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Chamisa needs everybody's support and sacrifice

30 Nov 2022 at 05:06hrs | Views
MANY factors can push a nation to embark on unstoppable demonstrations.

Hunger is one of them. Closure of democratic space, if we read world history, can cause uprising and civil disobedience.

Oppressive governments are ousted from power after masses realise that enough is enough.

Some of the issues that caused the First and Second Chimurengas were police brutality, suspension of rule of law and government-sanctioned disappearances and killings.

The poor and uneducated masses who suffered unending oppression and white supremacy were left with no option, but to take the most violent route, which was engaging in direct war.

I mean too much of State-sponsored violence creates instability and despair. Political parties are formed in their numbers to enable the electrote to compare and choose one with better policies, social considerations and economic plans.

Mainly opposition parties become the alternative voice to failing sitting governments, just as we see what Zanu-PF is doing to Zimbabwe.

A lot of things have collapsed in Zimbabwe. The health sector, the National Railways of Zimbabwe, etc.

Agriculture has been reduced to subsistence farming through programmes such as Pfumvudza/ Intwasa.

The education sector is struggling and its dire state is shown through examination paper leakages as workers sell the examination papers to eke out a living.

Teachers' children have become a burden as government has failed to live to its word that it would pay for their school fees. Once respected teachers' children are joining the Basic Education Assistance Module. This is a sham. Teachers' payslips are an eyesore. They cannot sustain a family life.

Bad roads are contributing to the numerous accidents being recorded.

The country has many exchange rates for the same local currency - the Zimdollar, Real Time Gross Settlement and swipe.

Each has its own rate.

This is failure of the highest order which positions opposition Citizens Coalition for Change leader Nelson Chamisa and his part as the only political party Zimbabweans must vote for in next year's elections.

Come 2023, Zimbabweans must vote in numbers for change so as to get rid of this maladministration we are seeing.

Removing a clueless,useless and blunt government doesn't need prophets.

Some of these church leaders who dine with government leaders are fake.

History has taught us that many engaged in wars to build today's world and wars are still being fought to reclaim or defend countries' interests against invasion or interference.

Let us stand up against State-sponsored violence. Let us mobilise support and votes for Chamisa.

Let's be united against dictatorship. We should resist the divide and rule tactic being employed by the Zanu-PF government.

We can't be a Pfumvudza country. Agriculture has revolutionised around the world. Using more of Chitemene system of early agriculture is total failure.

Chamisa needs our support, he can't do this alone. Even Jesus Christ had disciples. Chamisa can't knock at everyone's doors.

Go out and register to vote.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe
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