Opinion / Columnist
Mugabe better off with Moyo inside the tent pissing out than outside pissing in!
25 Jun 2015 at 21:50hrs | Views

"Moyo's victory was seen as spiting President Mugabe who had appointed him a non-constituency Member of Parliament before he proceeded to appoint him a minister in his bloated government," commented Bulawayo24 Staff Reporter. I can well believe that!
Professor Moyo is already a heavy weight in Zanu PF and government but when he lost his parliamentary seat in the July 2013 elections and had to depend on Mugabe's generosity to pluck him out of political obscurity it made Mugabe feel powerful. Mugabe is a control freak nothing pleases him more than to see all his subordinates grovel up to him. Winning back the Tsholotsho parliamentary seat after the humiliating defeat in 2013 would have pleased Moyo greatly and boosted his self-confidence and added a peacock tail feather to his cap. Mugabe would have seen this as the Professor trying to re-asset himself. He waiting for Moyo to take his seat in the cabinet meeting and then showing him the door in a calculated move designed to humiliate Moyo and remind him who is boss. Poor Jonathan Moyo, he clearly did not see this one coming and it knocked the wind out of his sail.
He has been the flying Zanu PF party and government supremo ruling his powerful ministry of information and dictating to all what they will know and think but often doubling up as government spokesman and supervising all other government departments. His by-election victory was going to allow him to comment freely on parliamentary business without fear of the snotty rhetorical question "Who elected you?"
Yes, Professor Moyo must have entered the cabinet room expecting be showered with congratulatory greetings for his electoral victory. He certainly did not expect to be told to fcuk off, he was no longer welcome there!
No wonder Moyo has been uncharacteristically quiet for a long time - four days am counting – with nothing written or initiated by Moyo, not even tweetered comment from him – nothing that is, other than speculation on what happened in the Cabinet room on Tuesday. Falling from such a dizzying height and landing on his bald head must have left our high flier dazed and for once, speechless.
After Mugabe called Moyo the "devil incarnate and a weevil destroying Zanu PF from within" everyone thought the Professor's beacon was fried! Didymus Mutasa was so pleased to see Moyo in trouble he even offered to supply the gamatox, the insecticide, to kill the weevils.
Whatever the Professor said to or did to Mugabe at their private meeting after the public denunciation worked like a charm. It was Didymus Mutasa and others who were summarily sacked from cabinet, the party and then parliament. Moyo must have thought his charmed worked and his position in cabinet was safe and secure.
The moral of Moyo's story is that Zanu PF is imploding and no one's position is safe not even Mugabe's own position is safe. Mutasa has already started to spill the beans of how Zanu PF has been rigging elections and, no doubt, the drip, drip leak of the party's dirty past will now continue until Mugabe and all still left in the party are forced to resign. Moyo will definitely have even more damaging details on Mugabe which if released will force the tyrant to resign immediately.
Throwing Professor Moyo out of the cabinet is one thing but if Mugabe throws him out of the party and parliament like he did with Mutasa and others then Mugabe's days in State House will be numbered.
"It is probably better to have him (FBI director, Edgar Hoover) inside the tent pissing out, then outside the tent pissing in," said former US President Lyndon B Johnson. Mugabe's position is a lot worse in that those inside the tent want to throw him out and those outside are more than pissing they are shooting in!
Professor Moyo is already a heavy weight in Zanu PF and government but when he lost his parliamentary seat in the July 2013 elections and had to depend on Mugabe's generosity to pluck him out of political obscurity it made Mugabe feel powerful. Mugabe is a control freak nothing pleases him more than to see all his subordinates grovel up to him. Winning back the Tsholotsho parliamentary seat after the humiliating defeat in 2013 would have pleased Moyo greatly and boosted his self-confidence and added a peacock tail feather to his cap. Mugabe would have seen this as the Professor trying to re-asset himself. He waiting for Moyo to take his seat in the cabinet meeting and then showing him the door in a calculated move designed to humiliate Moyo and remind him who is boss. Poor Jonathan Moyo, he clearly did not see this one coming and it knocked the wind out of his sail.
He has been the flying Zanu PF party and government supremo ruling his powerful ministry of information and dictating to all what they will know and think but often doubling up as government spokesman and supervising all other government departments. His by-election victory was going to allow him to comment freely on parliamentary business without fear of the snotty rhetorical question "Who elected you?"
Yes, Professor Moyo must have entered the cabinet room expecting be showered with congratulatory greetings for his electoral victory. He certainly did not expect to be told to fcuk off, he was no longer welcome there!
No wonder Moyo has been uncharacteristically quiet for a long time - four days am counting – with nothing written or initiated by Moyo, not even tweetered comment from him – nothing that is, other than speculation on what happened in the Cabinet room on Tuesday. Falling from such a dizzying height and landing on his bald head must have left our high flier dazed and for once, speechless.
After Mugabe called Moyo the "devil incarnate and a weevil destroying Zanu PF from within" everyone thought the Professor's beacon was fried! Didymus Mutasa was so pleased to see Moyo in trouble he even offered to supply the gamatox, the insecticide, to kill the weevils.
Whatever the Professor said to or did to Mugabe at their private meeting after the public denunciation worked like a charm. It was Didymus Mutasa and others who were summarily sacked from cabinet, the party and then parliament. Moyo must have thought his charmed worked and his position in cabinet was safe and secure.
The moral of Moyo's story is that Zanu PF is imploding and no one's position is safe not even Mugabe's own position is safe. Mutasa has already started to spill the beans of how Zanu PF has been rigging elections and, no doubt, the drip, drip leak of the party's dirty past will now continue until Mugabe and all still left in the party are forced to resign. Moyo will definitely have even more damaging details on Mugabe which if released will force the tyrant to resign immediately.
Throwing Professor Moyo out of the cabinet is one thing but if Mugabe throws him out of the party and parliament like he did with Mutasa and others then Mugabe's days in State House will be numbered.
"It is probably better to have him (FBI director, Edgar Hoover) inside the tent pissing out, then outside the tent pissing in," said former US President Lyndon B Johnson. Mugabe's position is a lot worse in that those inside the tent want to throw him out and those outside are more than pissing they are shooting in!
Source - Wilbert Mukori
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