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Paranoid Chamisa feels politically threatened by Job Sikhala

01 Jul 2023 at 14:39hrs | Views
The political persecution of Job Sikhala by the Zimbabwe government should be condemned by all progressive and democratic forces in Matabeleland, Zimbabwe and the world.

We have first hand experience of such injustice and political persecution, intimidation, attempted assassination and abuse through our President, Cde Paul Siwela. He is facing treason based on trumped up charges that he was planning to overthrow former President Mugabe's government. Smear campaigns like the above used to work for Mugabe in the 80s but it seems this time arround, he invited the devil and he appeared in 2017 when he was dethroned in a coup by his own comrade, Emmerson Mnangagwa.

We note with sadness that during Cde Paul Siwela's political persecution, no political organisation, political figure, NGO, church, pastor, bishorp, prophet or good Samaritan from Mashonaland condemned the government of Zimbabwe.

Instead, the unthinkable and unbelievable happened. The Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights Organisation dominated and led by the Shonas, refused to represent him in court saying they did not support the political ideology that Cde Paul Siwela stood for. It was our first time to hear that human rights lawyers stand for the Shona supremacist political ideology not human rights. Fortunate enough for Cde Paul Siwela and all other advocates for Matabeleland restoration, the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights Organisation split into two based on tribal lines. The section of Matabele lawyers quickly formed Mthwakazi Lawyers for Human Rights that represented Cde Paul Siwela and continue to stand for other Matabeles that the Shona lawyers refuse to represent.

This shows a wide division between Shonas and Matabele. It lays bare the vulnerability of Matabeles under the Zimbabwe Shona supremacist government in terms of justice, politics and security.

 But as MLO we ignore this wide gap of tribalism and tribal hatred because we know that an injustice somewhere in Mashonaland is an injustice everywhere. That is why we send our message of sympathy and solidarity across Matabeleland - Zimbabwe border to Job Sikhala. Our hearts and prayers are with him.

We note as well that Job Sikhala's case has drawn international attention. But he remains sabotaged and neglected by Nelson Chamisa who feels politically  threatened by the presence of him (Job Sikhala), Welsman Ncube and Tendai Biti in the CCC.

All this sterms from the fact that Nelson Chamisa is a fearful loser who was not chosen by the people. He undemocratically imposed himself on the people through a civilian coup and immediately dismantled MDC Alliance to form his briefcase party, CCC, where he is the President, Vice President, Secretary General, Secretary for finance, youth and everything. CCC is Chamisa and Chamisa is CCC.

By destroying the MDC he destroyed the works of MDC founder, Morgan Tsvangirai's works, legacy and history to build his personal tuckshop known as Chamisa Chete Chete, CCC. All the praises and compliments must go to the dear leader around who the personality cult must be built. Another totalitarian leader is in the making in the Zimbabwe opposition. It seems the dear leader is not aware that even the party as opaque as ZANUpf is open to coups and splits.

Izenzo kungemazwi!

Israel Dube

MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs

Source - Israel Dube
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