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Which is which: Face symbol or party logo?

18 Feb 2024 at 09:29hrs | Views
So, how did a face symbol, which ended up breeding the cancerous one-man syndrome witnessed in CCC, end up trumping the party logo that was adopted by the collective leadership in January 2022?

And does anyone who understands politics really imagine that any collective leadership would throw away the party logo and cling onto a face symbol of someone who cowardly and abruptly ran away, claiming that the party he led had been infiltrated and contaminated by Zanu-PF?

In any event, which CCC did  Nelson Chamisa flee?

Did he flee the 22 January 2022 CCC, which was cofounded by the collective leadership under the 'Gweru 2019' consensus, which he later dissolved and shut out; or did he flee his own CCC whose existence he first announced in Chinhoyi on 23 September 2023, based on his two-page constitution that he made public well after the 23/24 August 2023 harmonised general election on 8 November 2023?

Is it not common cause, whose compelling evidence is clear from the court record of the CCC-feud cases in the court, that Chamisa actually ran away from the CCC he formed alone after 22 January 2022, which he ran alone with Jameson Timba, Amos Chibaya, Gift Ostallos Siziva and Promise Mkwananzi as his top side kicks?

Is it not a fact that right now the CCC that Chamisa ran away from is being run by Jameson Timba, with Chamisa telling him what to do from wherever he's politically hiding?

That aside, those who think a face symbol of a former leader who literally ran away from his leadership position and role has more or better currency than the party logo has a serious problem.

The issue is a no-brainer, a party logo is more important than a face symbol, especially a face symbol of a leader who ran away!

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More on: #Ccc, #Symbol, #Logo