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Can a grand coalition in Zimbabwe work?

24 May 2015 at 17:31hrs | Views
There has been widespread debate and discussion on the need for opposition parties in Zimbabwe to put all their differences aside and form one "Grand Coalition". The reasoning portrayed to many is that the "Grand Coalition" will bring together numbers necessary to outvote Zanu-PF.

From the look of things this is a very noble goal that every sensible and genuine opponent of Zanu-PF should seriously consider.

The challenge is that for many this has been a simplified call hidden behind agendas that cannot co-exist in one room.

In 2013 a friend of mine from MDC-T was happy to hear that I was contesting the Matobo South House of Assembly seat. He congratulated me and actually said "Who ever wins between you and Ndebele (Gabriel Ndebele was MDC-T MP for the same constituency and seeking re-election) doesn't matter so long we all vote Tsvangirai for President".

"But, Taffy, you know that I will not be voting for Tsvangirai in this lifetime. Moreso, our structures will field President Ncube as Presidential Candidate. Before votes have been cast he is assured of at least one vote and that is mine".

"DCB, so you guys are not part of the game plan?"

"What plan, Taffy?"

"You know comrade some of us thought that the Ncube campaign is a decoy and at some point he will stop and find a parliamentary seat. Then we have Tsvangirai as the only opposition Presidential Candidate. That way Mugabe goes"

"So you seriously expect me to start campaigning for Tsvangirai now Taffy"

"Something like that Comrade DCB".

"You know what Taffy, since 2006 I have been telling people that Tsvangirai is not fit to lead and you know I have said that to you so many times. Some in Matobo have started to agree with me. If I were to start saying Tsvangirai is fine now (February 2013) and am contesting against someone who has been saying this since 2006, what kind of a person will I be?"

"Uhm yeah its tricky Comrade".

The Pedicure and Manicure Class
There is a class of opposition activists that view an election as a Saloon where we must take Zimbabwe for make up. After a visit to a saloon, a person looks prettier and cleaner. Its all about appearances but the behavior remains the same.

If you go to a saloon with tribal, racial, corrupt and violent tendencies, you will come out more beautiful, clean shaven and prettier but you will still be of tribal, racial, corrupt and violent tendencies.

Immaculate Conception
Then there are political saints. Those whose path to power is sainthood. They are always on the outlook for evil conduct and their speeches are all about what wrong this and that. They seem to act more like political prefects than politicians.

They await for the day someone does something terrible then they pounce. They seem to believe that politicians should be products of Immaculate Conception and conduct themselves sin-free.

Which one are you?

Discent Collins Bajila is the Secretary for the youth assemble of the MDC and this post is extracted from his personal Facebook page.

Source - Discent Collins Bajila
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