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SADC Electoral Observation Mission [SEOM] on Zimbabwe final report out

12 Oct 2023 at 15:44hrs | Views
The final report of SADC Electoral Observation Mission [SEOM] on Zimbabwe's 2023 harmonised general election has been released. The final conclusion of the report will undoubtedly disappoint those who have been falsifying its conclusion and banking on using or even abusing it to push for "fresh elections" or for a "National Transitional Authority" [NTA] or for an Extraordinary Sadc Summit.

Nothing of the sort emerges from the final report.

Notably, while it still has some issues of commission and omission, as talking points, unlike its preliminary report issued on 25 August 2023, SEOM's final report is generally more measured and more nuanced in its interpretation and presentation of its observations and conclusion.

For ease of reference, below is the full conclusion of SEOM's final report:


13.1 The SEOM commends the people of Zimbabwe for conducting themselves in a peaceful, orderly and exemplary manner during the pre-election phase, voting days, and the immediate post-election period.

13.2 The SEOM commends the political leaders for spreading the message of peace and non-violence throughout the electoral cycle.

13.3 The SEOM noted that, as detailed in sections 6 and 7 of this report, some aspects of the Harmonised Elections fell short of the requirements of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the Electoral Act, and the SADC Principles and Guidelines Governing Democratic Elections (2021).

13.4 The SEOM calls for all concerned parties to ensure that any grievances with respect to the election results are channelled through the appropriate legal processes to ensure the exhaustion of domestic legal remedies.

13.5 In terms of Section 11.8.2 of the SADC Principles and Guidelines, when SEOM publishes and officially submits the election reports, Member States which held elections, may:

(a) consider the recommendations advanced by the SEOM for improving the conduct of elections; and

(b) submit to the Chair of the Organ, a response to the SEOM report.

Adopted on 31 August 2023

By representatives of the SADC TROIKA of the Organ on Politics. Defence and Security Cooperation.

Head of SEOM
Representative of the Chairperson of the Organ
Republic of Zambia".

This is it. Case closed!

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