Opinion / Columnist
The rise of General Chiwenga: My reply to this article
25 Mar 2024 at 20:30hrs | Views

My article today is to reply an article written by Samkeliso Ncube on Bulawayo 24: it was written in large; The rise of General Chiwenga, Zimbabwe's vanguard to a prosperous future. This article is not only insulting the brains of Zimbabwean population: it is not based on factuality, but it undermines and underestimates Zimbabwean people. Samkeliso thinks we are a mindless crown. Zimbabweans have been docile and pliant for a long time: Samkeliso Ncube thinks he/she can even urinate on our faces as heavenly rains. Samkeliso must be told that the articles he/she penned stinks in the nostrils of decent Zimbabweans.
I do not see how an illiterate general of Chiwenga can turn our economy around: a Chiwenga who is now called a beacon of hope for Zimbabwe. The rise of Chiwenga was made possible by a well-calculated then president of Zimbabwe, Robert Gabriel Mugabe. As commander of chief back then, Robert Mugabe emphasized ethnicity: he wanted a general who is nearer to a stupid persona who will not challenge his bubble. It was Constantine Chiwenga, his narrow tribal instinct, who fitted in Mugabe's choice of a general. Again, Samkeliso should know that for Chiwenga be given such a position was because he was of Zezuru ethnic group, not from Karanga: a position he served until things got bad. Why and how did the bubble burst: it was because of the looted diamond revenues from Marange worth a staggering US$ 15 billion. Samkeliso tells us that Chiwenga is above tribal etiquette, he is not corrupt therefore fit to be the next president of Zimbabwe. How insulting, how perfidious can it still go! Does Chiwenga marrying a Ndebele woman sanitize his tribalistic etiquette?
Shortly before the 2017 military coup took place, Chiwenga rushed to China to secure his 7,5 billion US dollars in his name. On arrival, he was met by a CIO unit from the president's office with orders to arrest him. The Marange diamonds loot is part of the reasons why there was a military coup in Zimbabwe that removed President Mugabe from power. Omission or commission, Samkeliso's article overrides these facts to still insist a lie that Chiwenga is not a corrupt person! Further, it carefully twists all that is dishonest about Chiwenga. He/she pens an article about the rise of Chiwenga. My question is, when has Chiwenga ever risen, apart from the position of a mere General given to him calculative on ethnic grounds? Again, how many citizens have been murdered at the behest of Mugabe, the commander-in-chief? Where is Itai Dzamara? How did General Solomon Mujuru die: who murdered him? Mugabe told us openly that he has never killed anybody: That statement says it all about him; he sent his emissaries to do the dirty killings for him. One of them is General Constantino Chiwenga.
Samkeliso, without a pinch of good morals, pens an article sanitizing Chiwenga to aspire to be the next president of Zimbabwe. His/her article is as perfidious as it reads. Zimbabwe is a nation that needs a ground-breaking revolutionary change. This nation has educated people scattered all over the world. There are billions of looted revenues that belong to the state that would have turned the economy of Zimbabwe around to a near first-world economy. These national revenues are in foreign banks developing other nations domestic cash flows. VP Chiwenga, have no knowledge of how globalization works. Chiwenga does not know, when they send revenues in foreign banks, it is not possible to even ask for a slender million dollars without a hassle. Having deposited US$15 billion dollars to foreign banks, removing just one million from those bank shakes the fiscal flows of that economy. Does Chiwenga understand global fiscal synergies to ever become a president of Zimbabwe? Did Samkeliso ask Chiwenga why he needs to go to China for treatment leaving our broken-down health system; He does not even trust his own government institutions. But Samkeliso thinks he is fit to be president! When Caucasians say Africans are stupid, we cringe!
Quote: "With a remarkable history of fighting corruption, opposing cultism in politics, and advocating for unity without tribal bias, General Chiwenga stands out as the best foot forward to alleviate the plight of Zimbabweans". Said Samkeliso. Are Zimbabweans so desperate as to think that Chiwenga can do better than Mugabe and Mnangagwa put together? Chiwenga is so daft, primitive, and stupid to become a president of this great country. VP Chiwenga can never be the best foot forward, Samkeliso. A Chiwenga presidency means going back to 15th century Chaminuka/Lobengula economy. Can we afford this today in 2024? I now slowly understand how I get insulted here in Germany about my Zimbabwe that does not know whether its politics, social and economic is going forward or coming back. It is evidenced by the moulds of Samkeliso's articles that suggest a dead wood, uneducated Chiwenga could be the next president of Zimbabwe.
VP Chiwenga's inhumanness is measured on how he treated his former wife, Merry Mubayiwa-Chiwenga and her children. There is no humanity in the way Merry' suffered at the hands of VP Chiwenga: intrinsically an evil human being. But Samkeliso thinks Chiwenga, a cruel, barbaric, indecent human being could be president of Zimbabwe. Chiwenga refuses his former wife Merry to get treatment when she was seriously ill at the remand prison. Her hand was amputated because she did not receive treatment on time. Merry's children are not allowed to see their mother. How inhuman can it still go? Yet we are told he is the best foot forward. The social media speed into the WWW informs global citizens how women are treated in Zimbabwe; like cleaning the back-side: evidenced on how Chiwenga treats his former wife Merry. Samkeliso, this nation needs leadership that is human, UBUNTU: your choice of a future presidency falls far short of a slender human element in Chiwenga, your choice. Samkeliso, to say it mildly you are a letdown just by suggesting that Chiwenga could be Zimbabwe's future president.
Reading Samkeliso's article, a devil advocate; I am persuaded to think that VP Chiwenga does not even understand what is written about him in this article. These complex narratives about Chiwenga in this article do not even bond with what Chiwenga is, personally. Again, Chiwenga's slender academic achievements, he had his doctorate written for him. Here is a person who has no idea what a doctorate means, is academically saluted as Dr. Chiwenga. Are we to have a president who cheats an academic qualification, falls far short of academic decency? From a standard six qualifications, he is catapult to a doctorate degree. What is this hullaballoo about DR. academic title if he cannot even make use of it to benefit himself and the nation?
Chiwenga does not even understand what Samkeliso has written about him. General Chiwenga is not by any stretch of imagination a stalwart, could part of a crowd, a mob: he is not a good father and guardian: he refuses his children to visit their mother, Merry Chiwenga. quote: "His focus on institutional strength over personality cults is a refreshing departure from the norm" close quote. That is dishonest Samkeliso. At best you have written jargon: much ado about nothing. That Chiwenga stands out as the best foot forward to alleviate the plight of Zimbabweans! You spoke. That is not true to put it mildly. There is no evidence on the ground that informs the public that VP Chiwenga understands the plight of ordinary citizens. Chiwenga lives in a bubble of swapping one woman with the next as wives. How many wives has he changed and exchanged? His convoluted personal life and marital challenges should be a benchmark for bad leadership.
I can go on disagreeing on every sentence in this "ineffable" article: wholly ungracious and unfeeling. Chiwenga has never at any time exemplified a strategy and implemented policies that ensure the safety of citizens while fostering an environment conducive to growth, a testament to his suitability for the presidency. Is it not at Chiwenga's behest that gunned down innocent citizens in 2018 for demonstrating against stolen elections? But Samkeliso thinks citizens have forgotten: Samkeliso thinks Zimbabweans have reptile brains that do not think. It is for this reason that he/she can pen an insulting article virtually urinating on the citizen's faces. Samkeliso thinks we are a mindless crowd: equipped with reptile faculties.
Chiwenga is a politician who plays piano with his penis at the detriment of the populace. He is ill, cannot be a top civil servant of a government: The post is by any stretch, far above his paygrade. Samkeliso's article is all retch without vomit: disconcerting. The article rumbles along saying the same: at best this article should be understood as moral violence against Zimbabwean citizens. Samkeliso thinks his/her vehicle of fine words will overnight, turn General Chiwenga into a description and predicate of what he wants VP Chiwenga to be, the future president of the Republic of Zimbabwe.
Does Samkeliso know the grand design: I am pretty sure he does. Before the coup in 2017, the people were made to understand that President Mnangagwa was to serve one term: he was then to graciously hand over power to Chiwenga to serve the second term. Now, what happened? VP Chiwenga was outsmarted to the point of losing his life at the cruel hands of his accomplice. President Mnangagwa has purged anyone he deems dangerous to him even Christopher Mutsvangwa. If intellectual stalwarts like Christopher Mutsvangwa can fall by the wayside, what makes Samkeliso think VP Chiwenga will make it at the congress before the elections in 2027; feeble, weak in mind and body? Food for thought!
I do not see how an illiterate general of Chiwenga can turn our economy around: a Chiwenga who is now called a beacon of hope for Zimbabwe. The rise of Chiwenga was made possible by a well-calculated then president of Zimbabwe, Robert Gabriel Mugabe. As commander of chief back then, Robert Mugabe emphasized ethnicity: he wanted a general who is nearer to a stupid persona who will not challenge his bubble. It was Constantine Chiwenga, his narrow tribal instinct, who fitted in Mugabe's choice of a general. Again, Samkeliso should know that for Chiwenga be given such a position was because he was of Zezuru ethnic group, not from Karanga: a position he served until things got bad. Why and how did the bubble burst: it was because of the looted diamond revenues from Marange worth a staggering US$ 15 billion. Samkeliso tells us that Chiwenga is above tribal etiquette, he is not corrupt therefore fit to be the next president of Zimbabwe. How insulting, how perfidious can it still go! Does Chiwenga marrying a Ndebele woman sanitize his tribalistic etiquette?
Shortly before the 2017 military coup took place, Chiwenga rushed to China to secure his 7,5 billion US dollars in his name. On arrival, he was met by a CIO unit from the president's office with orders to arrest him. The Marange diamonds loot is part of the reasons why there was a military coup in Zimbabwe that removed President Mugabe from power. Omission or commission, Samkeliso's article overrides these facts to still insist a lie that Chiwenga is not a corrupt person! Further, it carefully twists all that is dishonest about Chiwenga. He/she pens an article about the rise of Chiwenga. My question is, when has Chiwenga ever risen, apart from the position of a mere General given to him calculative on ethnic grounds? Again, how many citizens have been murdered at the behest of Mugabe, the commander-in-chief? Where is Itai Dzamara? How did General Solomon Mujuru die: who murdered him? Mugabe told us openly that he has never killed anybody: That statement says it all about him; he sent his emissaries to do the dirty killings for him. One of them is General Constantino Chiwenga.
Samkeliso, without a pinch of good morals, pens an article sanitizing Chiwenga to aspire to be the next president of Zimbabwe. His/her article is as perfidious as it reads. Zimbabwe is a nation that needs a ground-breaking revolutionary change. This nation has educated people scattered all over the world. There are billions of looted revenues that belong to the state that would have turned the economy of Zimbabwe around to a near first-world economy. These national revenues are in foreign banks developing other nations domestic cash flows. VP Chiwenga, have no knowledge of how globalization works. Chiwenga does not know, when they send revenues in foreign banks, it is not possible to even ask for a slender million dollars without a hassle. Having deposited US$15 billion dollars to foreign banks, removing just one million from those bank shakes the fiscal flows of that economy. Does Chiwenga understand global fiscal synergies to ever become a president of Zimbabwe? Did Samkeliso ask Chiwenga why he needs to go to China for treatment leaving our broken-down health system; He does not even trust his own government institutions. But Samkeliso thinks he is fit to be president! When Caucasians say Africans are stupid, we cringe!
Quote: "With a remarkable history of fighting corruption, opposing cultism in politics, and advocating for unity without tribal bias, General Chiwenga stands out as the best foot forward to alleviate the plight of Zimbabweans". Said Samkeliso. Are Zimbabweans so desperate as to think that Chiwenga can do better than Mugabe and Mnangagwa put together? Chiwenga is so daft, primitive, and stupid to become a president of this great country. VP Chiwenga can never be the best foot forward, Samkeliso. A Chiwenga presidency means going back to 15th century Chaminuka/Lobengula economy. Can we afford this today in 2024? I now slowly understand how I get insulted here in Germany about my Zimbabwe that does not know whether its politics, social and economic is going forward or coming back. It is evidenced by the moulds of Samkeliso's articles that suggest a dead wood, uneducated Chiwenga could be the next president of Zimbabwe.
VP Chiwenga's inhumanness is measured on how he treated his former wife, Merry Mubayiwa-Chiwenga and her children. There is no humanity in the way Merry' suffered at the hands of VP Chiwenga: intrinsically an evil human being. But Samkeliso thinks Chiwenga, a cruel, barbaric, indecent human being could be president of Zimbabwe. Chiwenga refuses his former wife Merry to get treatment when she was seriously ill at the remand prison. Her hand was amputated because she did not receive treatment on time. Merry's children are not allowed to see their mother. How inhuman can it still go? Yet we are told he is the best foot forward. The social media speed into the WWW informs global citizens how women are treated in Zimbabwe; like cleaning the back-side: evidenced on how Chiwenga treats his former wife Merry. Samkeliso, this nation needs leadership that is human, UBUNTU: your choice of a future presidency falls far short of a slender human element in Chiwenga, your choice. Samkeliso, to say it mildly you are a letdown just by suggesting that Chiwenga could be Zimbabwe's future president.
Reading Samkeliso's article, a devil advocate; I am persuaded to think that VP Chiwenga does not even understand what is written about him in this article. These complex narratives about Chiwenga in this article do not even bond with what Chiwenga is, personally. Again, Chiwenga's slender academic achievements, he had his doctorate written for him. Here is a person who has no idea what a doctorate means, is academically saluted as Dr. Chiwenga. Are we to have a president who cheats an academic qualification, falls far short of academic decency? From a standard six qualifications, he is catapult to a doctorate degree. What is this hullaballoo about DR. academic title if he cannot even make use of it to benefit himself and the nation?
Chiwenga does not even understand what Samkeliso has written about him. General Chiwenga is not by any stretch of imagination a stalwart, could part of a crowd, a mob: he is not a good father and guardian: he refuses his children to visit their mother, Merry Chiwenga. quote: "His focus on institutional strength over personality cults is a refreshing departure from the norm" close quote. That is dishonest Samkeliso. At best you have written jargon: much ado about nothing. That Chiwenga stands out as the best foot forward to alleviate the plight of Zimbabweans! You spoke. That is not true to put it mildly. There is no evidence on the ground that informs the public that VP Chiwenga understands the plight of ordinary citizens. Chiwenga lives in a bubble of swapping one woman with the next as wives. How many wives has he changed and exchanged? His convoluted personal life and marital challenges should be a benchmark for bad leadership.
I can go on disagreeing on every sentence in this "ineffable" article: wholly ungracious and unfeeling. Chiwenga has never at any time exemplified a strategy and implemented policies that ensure the safety of citizens while fostering an environment conducive to growth, a testament to his suitability for the presidency. Is it not at Chiwenga's behest that gunned down innocent citizens in 2018 for demonstrating against stolen elections? But Samkeliso thinks citizens have forgotten: Samkeliso thinks Zimbabweans have reptile brains that do not think. It is for this reason that he/she can pen an insulting article virtually urinating on the citizen's faces. Samkeliso thinks we are a mindless crowd: equipped with reptile faculties.
Chiwenga is a politician who plays piano with his penis at the detriment of the populace. He is ill, cannot be a top civil servant of a government: The post is by any stretch, far above his paygrade. Samkeliso's article is all retch without vomit: disconcerting. The article rumbles along saying the same: at best this article should be understood as moral violence against Zimbabwean citizens. Samkeliso thinks his/her vehicle of fine words will overnight, turn General Chiwenga into a description and predicate of what he wants VP Chiwenga to be, the future president of the Republic of Zimbabwe.
Does Samkeliso know the grand design: I am pretty sure he does. Before the coup in 2017, the people were made to understand that President Mnangagwa was to serve one term: he was then to graciously hand over power to Chiwenga to serve the second term. Now, what happened? VP Chiwenga was outsmarted to the point of losing his life at the cruel hands of his accomplice. President Mnangagwa has purged anyone he deems dangerous to him even Christopher Mutsvangwa. If intellectual stalwarts like Christopher Mutsvangwa can fall by the wayside, what makes Samkeliso think VP Chiwenga will make it at the congress before the elections in 2027; feeble, weak in mind and body? Food for thought!
Source - Nomazulu Thata
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