Opinion / Columnist
Does propaganda work in a nation of enlightened citizens?
19 Jul 2023 at 15:53hrs | Views

Of late, there has been a lot of noise, most notably from the ruling ZANU PF camp, to the effect that opposition CCC leader Nelson Chamisa threatened to displace those who benefited under Zimbabwe's land reform program.
He is alleged to have stated that former white farmers (who lost their land during this program) would be brought back.
This pronouncement was supposedly made over the past weekend, as he addressed a campaign rally in the city of Gweru.
This yarn - for that is exactly what it is - has been repeatedly regurgitated, with utmost zeal, by ZANU PF members at every opportunity over the past few days.
Even the excitable state-controlled broadcaster, ZBC, did not want to be left behind in this hullabaloo - which now borders on the insane.
They were quick to rope in so-called 'political analysts' - in other words, ZANU PF apologists - to denounce Chamisa for ostensibly desiring to 'reverse the gains of the land reform program', and the liberation struggle, by extension.
In all this, I could not help wondering what the ruling establishment hoped to achieve with their shameful propaganda.
Surely, in today's world - with a profusion of modern day technologies, enabling people to access information from a flurry of seemingly endless sources - how does the ZANU PF regime anticipate to successfully deceive anyone with such brazen lies?
In fact, does propaganda still work in the world we live in today, with a more enlightened people?
As a lover of history, over the past few weeks, I have been intently following a National Geographic documentary titled, 'Hitler: The Forgotten Tapes of the Third Reich'.
The program follows the life of German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, the Nazi government and ideology, as well as its war-mongering and subsequent defeat.
Of course, those who studied this dark chapter in world history would know that the Nazis - through the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, under Joseph Goebbels - were masters at the art of deception, indoctrination and brainwashing.
Actually, Goebbels is famed for having declared that 'repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth'.
Indeed, when a people are told the same thing over and over again, it has been proven that the mind will eventually begin believing it as fact.
However, there is a huge flaw with that line of thinking.
When Goebbels, and his Fuhrer Hitler, successfully controlled the mindsets and worldview of their captive citizens, the media landscape in that day was very limited.
As a matter of fact, it would not be surprising at all that there was only one radio channel and a handful of newspapers in Germany during the 1930s and 40s.
Furthermore, radios and newspapers were quite expensive, and as such, out of the reach of many - taking into account that the world was still reeling under the economic effects of both the First World War and the Great Depression.
Therefore, mass gatherings and rallies were the main source of information for most people - rendering them easy prey for such manipulative leaders as the Nazis.
With practically no other alternative source of news and information - these citizens would believe anything that they were fed - no matter how preposterous or even hateful and dangerous.
How about today?
Just how easy is it to lie to a nation - especially at the hands of an oppressive corrupt failed leadership - who seek to win the electorate's hearts through pure shameful lies?
Let us take this 'Chamisa threatens to dispossess resettled people from their land' narrative.
As someone who is not a member or supporter of any political party in Zimbabwe, I never attend or even follow these campaign rallies and speeches, especially in real time.
Nevertheless, when I heard this accusation being aired by the state-controlled broadcaster, all I needed to do was Google Chamisa's speech.
And, voila - there is was!
In a matter of only a few minutes, I was fully aware what exactly the CCC leader had actually said.
In fact, in his speech on land, he began by assuring Zimbabweans that there was no reversal to the land reform program.
He proceeded to promise title deeds, as security of tenure, to all those who had been resettled - which could also be used as collateral when seeking loans.
Chamisa also bemoaned and castigated the displacement of indigenous people from their ancestral lands.
He made special mention of those in Chilonga, Dinde and Mutoko - who were forcibly removed to make way for mining companies, largely from China - without their consent or receiving any meaningful compensation.
Those are the 'people who lost their land who would be returned' - a statement of which the ZANU PF regime sought to deliberately distort to mean he threatened resettled people with the return of former white farmers.
Considering that it took me barely two minutes to unearth the truth - using a simple smartphone - why then does ZANU PF believe that propaganda still works in this day and age?
Even those in the rural areas are not as ignorant as the powers-that-be may erroneously assume.
During my frequent visits to my mother's rural home in Rusape, it is quite evident that many rural folk now have smartphones - which they are always glued to, for the latest information and news.
Is this not also the reason the ruling establishment finds it extremely difficult convincing ordinary Zimbabweans that so-called 'sanctions imposed by the US and her allies' are to blame for the miserable dire economic situation, in which we find ourselves?
Surely, with access to a few data bundles, one can easily find out just what these 'sanctions' really are - mere travel and financial restrictions on a handful of economically inconsequential individuals and entities.
It is so easy to deduce that there is no way under the sun such measures could have ever brought a country - endowed with some of the most sought-after mineral wealth in the world - to its knees.
In addition, our gold, diamonds, chrome, platinum and lithium are not sanctioned in any shape or form.
In fact, with the same basic technologies, ordinary Zimbabweans have access to such damaging revelations, as the Al Jazeera 'Gold Mafia' documentary - where the rampant obscene looting of these national resources, by those in power, is laid bare for all to see.
In other words, unfortunately for those in power, the era of propaganda ended with Goebbels all those eight decades ago!
The people of Zimbabwe are too enlightened to be lied to!
If ZANU PF genuinely believes it has something tangle to offer the citizenry, for which they should be given another term in office - then, there is really no need for lies.
However, for a political party to resort to such disgraceful deception - knowing fully well that the truth is only a few clicks away - is the height of desperation.
It shows that those in power know very well that they have failed and the people are thoroughly fed up.
Zimbabweans have had enough, and no one - who is enduring the unimaginable poverty and suffering authored by the ZANU PF regime - still believes any of the endless empty promises.
Even for residents of Redcliff as myself, we have lost count how many times we have been assured - particularly, just before elections - that our lifeline, the fallen iron and steel making giant ZISCOSTEEL, was on the brink of being resuscitated.
Piecemeal mediocrity does not cut it anymore as 'economic development'!
Surely, what sane person can continue believing an entity that has made a career of breaking promises ever since the country attained her independence in 1980?
© Tendai Ruben Mbofana is a social justice advocate and writer. Please feel free to WhatsApp or Call: +263715667700 | +263782283975, or email mbofana.tendairuben73@gmail.com, or visit website: http://mbofanatendairuben.news.blog/
He is alleged to have stated that former white farmers (who lost their land during this program) would be brought back.
This pronouncement was supposedly made over the past weekend, as he addressed a campaign rally in the city of Gweru.
This yarn - for that is exactly what it is - has been repeatedly regurgitated, with utmost zeal, by ZANU PF members at every opportunity over the past few days.
Even the excitable state-controlled broadcaster, ZBC, did not want to be left behind in this hullabaloo - which now borders on the insane.
They were quick to rope in so-called 'political analysts' - in other words, ZANU PF apologists - to denounce Chamisa for ostensibly desiring to 'reverse the gains of the land reform program', and the liberation struggle, by extension.
In all this, I could not help wondering what the ruling establishment hoped to achieve with their shameful propaganda.
Surely, in today's world - with a profusion of modern day technologies, enabling people to access information from a flurry of seemingly endless sources - how does the ZANU PF regime anticipate to successfully deceive anyone with such brazen lies?
In fact, does propaganda still work in the world we live in today, with a more enlightened people?
As a lover of history, over the past few weeks, I have been intently following a National Geographic documentary titled, 'Hitler: The Forgotten Tapes of the Third Reich'.
The program follows the life of German Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, the Nazi government and ideology, as well as its war-mongering and subsequent defeat.
Of course, those who studied this dark chapter in world history would know that the Nazis - through the Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda, under Joseph Goebbels - were masters at the art of deception, indoctrination and brainwashing.
Actually, Goebbels is famed for having declared that 'repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth'.
Indeed, when a people are told the same thing over and over again, it has been proven that the mind will eventually begin believing it as fact.
However, there is a huge flaw with that line of thinking.
When Goebbels, and his Fuhrer Hitler, successfully controlled the mindsets and worldview of their captive citizens, the media landscape in that day was very limited.
As a matter of fact, it would not be surprising at all that there was only one radio channel and a handful of newspapers in Germany during the 1930s and 40s.
Furthermore, radios and newspapers were quite expensive, and as such, out of the reach of many - taking into account that the world was still reeling under the economic effects of both the First World War and the Great Depression.
Therefore, mass gatherings and rallies were the main source of information for most people - rendering them easy prey for such manipulative leaders as the Nazis.
With practically no other alternative source of news and information - these citizens would believe anything that they were fed - no matter how preposterous or even hateful and dangerous.
How about today?
Just how easy is it to lie to a nation - especially at the hands of an oppressive corrupt failed leadership - who seek to win the electorate's hearts through pure shameful lies?
Let us take this 'Chamisa threatens to dispossess resettled people from their land' narrative.
As someone who is not a member or supporter of any political party in Zimbabwe, I never attend or even follow these campaign rallies and speeches, especially in real time.
Nevertheless, when I heard this accusation being aired by the state-controlled broadcaster, all I needed to do was Google Chamisa's speech.
And, voila - there is was!
In a matter of only a few minutes, I was fully aware what exactly the CCC leader had actually said.
In fact, in his speech on land, he began by assuring Zimbabweans that there was no reversal to the land reform program.
He proceeded to promise title deeds, as security of tenure, to all those who had been resettled - which could also be used as collateral when seeking loans.
Chamisa also bemoaned and castigated the displacement of indigenous people from their ancestral lands.
He made special mention of those in Chilonga, Dinde and Mutoko - who were forcibly removed to make way for mining companies, largely from China - without their consent or receiving any meaningful compensation.
Those are the 'people who lost their land who would be returned' - a statement of which the ZANU PF regime sought to deliberately distort to mean he threatened resettled people with the return of former white farmers.
Considering that it took me barely two minutes to unearth the truth - using a simple smartphone - why then does ZANU PF believe that propaganda still works in this day and age?
Even those in the rural areas are not as ignorant as the powers-that-be may erroneously assume.
During my frequent visits to my mother's rural home in Rusape, it is quite evident that many rural folk now have smartphones - which they are always glued to, for the latest information and news.
Is this not also the reason the ruling establishment finds it extremely difficult convincing ordinary Zimbabweans that so-called 'sanctions imposed by the US and her allies' are to blame for the miserable dire economic situation, in which we find ourselves?
Surely, with access to a few data bundles, one can easily find out just what these 'sanctions' really are - mere travel and financial restrictions on a handful of economically inconsequential individuals and entities.
It is so easy to deduce that there is no way under the sun such measures could have ever brought a country - endowed with some of the most sought-after mineral wealth in the world - to its knees.
In addition, our gold, diamonds, chrome, platinum and lithium are not sanctioned in any shape or form.
In fact, with the same basic technologies, ordinary Zimbabweans have access to such damaging revelations, as the Al Jazeera 'Gold Mafia' documentary - where the rampant obscene looting of these national resources, by those in power, is laid bare for all to see.
In other words, unfortunately for those in power, the era of propaganda ended with Goebbels all those eight decades ago!
The people of Zimbabwe are too enlightened to be lied to!
If ZANU PF genuinely believes it has something tangle to offer the citizenry, for which they should be given another term in office - then, there is really no need for lies.
However, for a political party to resort to such disgraceful deception - knowing fully well that the truth is only a few clicks away - is the height of desperation.
It shows that those in power know very well that they have failed and the people are thoroughly fed up.
Zimbabweans have had enough, and no one - who is enduring the unimaginable poverty and suffering authored by the ZANU PF regime - still believes any of the endless empty promises.
Even for residents of Redcliff as myself, we have lost count how many times we have been assured - particularly, just before elections - that our lifeline, the fallen iron and steel making giant ZISCOSTEEL, was on the brink of being resuscitated.
Piecemeal mediocrity does not cut it anymore as 'economic development'!
Surely, what sane person can continue believing an entity that has made a career of breaking promises ever since the country attained her independence in 1980?
© Tendai Ruben Mbofana is a social justice advocate and writer. Please feel free to WhatsApp or Call: +263715667700 | +263782283975, or email mbofana.tendairuben73@gmail.com, or visit website: http://mbofanatendairuben.news.blog/
Source - Tendai Ruben Mbofana
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