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Jonathan Moyo's brother stands as a Kasukuwere MP

01 Jul 2023 at 11:23hrs | Views
Since early this morning - in the wake of ZEC's gazetting yesterday of the full list of candidates nominated for the 2023 harmonised general election set for 23 August 2023 - I have been getting messages, especially but not only from Tsholotsho, asking me if I'm part of my brother Vincent Moyo's election campaign, shown in the attached campaign poster publicising his nomination as an independent candidate for the National Assembly in Tsholotsho North constituency, in Matabeleland North province.

It is common cause that I represented Tsholotsho North constituency in Parliament for many years until November 2017. It is also the case that Vincent Moyo is my brother, furthermore it is true that over the years since 2005 Vincent and I, with many other relatives, comrades and the generality of iziqholo zeZhwane, we worked together very well for the constituency, for Tsholotsho as a whole and for the wider region.

As conveyed by his attached election campaign poster, my brother Vincent Moyo has decided to run as an independent candidate for the National Assembly in Tsholotsho North, as part of Cde Saviour Kasukuwere's team in his run for the presidency as an independent candidate. This is a choice that my brother has made in exercise of his constitutional rights.

While I unequivocally respect my brother Vincent Moyo's right to his choice in the exercise of his constitutional rights, by the same token in the exercise of my constitutional rights, I unequivocally dissociate myself from his choice and from his election campaign!

Source - Twitter
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