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Was the Emperor a Zanu-PF tortoise on some post

17 Dec 2023 at 18:24hrs | Views
AND THE EMPEROR TOO, is also into stories of tortoises that have allegedly wreaked havoc in CCC?

Well, well. Interesting. It is of course a refreshing break from the daily verses on the hour but...

When, like his army of trolls, the Emperor believes and peddles his own propaganda that split in CCC, which he publicly announced in Chinhoyi on 23 September 2023, was caused by a Zanu-PF tortoise, what then does he think are the consequences of the fire that he started when he unilaterally dissolved CCC structures that morphed from the MDC-Alliance on 22 January 2022; and started embarking on his "strategic ambiguity" purge in CCC?

Was the Emperor a Zanu-PF tortoise on some post, hard at work, when he unilaterally dissolved the structures? And does he really think that anyone affected by that unilateral and therefore unconstitutional dissolution became a Zanu-PF tortoise by definition?

Every issue has a cause and consequences. It's always best to confront causes and consequences for what they are, without indulging in myth-making to find scapegoats and call them tortoises to cover up, and deflect attention away from, your own self-caused mess.

Anyhow, one thing for sure is that the evidence of the Emperor's demolishing job of CCC structures, values and collective leadership is transparent and ubiquitous!

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