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Chamisa'sd CCC rescued by ZEC after 'strategic ambiguity' fiasco

22 Jun 2023 at 14:18hrs | Views
CCC has Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to thank after its constituency and proportional representation candidates in Bulawayo and Harare - whose nomination papers were either fatally defective or whose PR nomination papers had not been filed on time - were eventually all allowed to correct or submit their nomination papers in the dead of night, well after 4pm when the Nomination Court had closed.

CCC nomination papers were in catastrophic shambles or just not available at all, and CCC had to be rescued by ZEC at the 11th hour otherwise, on any other day, the nomination papers of CCC candidates would have been rejected for their serious defects or refused for their late submission.

ZEC should be commended for not going technical with CCC, which had virtually knocked itself out of the 23 August election due to utter and complete incompetence,  courtesy of the party's 'strategic ambiguity' fiasco!

Source - twitter
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More on: #Chamisa, #Forgeries, #Ccc