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FULL TEXT: Temba Mliswa's statement on ZANU PF-CCC GNU

10 Oct 2023 at 11:56hrs | Views
I have been wondering why people think a GNU is a possible resolution to the current situation. The last time we had such it was because there had been a stalemate& Mugabe had no option but to accept the SA-brokered deal. Moreso, the MDCs had very strong footing in Parliament.

ZANU–PF lost its majority in the House of Assembly for the first time since 1980, as the two factions of the MDC won most of the seats. Again, a month after the election the MDC factions merged which meant they had absolute control of Parliament.

This made Mugabe's position politically untenable. They had the numbers to impeach him. It's unlike today. The many variables in the current situation don't provide much substance for a repeat of the GNU.

In 2008 it was clear and easy to argue that the opposition had been rigged because the Legislative numbers had a massive opposition win. That win didn't correspond with the Presidential numbers which gave Tsvangirai only 47%. It was an easy sell.

It's unlike now where both the Legislative and Presidential numbers are generally in tandem. Thus its futile political talk to continue raising the GNU talk because it's unlikely to happen. The most we can do is pressure the President and the ruling party to be inclusive.

Alternatively we could pressure for a Transitional Government, which can be midwifed through a referendum. That could be a more likely scenario than a GNU. Still it's very hard to see ZANU-PF agreeing to such a move.

It's unfortunate that many are willing to indulge in continuous daydreaming without considering the practical context of our politics and political players. It should be clear that certain propositions can never materialise here.

After a certain point, it becomes evil to continue giving people false hope that a particular political arrangement is coming when it's not. Let's move on, take lessons for next time and rejuvenate.

Some of us have moved to the next stage, takutoita zvema cabbage, we accepted our losses. You can't perennially drag the people around with empty rhetoric that won't lead to anything practical. Revise and revive.

Source - Temba Mliswa
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