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Mohadi's life and health does not matter in Zimbabwe?

18 Jun 2024 at 09:11hrs | Views
In Zimbabwe, when Emmerson Mnangagwa, President of Zimbabwe and his 1st VP, Constantino Chiwenga, get sick, all panic and emergency buttons are pressed. In a matter of urgency, they are swiftly airlifted to South Africa or Asia to get first class treatment at state of the art hospitals. Sadly we have learnt that Kembo Mohadi, 2nd VP from Matabeleland has collapsed for a record 3 times in public events and every time that happens, unlike his counterparts, he is driven to the nearest local hospitals and quickly discharged.

While the ailment of Mnangagwa 81 or Chiwenga 67 is recorded by the media as "national health scare" to be treated as a matter of urgency, Kembo Mahadi 74 has been castigated for getting sick and collapsing in public and told to retire by leaders, media and the public from Mashonaland.

Well known tribalist who's tribalistic tendencies and arrogance contributed to him running away from CCC, the party that he founded, Nelson Chamisa was quoted by The Mirror saying, "people must have a culture of resting and retiring and not perpetuate a culture of collapsing and dying in office".

In 2019 he wished British PM who was admitted to hospital with COVID19 well. In a statement he wrote " wishing PM Boris Johnson a full and speedy recovery and our prayers are with all those whose families and loved ones are affected by COVID19". This was the same Chamisa wishing a leader of another country a speedy recovery yet he tells Kembo Mohadi, the Vice President of his own contry to retire and die at home because he is of Matabele stalk.

2020 in an article titled "Chamisa Worried About Chiwenga",  he told daily news that he was very worried about Constantino Chiwenga's health and wished him speedy recovery. It is not surprising that he was "very worried" about Constantino Chiwenga's health. What can a self exposed tribalist who imposed Shona Parliamentary candidates in Matabeleland do?

He sees a superior black human being in Chiwenga worth to be wished a speedy recovery so that he continues with his work and an inferior Matabele in Kembo Mohadi who when he gets sick must resign with immediate effect and die at home.

On the other hand the Shona supremacist government of Zimbabwe led by Matabele genocide perpetrator, Emmerson Mnangagwa who believes Matabeles are cockroaches that need to be annihilated from the face of earth, does not think Mohadi, like them should be airlifted to be treated by best doctors to save his life so that he continues with his work because he is Matabele.

This is a very worrying, disturbing and scary situation if you are Matabele living in Zimbabwe right now. If a Matabele leader in the highest office in Zimbabwe is treated in this manner what about an ordinary Matabele in Bulawayo and all rural areas in Matabeleland? Any Matabele who does not support Matabeleland restoration cause that is aimed at liberating Matabeles from Shona oppression, abuse and genocide is doomed.

People like Kembo Mohadi have got only themselves to blame when they are treated like second class citizens by their own masters. How do you expect oppressors to treat you when you accept goat skinning and braai stand positions in their Shona supremacist government?

No master will ever take his slave or servant to the best hospital. They will instead drive them to Mpilo hospital just as in Kembo Mohadi'' case.

Kembo Mohadi is 74 years old  and can not be classified as very old.He is just a  post spring chicken  age and was poisoned within Zanupf because of his presidential ambitions which he had declared several times  and thus offending the most ambitious candidate.

The removal of President Emmerson Mnangagwa who has shown his intentions to die in office, will leave a trail of blood and destruction along the way that would far outstrip that of President Robert Mugabe.

Izenzo kungemazwi!

Israel Dube

MLO Secretary for Information and Public Affairs

Source - Israel Dube
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