all deceptive political manoeuvres and language by our oppressors which are a danger to Matabele people.
Before we go any further, the above catchy phrase should be dismissed with the contempt it deserves as it is misplaced and misleading. It is nothing but hot air. No one can own a country. One can only be a citizen of a country which places them in a position of being a stake holder.
It boggles the mind as to why and how a group of Hutus, chased away from their original country, Burundi, for practicing witchcraft, theft and corruption, can settle in a country in Southern Africa and claim to be its owners. BIG NO! Shona people are what we can term as very destructive stakeholders/citizens of Zimbabwe. If you ask us, they are as destructive as a swam of locusts that have invaded a maize field.
You want an example? Look no further than Zimbabwe a country that they inherited from Rhodesias in 1980. Politicians and business tycoons around the world described it as the jam or bread basket of Africa. It was second only to South Africa in terms of wealth.
Within 42 years under the Shona supremacist government, it has become a failed state without its own currency and saddled with a agrowing dept of over US$ 33 billion. It has been reduced to a basket case and beggar state of Africa. With an economy which is forever on the downward slope, it is deserted by its own citizens. Even the Shonas who claim to be the proud owners of Zimbabwe are fleeing in their numbers to become an economic burden in the neighbouring countries.
This is mainly due to theft, corruption and witchcraft which is in the DNA of the Shona people. The Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe rules the country based on grudges, emotions, tribalism/racism and hatred of minorities. Thanks to the ever angry and vengeful Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe, the whites have fled the country. Their farms and properties have been grabbed by greedy, selfish and self entitled Shona supremacist.
Whites are undeniably important stakeholders that have contributed immensely in the building of Zimbabwe. As they were forced to flee Zimbabwe, they left with their valuable knowledge,economic skills and money needed to build Zimbabwe. Only a clueless nation builder would chase away such valuable knowledge, experience and economic skills. The end result is a Zimbabwe which falling apart.
Matabeles are unwanted stakeholders in Zimbabwe. At best, the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe and majority Shona people surrounding Matabeles want to see them suffering, at worst they wish them dead.
An attempt to annihilate the whole Matabele nation was made through Matabeleland genocide. More than 40 000 innocent Matabele civilians including women and children were dastardly murdered by the Zimbabwe National Army 5th Brigade, Central Intelligence Organisation, Zimbabwe Republic Police Support Unit and ZANUPF Youth Brigade at the behest of the Zimbabwe government. The genocide continues in a subtle form as survivors of the genocide are tribally segregated politically, economically and socially. Their culture, language, identity and dignity is murdered on a daily basis.
Zimbabwe being a hostile and dangerous environment for Matabeles to live in, Matabeles have taken a final decision to breakaway from Zimbabwe to restore the statehood of Matabeleland that would join the family of nations as the The Republic of Matabeleland.
Matabeles are not leaving Zimbabwe empty handed. They are taking with them a big chunk of fertile land that is Matabeleland territory totalling 45 749 680 acres. They are taking away three big cities, that is Bulawayo, the capital City of Matabeleland and the second biggest city in Zimbabwe and all its industries, as well as Gweru and the mining City of Kwekwe.
Matabeleland houses three biggest gold mines, that is, Vhumbachigwe Mine in Gwanda, Turk Mine in Nyathi and How Mine in Bulawayo.These three mines contribute 60% of gold out put in Zimbabwe. Other small mines scattered around Matabeleland contribute 20% more which makes it 80% gold out put that Matabeleland gold mines contribute to Zimbabwe gold out put. We have diamond and uranium mines along the Great Dyk, iron ore at ZISCO Steel in Kwekwe. In the resort industry we have the famous Victoria Falls, Wange National Park, Matopos National Park and Kariba Dam which also doubles as an electricity generator.
All the busiest border posts are in Matabeleland. That is, Beitbridge border post between The Republic of Matabeleland and South Africa that makes over US$ 2 million a day and Plumtree Border Post between The Republic of Matabeleland and Botswana. Two border posts between The Republic of Matabeleland and Zimbabwe, Mgiqika and Mgandane, are of great interest as they have a pontential of becoming the second and third busiest ports of entry after Beitbridge border post.
That is just to mention a few main money spinning businesses in Matabeleland. Without any doubt, in the near future, Zimbabwe would be without Matabeleland and the above mentioned wealth and more that is not in the list.
Only a very poor, destructive and clueless nation builder would drive out such huge amounts of wealth and manpower. The Shona supremacists have only themselves to blame for dismembering and dismantling Zimbabwe bit by bit since 1980.
Matabeles must understand that they are not owners of Zimbabwe referred to in this catchy phrase "Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo". The people who are referred to here are those who occupy highest positions in government, private and public sector, in the army, police, intelligence and correctional service and those are Shona people. We should learn from Matabeles who trusted the Shona supremacists and made a fatal mistake of believing in another misleading catchy phrase, "we demand majority rule in Zimbabwe".
During the Zimbabwe struggle, they were misled into thinking that "majority" referred to every black Zimbabwean only to learn the hard way later when they were murdered through Matabele genocide and reminded that they were not Zimbabweans.
Can the Shona people who have failed to build anything in the last 42 years, can the Shona people who have gained popularity in the world for mass destruction of lives, economy and their own country due to the DNA of theft, corruption and witchcraft, lead or manage the rebuilding of Zimbabwe?
Those who believe that the destructive Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe and its followers can build anything can also believe that the late President Mugabe will rule Zimbabwe from the grave and build it. What you are likely to see is the creation of more and more empty catchy phrases. Building a short sentence is one thing and building a nation is another.
"Nyika inopwanywa nevene vayo" ( a country is crushed by its owners), is the correct catchy phrase that applies in Zimbabwe.
Buyochitheka bugayiwe!
Izenzo Kungemazwi!
Israel Dube
MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs
"Nyaka inovakwa nevene vayo", loosely translated as "a country is built by its owners", is the latest catchy phrase that is parroted ad nauseam by the government of Zimbabwe. Who are the owners of Zimbabwe? Are Matabeles owners of Zimbabwe, who is fooling who?
To save innocent Matabele lives from genocide and perpetual tribal oppression under the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe, it is our duty to shine the spotlight on all deceptive political manoeuvres and language by our oppressors which are a danger to Matabele people.
Before we go any further, the above catchy phrase should be dismissed with the contempt it deserves as it is misplaced and misleading. It is nothing but hot air. No one can own a country. One can only be a citizen of a country which places them in a position of being a stake holder.
It boggles the mind as to why and how a group of Hutus, chased away from their original country, Burundi, for practicing witchcraft, theft and corruption, can settle in a country in Southern Africa and claim to be its owners. BIG NO! Shona people are what we can term as very destructive stakeholders/citizens of Zimbabwe. If you ask us, they are as destructive as a swam of locusts that have invaded a maize field.
You want an example? Look no further than Zimbabwe a country that they inherited from Rhodesias in 1980. Politicians and business tycoons around the world described it as the jam or bread basket of Africa. It was second only to South Africa in terms of wealth.
Within 42 years under the Shona supremacist government, it has become a failed state without its own currency and saddled with a agrowing dept of over US$ 33 billion. It has been reduced to a basket case and beggar state of Africa. With an economy which is forever on the downward slope, it is deserted by its own citizens. Even the Shonas who claim to be the proud owners of Zimbabwe are fleeing in their numbers to become an economic burden in the neighbouring countries.
This is mainly due to theft, corruption and witchcraft which is in the DNA of the Shona people. The Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe rules the country based on grudges, emotions, tribalism/racism and hatred of minorities. Thanks to the ever angry and vengeful Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe, the whites have fled the country. Their farms and properties have been grabbed by greedy, selfish and self entitled Shona supremacist.
Whites are undeniably important stakeholders that have contributed immensely in the building of Zimbabwe. As they were forced to flee Zimbabwe, they left with their valuable knowledge,economic skills and money needed to build Zimbabwe. Only a clueless nation builder would chase away such valuable knowledge, experience and economic skills. The end result is a Zimbabwe which falling apart.
Matabeles are unwanted stakeholders in Zimbabwe. At best, the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe and majority Shona people surrounding Matabeles want to see them suffering, at worst they wish them dead.
An attempt to annihilate the whole Matabele nation was made through Matabeleland genocide. More than 40 000 innocent Matabele civilians including women and children were dastardly murdered by the Zimbabwe National Army 5th Brigade, Central Intelligence Organisation, Zimbabwe Republic Police Support Unit and ZANUPF Youth Brigade at the behest of the Zimbabwe government. The genocide continues in a subtle form as survivors of the genocide are tribally segregated politically, economically and socially. Their culture, language, identity and dignity is murdered on a daily basis.
Matabeles are not leaving Zimbabwe empty handed. They are taking with them a big chunk of fertile land that is Matabeleland territory totalling 45 749 680 acres. They are taking away three big cities, that is Bulawayo, the capital City of Matabeleland and the second biggest city in Zimbabwe and all its industries, as well as Gweru and the mining City of Kwekwe.
Matabeleland houses three biggest gold mines, that is, Vhumbachigwe Mine in Gwanda, Turk Mine in Nyathi and How Mine in Bulawayo.These three mines contribute 60% of gold out put in Zimbabwe. Other small mines scattered around Matabeleland contribute 20% more which makes it 80% gold out put that Matabeleland gold mines contribute to Zimbabwe gold out put. We have diamond and uranium mines along the Great Dyk, iron ore at ZISCO Steel in Kwekwe. In the resort industry we have the famous Victoria Falls, Wange National Park, Matopos National Park and Kariba Dam which also doubles as an electricity generator.
All the busiest border posts are in Matabeleland. That is, Beitbridge border post between The Republic of Matabeleland and South Africa that makes over US$ 2 million a day and Plumtree Border Post between The Republic of Matabeleland and Botswana. Two border posts between The Republic of Matabeleland and Zimbabwe, Mgiqika and Mgandane, are of great interest as they have a pontential of becoming the second and third busiest ports of entry after Beitbridge border post.
That is just to mention a few main money spinning businesses in Matabeleland. Without any doubt, in the near future, Zimbabwe would be without Matabeleland and the above mentioned wealth and more that is not in the list.
Only a very poor, destructive and clueless nation builder would drive out such huge amounts of wealth and manpower. The Shona supremacists have only themselves to blame for dismembering and dismantling Zimbabwe bit by bit since 1980.
Matabeles must understand that they are not owners of Zimbabwe referred to in this catchy phrase "Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo". The people who are referred to here are those who occupy highest positions in government, private and public sector, in the army, police, intelligence and correctional service and those are Shona people. We should learn from Matabeles who trusted the Shona supremacists and made a fatal mistake of believing in another misleading catchy phrase, "we demand majority rule in Zimbabwe".
During the Zimbabwe struggle, they were misled into thinking that "majority" referred to every black Zimbabwean only to learn the hard way later when they were murdered through Matabele genocide and reminded that they were not Zimbabweans.
Can the Shona people who have failed to build anything in the last 42 years, can the Shona people who have gained popularity in the world for mass destruction of lives, economy and their own country due to the DNA of theft, corruption and witchcraft, lead or manage the rebuilding of Zimbabwe?
Those who believe that the destructive Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe and its followers can build anything can also believe that the late President Mugabe will rule Zimbabwe from the grave and build it. What you are likely to see is the creation of more and more empty catchy phrases. Building a short sentence is one thing and building a nation is another.
"Nyika inopwanywa nevene vayo" ( a country is crushed by its owners), is the correct catchy phrase that applies in Zimbabwe.
Buyochitheka bugayiwe!
Izenzo Kungemazwi!
Israel Dube
MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs
Source - Israel Dube
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