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Chamisa deploys Jameson Timba and Gladys Hlatshwayo to SADC countries

02 Sep 2023 at 19:37hrs | Views
Nelson Chamisa has deployed Jameson Timba and Gladys Hlatshwayo to selected Sadc countries, starting with South Africa, with a Hail Mary assignment to convince key leaders in the region that he won last week's presidential election, even though he has thus far failed to produce the V11s to backup his claim.

The duo of Timba and Hlatshwayo will have an uphill if not an impossible task, not least because one cannot get something out of nothing: either Chamisa has the V11s to prove his allegation or he does not.

Relying on the emotive and controversial Preliminary Statement of Sadc's Election Observation is increasingly becoming a hardsell all round because, apart from the now proven fact that the Sadc Election Observation Mission report is full of glaring errors of commission and omission, it is a preliminary and is not a final report, hence it is a draft replete with untested personal opinions of unidentified stakeholders that are necessarily subject to correction.

On the other hand, the V11s are final and legal.

Curiously, and in a development that is emblematic of Chamisa's insecure leadership style, Timba and Hlatshwayo do not have the high-level diplomatic exposure, experience, skills, contacts and recognition in the region that Tendai Biti and Prof Welshman Ncube have.

There's no need for a rocket scientist to understand why Chamisa did not deploy Biti and Ncube.

Invaiably, insecure political leaders who suffer from also sorts of complexes do not deploy their best assets nor do they make the best decisions, even in times when any objective analysis dictates that they should!

Source - Jonathan Moyo
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