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Lovemore Moyo was Speaker of GNU Parliament yet did not know its primary task was implementing reforms. Shocking!

23 Aug 2024 at 21:47hrs | Views
In a LIVE HS TV interview with Blessing Mhlanga, Lovemore Moyo revealed that he did not know that the primary purpose of the 2008 to 2013 GNU was to implement the democratic reforms. Shocking!

He was the Chairman of the MDC-T, third ranking position in the party, and throughout the GNU, he was Speaker of Parliament. And for 5 years he did not know what the GNU's number one task was to implement reforms! How was that possible?

The GNU was formed after SADC refused to grant Zanu PF political legitimacy following the blatant cheating in the counting of the March 2008 elections and the wanton violence in the June run off. SADC forced Mugabe and his Zanu PF party to sign the 2008 Global Political Agreement giving birth to the GNU and SADC was the guarantor of the agreement.

The primary purpose of the GNU was to implement the democratic reforms to stop the repeat of the blatant cheating and wanton violence of 2008. The task of implementing the reforms fell on Morgan Tsvangirai and his MDC-T and Arthur Mutambara and his MDC-M, naturally. Of course, Mugabe and his Zanu PF would not want to reform the system helping them to stay in power!

Lovemore Moyo's suggestion that the responsibility of implement the reforms were equally divided between the partners in the GNU is therefore nonsense.

The MDC leaders failed to submit even one democratic reform proposal in the 5 years of the GNU. Mugabe bribed them with the trappings of high office and they, in return, kicked the reforms into devil-thorn Cactus thicket!

"Mazivanhu eMDC adzidza kudya anyerere!" boasted Zanu PF cronies when asked why MDC leaders were not implementing reform during the GNU.

It is either the Honourable Speaker of GNU Parliament, Lovemore Moyo, did not know the primary purpose of the GNU was to implement reforms out of ignorance. His would be very unique in that he had remained ignorant of the matter on the national agenda for not only the duration the GNU but to this day.

It is almost certain that Moyo knew about the need to implement the reforms but forgot about them. The gravy train good life made him forget about the reforms and now, he is ashamed to admit it. He is hoping that many Zimbabweans will not figure it out the MDC leaders sold out big time and the reason why the nation is still stuck with the vote rigging Zanu PF dictatorship to this day.
Mnangagwa and his Zanu PF thugs blatantly rigged 2023 elections precisely because MDC/CCC have failed to implement even one token reform in 24 years including 5 in the GNU. Worse still Mnangagwa got away with the rigged elections because Chamisa & Co. knew Zanu PF was rigging the elections and that participating would give the regime legitimacy. And still the participated out of greed. They knew all this and did not care!

"The (2013) electoral process was so flawed, so illegal, that the only logical step was to withdraw, which would compel SADC to hold Zanu PF to account. But such was the distrust between the MDC-T and MDC-N that neither could withdraw for fear that the other would remain in the elections, winning seats and giving the process credibility," confessed David Coltart in his Book, The Struggle Continues 50 years of Tyranny in Zimbabwe.

Honourable Moyo told Mhlanga the late Dr Richard Tsvangirai's appointment of Elias Mudzuri and Nelson Chamisa as VP of MDC-T were unconstitutional and tribally motivated. Still Moyo insisted Tsvangirai was a democrat.

So Tsvangirai was a democrat on Monday and a tribalist on Tuesday but, for convenience, we will call him a democrat the rest of the week! By appointing Chamisa and Mudzuri VP, Tsvangirai had sown the seed of division and rancour that has completely destroyed the MDC. How anyone can still call the man behind it all a democrat, beggars belief!

It pays in the end to get quality leaders in the beginning. In MDC/CCC we did not get some of the most corrupt and incompetent leaders, second only to the Zanu PF murderous and vote rigging thugs;  and the nation has paid dearly for it.

Still, one only hopes that the nation has learned the important lesson of electing quality leaders! "Kwete kungo kuvirira zvose mavhu namarara!" as one would say in Shona.

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