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Mukwasha Chiwenga in Math-South improvements. Is development holistic?

3 hrs ago | Views
Whatever development VP Chiwenga is bringing in Matabeleland South, that should never be interpreted as "Mukwasha inzunza". School children especially benefit from good and safe schools, health care facilities, and other developments he wants to do in the region to show that he is, indeed the "in-law in the region. As someone in high authority of power, I believe Chiwenga would do more for Matabeleland than developing to please a section of it. What he could have done if he truly wanted to develop this region is to make sure that during his current reign, he could push for the completion of Matabeleland Water Project and finish so that millions of citizens in Matabeleland, South and North benefit from the noble life-serving project.

I wonder if it is statesmanship to develop a region to please the relatives of his wife: we are supposed to applaud this as progress, applauding a fish for swimming! The government of Zimbabwe has the mandate from the people to meet social and economic needs of every citizen. Matabeleland region has been living with trauma for 4 decades. Any development even camouflaged with good intentions; the people will applaud as progress; partly justified. Just yesterday, the region was in tears because Judge Sello Nare had died. Do we ask about emotional damage he meted in the region, trying to sanitize President Mnangagwa about the genocide atrocities he committed in the early days of Zimbabwe's independence? Given the boost from VP Mohadi; Nare was Mohadi's blue-eyed boy, prepared to sell the souls of the departed Matabeleland Gukurahundi victims for some pieces of silver, whose bloody hands must be clean again. Curiously, some people of Matabeleland are quick to sell their own if Zanu PF came with free bees to dangle in front of them in exchange for the souls of the departed Matabele people. These sellers have shorter memories; they think, all of us too, have short memories. It will be forgotten instantly the moment we are told Justice Sello Nare has died. (Ubuntu philosophy says umunto ofileyo ulungile; not to us. We don't buy it).  
Again, just yesterday, listening to Zimbabwean propaganda U-tubers, Chiwenga was hailed as upright leader who condemned corruption. These U-Tubers must be either born-frees, or their memories are short, or they do not know much about the reign of former Mugabe and his associates in the echelons of power. Chiwenga benefited from Marange diamonds, not the people from that region. When diamonds were discovered in Marange, thousands of people were internally displaced to make way for China diamonds mining companies that made Mugabe and Chiwenga rich in staggering billions of US dollars. We hear, this is what triggered a coup of 2017. Now Chiwenga is talking about how corruption ravages the fabric of the nation: The mindless crowd, the born frees are excited and hilarious about Chiwenga condemning corruption;  They clapped hands; uttering wooden language. For the record, Chiwenga is as corrupt man as Mnangagwa. The kettle Chiwenga is laughing at the pot Mnangagwa how black. How did the irony escape these young people?

Do they know Marange diamonds was meant for the national coffers to benefit all of us. The looting was at the behest of Chiwenga equally? These young people must sit down and ask Ms. Merry Mubaiwa who has accurate information about what transpired in diamond deals between Mugabe and Chiwenga. For this reason, Merry is suffering from the information she has about many issues between Chiwenga and Mnangagwa. A whooping US15 billions is in foreign banks nurturing foreign domestic fiscus. And Chiwenga, when he was poisoned by whoever, went to China for a treatment that was not cheap to get his poisoned esophagus working again. That treatment was paid for by the revenues meant for the nation. The abject shallowness of our young people does not know this information; or are they dwelling in a cognitive dissonant bubble? Their actions stretch my capacity for belief.

The whooping US15 billion dollars was shared between Chiwenga and Mugabe family. Now, suddenly we are told Chiwenga is not corrupt, but Mnangagwa is corrupt; how ironic. Hence, they see Chiwenga as the rightful person to take over from Mnangagwa. This is how history can go with its irony. It is not clear, when listening to these U-Tubes propaganda, at whose gallery are they playing. Are they supporting Chamisa or Chiwenga. Or has Chamisa, in his desperation to land in the State House, made a clandestine alliance with Chiwenga behind our backs? There was a deal made between General Chiwenga and Mnangagwa, that, after a five-year term in power, Mnangagwa was to surrender the button to General Chiwenga. But because Constantine Chiwenga is weak, Mnangagwa capitalized on his weakness to remain in power and will possibly die in office. Chiwenga, evidently feeble, is to take over from Mnangagwa. A readable guess, what developmental changes is Chiwenga going to achieve in a nation whose economy is a pit-latrine to put it mildly? Chiwenga, to check his blood-pressure and eye-infections, he goes to China for treatment because he does not trust his own institutions at home. We do not know whether the loot of US7 billion is in China or in other far-East Asian countries. If, for argument's sake Chiwenga took over from Mnangagwa, there will be change that guarantees that things will remain the same, economically and otherwise. Chiwenga's rule will be palliative, not groundbreaking revolutionary; However, Zimbabwe yearns for better.

I get laughed at by Germans when I start talking about my Zimbabwe. They quickly remind me about Africa that is about 70 years independent from colonialism, has the best natural resources in the world. Everything that means valuable minerals are in Africa. But Africa is still bitter poor to this day. Africa cannot lift itself economically to meet social and economic needs of its populations growing at a very fast rate. I am quickly showed pictures of children mining in the DRC just to get food for that day only. No schooling for them: if they got ill by poor mining practices, using their bare hands, poorly dressed, there are no health facilities for them for treatment. Families squat and squalor in shanty towns without decent water and sanitation. I don't challenge Germans when they laugh at me nowadays. I have done so before and reminded them that African was divided in Berlin a century and half ago. This argument is wholly true; it has become redundant, realizing how our leaders treat us, worse than the colonial masters of yester year. I realized that the truth is bitter to take it in, because they will be articulating bare truths and hard facts about Africa I cannot accept. It is this little I still have and to possess the dignity about me and Africa that makes me feel, I must keep it. (in German; die Würde die man noch hat, behalten)
Let me come back to Mukwasha weku Matabeleland South about his pleasing and flattering actions on developing parts of South Matabeleland. It should never be about his intentions to condemn him openly but rather welcome it and go further and ask, had it been done sooner, immediately after independence, just like the regions in Mashonaland, Matabeleland would be having qualified and skilled people to push progress in the region. Bulawayo is a ghost town, once an industrial hub that gave millions of employments to Bulawayo and the regions around it. Big companies have collapsed; there was Dunlop, Cold storage commission: CSC, etc. because of water scarcity and energy especially, are now a thing of the past. How long a time have we waited for Matabeleland Water Project to finish? But Mnangagwa plays politics with the minds and emotions of the people of Matabeleland region. When election season comes, the project will be spoken about loudly, when soon it will be finished, knowing well that they lie to the teeth's; Zanu PF does not intend to develop Matabeleland region, instead they will be pushing for a Zanu PF vote, and get it and disappear for five years when there elections again.

There are issues in Matabeleland that Judge Sello Nare should have pushed for when he lived; just one of them was to see Bulawayo with reliable water services for the good of all. That alone should have punctuated his legacy. He thought about his stomach and those of his family, more than the rest of us. To be Director of National Peace and Reconciliation is not a trophy to be proud about. The eulogy given to him by Mnangagwa tells a lot about how Judge Sello Nare sold the people of Matabeleland to Mnangagwa. People of the moulds of Tshabangu have learnt the chess game: how to feed their stomach alone: selling CCC party to the highest bidder, Zanu PF. Tshabangu must be told that his actions stink in the nostrils of decent citizens, nationally. What value did it make when Khaliphani Phugheni constantly addressed Mnangagwa as His Excellency. Where is Dr. Thokozani Khuphe today? She is given oversees hospital treatment; travels to India with costs paid for by the government: (A red flag) My point here is, the Ndebele people are sellouts equally; it is not the prerogative of one tribe, per se.  
We advise the new wife of General Chiwenga to "eat" as much while it lasts. Mukwasha must be let to develop Math South; Mukwasha inzunza; we acknowledge his contribution as such. We cannot count with our ten fingers, how many wives Chiwenga has had before, but lasted as long as it did. To be a wife of Chiwenga is living in a bubble that can burst anytime. Chiwenga is being catapulted to become the next President. That again defeats my slender imagination, how such an openly cruel man can be president. There is a street element how Chiwenga treats his ill ex-wife Merry; so diabolical, a red flag. The children are not allowed to see their mother, how painful. Young Zimbabwean gen Zs overlook Chiwenga's serious shortcomings because women and children mean nothing in our societies. To show how weak but cruel Chiwenga is, is to see how he treats his former wife. Instead of seeing blame to the person who nearly killed him and challenge him as such for that, he punishes without mercy the lesser mortal Merry; a woman whose position is so fragile in the larger scheme of things. Chiwenga has been unable to unseat Mnangagwa for the past seven years. The Zimbabwean gen Zs are now doing the kicking and screaming for him. Is that the quality of a President-in-waiting we want in Zimbabwe? How I wish I could send our gen Zs to Kenya for political rehabilitation.

Source - Nomazulu Thata
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