Opinion / Columnist
Chamisa assures Junta their looting rights are safe - expect zero changes from 'Change Champion in Chief'
20 May 2022 at 05:20hrs | Views

Ignorance is a curse worse than death! The dead are not tormented by anything whereas the ignorant are forever blundering from pillar to post; excited, it does not take much to get this lot excited, one minute and disappointed the next as the consequences of their folly come home to roost.
Zimbabweans are an ignorant and easily excitable lot. The country's worsening economic situation has shaken the nation like bee-hire everyone is desperate for change. Other than the broad-brush regime change and economic recovery, they have no clue what has to change much less how these changes will be brought about. None!
It is their ignorance, their lack of detail and in-depth knowledge, that is the Achilles' heel. Ignorance has left them lose like fallen leaves, even the lightest of breezes will have them on the move going nowhere or swelling round and round.
Nelson Chamisa and his CCC has clearly captivated the Zimbabwe public's imagination judging from the euphoric reception he is getting at his rallies. The public believe he is the very embodiment of the change the nation has been dying for these last 42 years! The cold reality is Chamisa is not offering the nation any changes, on the contrary, he is going out of his way to reassure the Zanu PF ruling elite, who are the ones holding the nation to ransom, that nothing will change.
"The CCC leader Nelson Chamisa has reassured the military that their jobs will be safe after winning the 2023 elections," reported Zimeye.
"Addressing his party supporters in Gweru Sunday, Chamisa said all the top Junta would remain.
"Posted CCC on social media: 16/21 #MkobaRallyHighlights Change Champion in Chief @nelsonchamisa assured the military, police, CIO, prison officers & all civil servants (juniors &seniors) that their positions & welfare will be safe under his government as we usher in professionalism & constitutional order."
It is no secret that top brass in the Army, Police and CIO are the beneficiaries of the wholesale looting of the Marange and Chiadzwa diamonds. The Zanu PF regime has granted these security services bosses mining concessions so they do not have to declare the quantity and quality of diamonds, to whom the diamonds are sold and for how much and who are the beneficiaries and how much they get. With no tracible record of earnings all those involved on have no corporate or person tax obligations. None! Of course, this is a licence to loot!
Zanu PF has since expanded the security services diamond looting licence to other areas. Other key players such as judges, senior civil servants and chiefs have been rewarded with generous salaries, farms, etc. These have all been down payments by Zanu PF ruling elite to buy the blind loyalty of the securocrats, judges, etc. in pushing the party's agenda of making sure Zanu PF stays in power regardless of the democratic wishes of the populous.
Mismanagement and rampant corruption are the prices the nation is paying for the Zanu PF dictatorship.
What Chamisa is saying is he will leave untouched the costly, corrupt and wasteful social order that has helped Zanu PF retain its iron grip on power as long as those involved switched their blind loyalty to supporting him!
Of course, there will be no meaningful political change or economic recovery as long as nothing is done to end the mismanagement and corruption. This is stating the obvious but clearly the masses attending CCC rallies. These people heard what Chamisa said but hearing is one thing and comprehending is another, especially for one whose understanding of even the most basic ideas is superficial at best.
MDC/CCC will never deliver any meaningful change in Zimbabwe. The party had its golden opportunity to do so during the 2008 to 2013 GNU and wasted it. Even since the GNU MDC/CCC leaders have given up on reforms, free elections and dismantling the Zanu PF dictatorship and, instead, accept the dictatorship as fait accompli.
To Nelson Chamisa and company Zanu PF ruling elite have the right to rig elections and to loot as they see fit. The opposition participate is these flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy, first and foremost, and for whatever share of the spoils of power Zanu PF leaders decide to give away to entice the opposition to participate.
Zimbabwe is in this political and economic mess today because we have some of the most ignorant and naïve people on earth who have repeatedly ignored the reality before their own eyes in pursuit of a rosy but imaginary world. There was public euphoria in support of the November 2017 military coup, for example, although it was self-evident this would never deliver any meaningful change.
Today the same gullible public is embracing Nelson Chamisa as Change Champion in Chief and yet MDC/CCC has failed to deliver even one reform in 22 years and, to win the Zanu PF ruling elite's support, is openly admitting will not seek any meaningful change. These people are seeing change where there is no change, a costly aberration common amongst those who understanding of the subject matter is superficial, at best.
Zimbabweans are an ignorant and easily excitable lot. The country's worsening economic situation has shaken the nation like bee-hire everyone is desperate for change. Other than the broad-brush regime change and economic recovery, they have no clue what has to change much less how these changes will be brought about. None!
It is their ignorance, their lack of detail and in-depth knowledge, that is the Achilles' heel. Ignorance has left them lose like fallen leaves, even the lightest of breezes will have them on the move going nowhere or swelling round and round.
Nelson Chamisa and his CCC has clearly captivated the Zimbabwe public's imagination judging from the euphoric reception he is getting at his rallies. The public believe he is the very embodiment of the change the nation has been dying for these last 42 years! The cold reality is Chamisa is not offering the nation any changes, on the contrary, he is going out of his way to reassure the Zanu PF ruling elite, who are the ones holding the nation to ransom, that nothing will change.
"The CCC leader Nelson Chamisa has reassured the military that their jobs will be safe after winning the 2023 elections," reported Zimeye.
"Addressing his party supporters in Gweru Sunday, Chamisa said all the top Junta would remain.
"Posted CCC on social media: 16/21 #MkobaRallyHighlights Change Champion in Chief @nelsonchamisa assured the military, police, CIO, prison officers & all civil servants (juniors &seniors) that their positions & welfare will be safe under his government as we usher in professionalism & constitutional order."
It is no secret that top brass in the Army, Police and CIO are the beneficiaries of the wholesale looting of the Marange and Chiadzwa diamonds. The Zanu PF regime has granted these security services bosses mining concessions so they do not have to declare the quantity and quality of diamonds, to whom the diamonds are sold and for how much and who are the beneficiaries and how much they get. With no tracible record of earnings all those involved on have no corporate or person tax obligations. None! Of course, this is a licence to loot!
Zanu PF has since expanded the security services diamond looting licence to other areas. Other key players such as judges, senior civil servants and chiefs have been rewarded with generous salaries, farms, etc. These have all been down payments by Zanu PF ruling elite to buy the blind loyalty of the securocrats, judges, etc. in pushing the party's agenda of making sure Zanu PF stays in power regardless of the democratic wishes of the populous.
Mismanagement and rampant corruption are the prices the nation is paying for the Zanu PF dictatorship.
What Chamisa is saying is he will leave untouched the costly, corrupt and wasteful social order that has helped Zanu PF retain its iron grip on power as long as those involved switched their blind loyalty to supporting him!
Of course, there will be no meaningful political change or economic recovery as long as nothing is done to end the mismanagement and corruption. This is stating the obvious but clearly the masses attending CCC rallies. These people heard what Chamisa said but hearing is one thing and comprehending is another, especially for one whose understanding of even the most basic ideas is superficial at best.
MDC/CCC will never deliver any meaningful change in Zimbabwe. The party had its golden opportunity to do so during the 2008 to 2013 GNU and wasted it. Even since the GNU MDC/CCC leaders have given up on reforms, free elections and dismantling the Zanu PF dictatorship and, instead, accept the dictatorship as fait accompli.
To Nelson Chamisa and company Zanu PF ruling elite have the right to rig elections and to loot as they see fit. The opposition participate is these flawed elections to give Zanu PF legitimacy, first and foremost, and for whatever share of the spoils of power Zanu PF leaders decide to give away to entice the opposition to participate.
Zimbabwe is in this political and economic mess today because we have some of the most ignorant and naïve people on earth who have repeatedly ignored the reality before their own eyes in pursuit of a rosy but imaginary world. There was public euphoria in support of the November 2017 military coup, for example, although it was self-evident this would never deliver any meaningful change.
Today the same gullible public is embracing Nelson Chamisa as Change Champion in Chief and yet MDC/CCC has failed to deliver even one reform in 22 years and, to win the Zanu PF ruling elite's support, is openly admitting will not seek any meaningful change. These people are seeing change where there is no change, a costly aberration common amongst those who understanding of the subject matter is superficial, at best.
Source - zsdemocrats.blogspot.com
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