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Dialogue not elections is the way to go

11 Jul 2022 at 09:18hrs | Views
Calls by civic society, political parties and faith groups for political players to embrace the idea of an inclusive dialogue as the solution to our  political and economic quagmire should be taken seriously.

A stakeholder-driven political process will lead to a free and fair plebiscite at an appropriate time.
Zimbabwe requires a bigger and inclusive arrangement that is much bigger than the political actors dialogue POLAD.

The POLAD idea remains noble  but there is an urgent need to broaden the engagement process if it is to serve the purpose

A Zimbabwean solution for Zimbabwe is there somewhere and can be found if Zimbabweans are given an opportunity to do so .The church alone cannot transparently organise citizens without the input of political groups ,individuals and civic organisations.

The absence of an inclusive political process in Zimbabwe may result in an upsurge of political violence if political leaders proceed to prioritise elections as a solution to problems bedevilling the country. When two elephants fight it is the grass that will suffer.

The government of Zimbabwe should open its doors to suggestions and calls for a home grown political solution to our problems as a nation.

In the case of Zimbabwe and for purposes of saving lives stakeholders should not be adamant to the idea of working together even if it means having another government of national unity.

A platform for an inclusive political engagement should be created by all parties in and outside government and anyone opposed to inclusivity should think twice.

Focus should be on dialogue not elections

Source - Kurauone Chihwayi
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