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Makandiwa calls for prayers for Mnangagwa's administration to 'deliver change'

14 Sep 2022 at 17:57hrs | Views
POPULAR preacher Emmanuel Makandiwa has called for prayers to ensure President Emmerson Mnangagwa's administration ‘delivers change.'

"We have to pray for the cloud that hoovers our systems and the government," Makandiwa during a church service on Sunday in Chitungwiza.

"Until that cloud is removed in terms of development, Mnangagwa can do everything but there is need for prayers so that people can recognize change."

Zanu-PF national commissar Mike Bimha who attended the church service was also given an opportunity to speak.

In his speech, Bimha urged church leaders to pray for unity in the country.

Commenting on Makandiwa's Youtube channel, Chari Bannywell accused Zanu-PF leaders of moving around churches seeking votes ahead of the 2023 elections.

 "Why do these Zanu-PF people come and tell people about businesses now. People do not need promises. They just need basic needs to be provided. Elections are around the corner and they are going around in churches telling people what they are supposed to be doing," Bannywell said.

Source - newsday zimbabwe
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