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Zimbabweans are not docile, they have been there and seen it all

05 Nov 2014 at 15:30hrs | Views
Zimbabweans are not docile at all but one thing I need to tell you is that Zimbabweans from all walks of life have seen it all, they have been there and have seen everything, hence you can't tell them anything esp if it's to do with Zanu-PF, the so called nationalist party which doesn't show any sense of nationalism in all its doings.

They were there when Zanu-PF attempted to annihilate the entire Ndebele tribe during the Gukurahundi days when an estimated thirty thousand people were massacred by the Korean trained army, they have seen how Zanu-PF reacts especially in a situation when its grip on power is threatened by anyone be it in an election or thru peaceful demonstrations.

Bazalwane Zimbabweans have been there and have seen  it all, we won't talk about how opposition activist have been killed, maimed, raped just for power, we have seen how people like Tandare, Chiminya, Ndira to name but a few were made to disappear and later found dead at the hands of this regime, people Zimbos have seen it all, they were there when Morgan's final push was thwarted and brutally suppressed  by the police and army, Zimbos were there, they were not told, they were actually eye witnesses i.e. they witnessed all the events happening directly in front of their own eyes.

We won't talk about the 2002 and 2008 disappearances of opposition cadres some of them up to now haven't been found eg Patrick Nebanyama, People Zimbos have seen it all, we won't forget just recently in 2008 during the run off period when Zanu-PF unleashed dozens of soldiers, militias on defenceless civilians, the rest is now history for we all know how many perished during that time.

All I'm saying is that Zimbabweans have seen it all, they have seen the real dictatorship that is ruling them and its unstable and unquenchable appetite for human blood esp in a situation where its grip on power is shaken or threatened.

Itayi Dzamara pleaded a fortnight ago for people to occupy the Africa Unity Square, yes it was and it is still a noble idea for elections can no longer be the solution to our crisis in Zimbabwe, but tell me why are people not coming out from their homes to join him? Why?

Can we say people in Mbare, Zengeza, Highfield, Mabvuku -Tafara,Mufakose are all busy doing something.Noo not at all, Go to Gazaland in Highfield, go to Mufakose, Mbare, Chitungwiza during the week you will see many people loitering in the streets, But why are they not coming to Africa Unity Square since they have nothing to do? The answer is obvious, they have seen it all, they have been there and saw everything, they know Zanu-PF and how it responds when its grip on power is challenged and threatened.

To conclude people let me close by saying this point, 'Zanu-PF kills' and that is why people are not coming to AUS, yes people may lie trying to please one another and say it's our constitutional right to peacefully demonstrate but let me tell you this, as soon as Zanu-PF realises that its grip on power is being challenged and threatened they will quickly forget what's written on that piece of paper called constitution of Zimbabwe, what it does is, it can kill even 100 people at AUS today and won't even apologise, for them, they will defending the country's sovereignty.

Another thing which is important is let's not compare ourselves with the people in Burkina Faso, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya etc, our political terrain is completely different from the four or five countries I have mentioned. I'm not saying we shouldn't confront tyranny, all I am saying is that we should be careful lest innocent blood will be spilled. All I am saying is let's not get carried away by emotions, but let's be sober and at the same time let's be vigilant. Truth be told God is watching and one day he will stand up for his children and this Pharaoh whom we all see and dread everyday will be defeated and we will be free indeed.

We all want a New Zimbabwe but lets be careful.

Mayibuye I Zimbabwe Yethu
From Thandekile Zikhali
Proudly Zimbabwean

Source - Thandekile Zikhali
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