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Chafuka on Zimbabwe social media will topple Mnangagwa government!

2 hrs ago | Views
I should be forgiven if I said this man is an implant of president Mnangagwa masquerading as a revolutionary. Yet he is playing a political game that speaks the opposite to loo as many as he can get to expose them to Mnangagwa's CIO operatives. 40+ years of independence has taught us who are shenanigans in our midst and are easy to dictate by their speech acts so obvious even to the deaf and the blind, hear and see the lie. Chafuka's latest video took me, shook me to the point of losing sleep: I was just livid about the obvious tribal plays in his voice. The vitriol thrown at Tshabangu has hallmarks of tribal etiquettes. His Videos are in Shona, he throws in, time and again Ndebele words that he speaks fluently, feeding a deceit he is tribally inclusive.

Mnumzana Sengezo Tshabangu is on his death bed because of poisoning by whoever. It is uncharacteristic of all Christian values to laugh at Tshabangu battling for life? Is Chafuka a true Christian? If, for argument's sake, Tshabangu sold out the revolution; why is Sengezo jeered, scolded, sliced into many pieces, yet the same of Shona tribe, who also sold out are not? What revolution are these young people talking about. Count how many Zimbabweans have sold out to Zanu PF, are they given the same cursed treatment as Tshabangu today? Idiots masquerading as Christians laughing at the demise of a dying fellow human being! I have been following this man's videos for a while now; it has come to my attention that there are deep tribal attributes; how they sling him around, curse Tshabangu as if he is his back side. Not even a single trace of UBUNTU/HUNHU, deep seated innate tribal hatred deeply embedded in them. Honestly, they should be ashamed to call themselves as Christians'! Laughing loudly, laughing at imminent death! How crude can it go, how uncivilized can it be! You have learnt absolutely nothing from the bible teachings you purport to uphold. Christian values are so hollow, sounding furious hate speeches clothed in fake Christian values.

We can start with Chamisa, their leader apparently: he has been sited to be corroborating with the Zanu PF government. Professor Mandaza challenged Chamisa openly to come out clean, otherwise he was going to expose him! Why is Chafuka not talking about it? We do not know what and why Mandaza wanted to expose Chamisa. I would have expected this young man to pick it up and challenge Chamisa about his dealings with Zanu PF. He does not because somehow this uprising fall far short of genuine aspirations for change on the ground. Can Chafuka tell us why Chamisa has never been incarcerated, like Job Sikhala, like Gharivhume, like Chinono? If Chamisa is indeed a pastor and advocate, why did he fail to represent these men in courts; even to attempt doing so? Chamisa, with his fake pastor values, I suspect, did not want these men to come alive in Chikurubi Remand prison. (this could be an underestimate) Are these Christian values to wish someone fighting on your side, to die in the hands of Zanu PF? Chafuka and the rest are going to celebrate when Sengezo Tshabangu dies; they overtly said so loudly and clearly? Christians celebrating and gloating at the near-death of another human being; his life is to end painfully; they wish him and will rejoice! How fake can Christianity be? For once, I am glad I am not a Christian: My compassion to mankind is enough!

If Chamisa was a true revolutionary leader, he would have toppled Mnangagwa long back, but he lacks leadership qualities seriously. He is very immature in his actions. He is tribal, in all his leadership dealings; he abuses religion to gain votes because he realized early how religious Zimbabweans are, just like Chafuka. Chafuka should know these facts: we went out our way and supported some twisted Albert Matapo holed up in Sweden; he made several videos on Gambakwe social media. To make the story short, he vanished out of the air like a soap bubble when questioned about his sincerity and his dealings, promising us freedom he did not have himself; was not able to usher us too. We are sick of pseudo revolutionaries in our midst that promise great and not deliver. I deeply suspect, someone is behind Chafuka: someone is bankrolling him, but he nerves himself to laugh at Tshabangu who has sold the revolution to Zanu PF. (Uhleka aza qethuke)
We may be far away from Zimbabwe, but our heart and souls are in our country of birth. We know everything happening on the ground.

Tshabangu was given US$ 1 million dollars; it is nowhere nearer what Chiwengas, and the rest swindled out of the country. Why is Sengezo the vomit bucket of all participants in these social media followers? Is it because he is Ndebele? Instead, Chiwengas, the real looters of government revenues are seen in positive light and are overtly grooming Chiwenga to be the next president. #godisinit# Which god allows its followers to curse in the way Chafuka curses Tshabangu in his social media outlet? There is judgement in his speeches too: he is capable of judging who will go to heaven and who will not. I worry about people who use satanic bible verses to emphasize fake causes. Indeed, true revolutionaries died long back. Philosopher Karl Marx called religion the "Opium des Volkes", rightly so. It will take another 100 years to get true Zimbabwean leaders who will be "heart and soul" revolutionaries.

There is another voice in the Zimbabwe social media making rounds: It questions the name ZIMBABWE. Who named Southern Rhodesia Zimbabwe? The ignorance in his attributes is so galling: skirts around the fact that it was Dr. Joshua Nkomo who came up with the name Zimbabwe for many reasons. Zimba Ibgwe is the House of Stone built by several Kingdoms of the Karanga/Kalanga about decades of centuries ago. There is no other name so befitting as to call this nation so. However, overt or covert, he alone, does not like this name it must be changed. What is worrying about this voice is that he peddles derogative name-calling of people from Zambia and Malawi. The use of his predicates would mean Zambians and Malawians are lesser people, not of the same level as him: he exalts himself and his people to be better human beings; lesser beings are Mabwidi eku Zambia. This is disturbing: it must worry all good meaning citizens who believe in human dignity and equality. To say to the "othering" you are Mabwidi is derogative and insulting.  Such derogative language is devoid of decency and dignity; it can easily turn into xenophobia.  In retrospect, those Mazambia, Mabwidi, Mamozambiquens assisted us Zimbabweans, gave home to thousands back then: they assisted us to get independence. All that invaluable assistance is forgotten we are an independent Zimbabwe at last because of their sacrifice and efforts fighting Smith regime from their countries as a base: what seemed an impossible task back then. Now we have become better, we don't know them anymore: They are cursed like children of lesser gods!

This voice must be told in no uncertain terms to stop it: it is genocidal. If it is nurtured in our consciousness and unchallenged: repeating the same vitriol that Zambians and Malawians are lesser people than us, we shall, sooner or later be telling Zambian and Malawian citizens to go back to their countries of origin, if not, they will be chased like rats and nice to leave Zimbabwe.  If this voice without a name was knowledgeable and educated enough, it would know that these boundaries he is emphasizing today, did not exist in Africa until colonialists in Berlin/Germany divided Africa into many colonies of influence. He has unwavering colonial mentality that internalized facets of colonialism. If Immersen Dambudzo Mnangagwa lived and grew up in Zambia, it does not remove his Karanga origin; bad, cruel and murderous, or mhondi as he is: whether we want it or not he is of Karanga tribal group. I lived in Zambia for five good years; now does it, in anyway or form, make me Zambian?  About thousands, if not millions of black Rhodesians left for Zambia and other countries north of Rhodesia looking for decent opportunities of living, for a better future and that of their children: including Mnangagwa family.

Remaking Zimbabwean history with fake information to the public only perpetuates atrocities of genocide nature. There is nothing like Zambian and Malawian presidents-imposed leaders of their choice in Zimbabwe at independence. Such a statement is fake and must be treated as such. In retrospect, the Shona people voted tribally and chose the leaders they wanted; they benefited from the fruits of freedom and independence more than Ndebele people. The first years of independence was collective open hatred of Ndebele's. Radio open air services in marketplaces called for murder by hanging of Dr. Nkomo and in a public market. Whoever spoke Ndebele in the public was a dissident. Why is this voice not talking about narrow tribal thinking of the early years of independence. The predicate "dissident" was synonymous to Ndebele: why is this voice not talking about naked emotional divide and tribal thinking that still lingers unspoken to this day?

Again, just like Chafuka, this voice disowns the name Zimbabwe. He says Zimbabwe must have another name: This voice is either he is not of Karanga ethnic group, or he refuses a name because its Dr. Joshua Nkomo who came up with the name. His storytelling about the history of the war is confusing to young Zimbabweans who have no idea whatsoever what really transpired in the struggle for independence. However, he speaks with a "he knows it all" authoritative voice. This is sad because his facts are painfully twisted to feed a narrative: his intention is to brew hate that produces anger and action. The reign of Robert Mugabe was the making of the Shona votes that gave Zanu PF mandate to form a government. This voice must confess that their choice of leadership turned out to be a nightmare for us all. The Shonas are now suffering equally because they are now fed with the same stick: no carrot. (Mbare Market has been burnt down to ashes) Our pain and humiliation of decades has been extended to the children of the monster Zanu, even devouring its offspring. This voice, however, should never invite the Ndebele people to be part of name-seeking to replace the name Zimbabwe. That is to betray Dr. Nkomo openly. We will not go there. This voice should know that Zimbabwe does not belong only to Shona and Ndebele people. San populations of Southern Africa are the rightful owners of this region right up to the shores of "Cape of Good hope".

To put it crudely, Ndebele's must sit back and watch Mnangagwa-Chiwenga inter-ethnic squabbles take its course. If I may advise, never be part of the looming demonstrations. We died enough in the Gukurahundi atrocities of the early independence. We should never be expected to die again in the third revolution, to be dumped once more when the revolution is successful. We have enough evidence on the ground how the people of Matabeleland are used and abused, jettisoned when their cause was fulfilled. Where is Thokozani Khuphe and all of them who had national aspirations and never about tribal narrow divides but were left by the wayside when the opportune time came. Just like Mugabe, when he won elections in 1980, Mnangagwa was cheered and ululated in 2017 coup when he came to power. They have learnt nothing. Was it Robert Mugabe regime of yesteryear; be it Mnangagwa regime of today, Matabeleland region has benefited zero. The Matabeleland Water Project is still to be finished; Zanu PF does not want profound development in this region. Now we are expected to start hallucinating together again to bring down Mnangagwa regime knowing that we shall be, in the larger scheme of things, made deputies in all sections of powers and government in the third dispensation? The children of lesser gods deputize; they should never smell the echelons of power.


Source - Nomazulu Thata
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