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Is the Permanent Secretary living in Mars?

02 Sep 2023 at 06:58hrs | Views
A few days ago in the state paper, The Chronicle, appeared an article related to the massive hike in fees at our local universities.

There was a public outcry over the fees pegged in US dollars which caught most people by surprise, if not shock. The fees have gone up for struggling people who are failing to meet most of their obligations or even decent meals.

This was like a blow to a man on the ground who is struggling to get up.

However, the greatest shock of them all was the response of the Permanent Secretary of Higher and Tertiary Education, innovation, Science and Technology Professor Tagwira.

He said the fees university students are paying are much lower than fees in some primary and secondary schools.

Well, my learned friend which schools are you talking of ? You are talking of private schools in Zimbabwe l must say and further again how many Zimbabwean parents are affording to send their kids in those schools which offer both Zimsec and Cambridge examinations?

Only a few, the nouveau riche of Zimbabwe can afford that and why compare with private schools instead of government schools that you have run down?

The utterances are pure reckless coming from someone of his standing.

I think it seems the learned professor is living in Mars otherwise he would know better than open his mouth and utter nonsense.

Source - AT Kadada
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