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Chamisa faces severe backlash over SADC statement

04 Dec 2023 at 13:58hrs | Views
In a recent turn of events, the beleaguered leader of the CCC (Citizens' Coalition for Change), Nelson Chamisa, found himself in hot water as his own supporters on the social media platform X criticised him for his stance on the regional bloc SADC (Southern African Development Community). Chamisa's response to a supporter's inquiry about the opposition's engagement with SADC regarding the August 2023 harmonised elections sparked a wave of discontent among his followers. He declared, "*SADC is we the people! We fix all our issues. We're the ones to help ourselves. We're the answer to our own questions.*"

However, instead of finding solace in Chamisa's words, his supporters expressed frustration and disappointment, revealing deep-seated anger within the opposition ranks. This latest episode suggests that Chamisa's leadership may be on shaky ground, and he appears to be cognisant of this fact, as evidenced by his reluctance to hold an elective Congress, where his dwindling popularity within the opposition movement could become evident.

Several key points shed light on the growing dissatisfaction among opposition supporters:

Disregard for Supporters: Chamisa has a history of taking his supporters for granted. In 2018, he even went so far as to call them 'stupid' after they acted upon his inciteful statements and engaged in violent protests, resulting in arrests.

False Hope Operation: In the aftermath of the August 2023 harmonised elections, Chamisa, alongside Promise Mkwananzi and Ibbo Mandaza, attempted to maintain an election-centric narrative by misleading their supporters. They falsely claimed that SADC would declare the elections invalid and call for fresh polls, running an operation named 'Hope is on the way.'

Evasion of Accountability: Instead of taking responsibility for his deceptive tactics and propagandistic manoeuvres, Chamisa has chosen to divert attention away from the issue and now refuses to address questions regarding the supposed SADC intervention.

Vindication of Critics: Figures like Hopewell Chin'ono, Tendai Biti, Freeman Chari, and Kuda Musasiwa have been consistently critical of Chamisa. With each passing day, his actions seem to reinforce their arguments that he is unfit to lead the opposition and is holding onto power through undemocratic means.

'Just Pass the Baton' Campaign: Interestingly, a faction of CCC supporters has launched a social media campaign called 'Just Pass the Baton,' urging Chamisa to step down from his leadership position and allow a democratic process to select a new, capable leader.

In summary, Nelson Chamisa's recent statement on SADC has exposed growing discontent and frustration within his own ranks. As pressure mounts, his leadership is being called into question, and the future of the CCC remains uncertain.

Source - X
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