Opinion / Columnist
Patience paying dividends for Morgan Tsvangirai: 2018
24 Sep 2015 at 05:28hrs | Views

Morgan Tsvangirai: The evergreen lustrous grassroots touch.
MORGAN RICHARD 'SAVE' TSVANGIRAI IS THE UNDISPUTED leader of the MDC-T, and it is beyond reasonable doubt that he is going to be the next president of Zimbabwe. Patience is a virtue. Through the help of everyone it took Zanu Pf twenty years to liberate Zimbabwe; From 1912 to 1923 John Dube, Sol Plaatje, and Pixley ka Isaka Seme assembled the ANC which took nine decades to rule South Africa under the iconic Father World Nelson Mandela. Patience pays!
Morgan Tsvangirai is a humble and patient leader whose heart is rooted deeply into a culture and norm that will liberate Zimbabwe peacefully without cutting democratic corners. Those who were impatient and decided to cut corners, found themselves in the political doldrums filled with pessimism.
To name, but just a few, the former great, but now defunct and relegated Tendai Biti, Prof Welshman Ncube, Elliot Mangoma and Lovemore Madhuku were all power hungry and peddled selfish and pushed greedy ambitions henceforth they are now citizens in the political abyss. With these case studies, Morgan Tsvangirai is totally justified in being patient. True and Real leaders wait!
Since 1999, Morgan Tsvangirai has given the people of Zimbabwe hope in their hopeless situation. The people of Zimbabwe spoke in political and social languages through a democratic ballot paper, but their voice has been silenced by Robert Mugabe who despite facing the grave, never want to lose power.
The elections have been nothing but ceremonial as they have been stolen by Robbery Mugabe. One too few many times Zimbabweans have been robbed of their future through an undemocratic act of robbery by Robbery Mugabe his Zanu Pf Holdings in broad day light. Elections have been there to erect a cabinet which suffers from an erectile dysfunction to erect an economic solution to the woes of Zimbabwe.
If the truth be told, what new voice of reasoning can Zimbabwe acquire from a recycled Prof Jonathan Moyo, Obert Mpofu and Savior Kasukuwere speak to the people of Zimbabwe? It is just a matter of time, soon and very soon the people of Zimbabwe will speak in tongues; more actions than those manifested before. And when that commences, no one will stop the masses.
After all the torture, abuse and losing a loved one, Morgan Tsvangirai never thought of retaliating towards the Mugabe regime. He never gave up, he soldiered on. Morgan Tsvangirai has led us all through these years, in the shallow and deep ends against all odds. The MDC-T stands accused of letting the voice of the Zimbabweans be silenced, and for letting Zanu Pf manipulate every democratic system in Zimbabwe using its power. GUILTY AS CHARGED!
But one day is one day and Robert Mugabe will have his day.
The future president of Zimbabwe has no violent intentions. The reason being that one civilian life is more important that the itch to remove Robert Mugabe from power using any other methods besides and other than paper, ink and a ballot box. The pen is not just mightier; it's even smarter than the bullet.
All nations that used the trigger route are still writhing in discomfort as civil wars never give birth to a civilized nation. Under the traditional principle of promogeniture Laurent Kabila bequeathed the formerly Zaire and now DRC which was 'liberated' by the bullet to his son Joseph Kabila and guns have never stopped blazing. Iraq and Afghanistan have never stopped having internal fights since the invasion by the illiterate USA president George W. Bush. USA enforces the United Nations treaties and laws in which itself is not part and parcel of! This will be a story for another day.
But with Zanu Pf's misdeeds, the nation remains deep in a delicate and volatile zone where scales or reaction could tip in any direction.
Yesterday Morgan Tsvangirai proved critics wrong, he has proved them wrong again today, and tomorrow together with the people's movement right behind him, he will rule Zimbabwe and drive the nation into the right direction where there will be – EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL.
MDC-T is a people's project; it was neither formed in a bar nor formed for selfish reasons. Unlike Zanu Pf which is owned by a few elites, the MDC-T is the people's project; owned by the people, held responsible by the people with the resilience coupled with permanency of the fact that its formation was propelled by the people. So it is long-lasting and it will last like a mother's love. With Morgan Tsvangirai and MDC-T Zimbabwe will be a better place. Together WE CAN do more for Zimbabwe.
The people's party under Morgan Tsvangirai has straightforward policies and celebrates policies like the Agenda for Real Transformation and JUICE. No other political party in Zimbabwe has got a single document of its policies - a single paper, certainly not Zanu PF! The MDC-T advocates for – EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL irrespective of political affiliation.
The codified sections of humanitarian laws speak volumes against child labour and human trafficking, but most importantly there is an absolute and total neglect of a crime of 'elderly labour'! If ever there was such a crime, Robert Mugabe will be a victim of such. The old-man should rest; at least in peace.
To Robert Mugabe and Zanu Pf I say, the best you were, the shoddier you are, and the nastiest you shall ever be. This is a tag-line that clearly depicts the transformation of Zimbabwe under the auspices of none other than Robert Gabriel Mugabe and his old folk Zanu Pf party. With all due respect, (and in this case with lack of it thereof), Robert Mugabe has long ceased to carry presidential qualities and authority and he does not deserve to be addressed as such.
The Robert Mugabe led rural party has thrived on rural folk whom they have intimidated deeply over a decade to cast votes in their favour. During the last daylight robbery of July 31, the rural folk in Murehwa South were all illiterate at the polling station that I was monitoring on behalf of President Morgan Tsvangirai! It was mind bogging to discover that 'O' and 'A' level students were even amongst the assisted voters. At all material times, there were war veterans within the proximity of the polling station with a voting register ticking all those who came, meaning that there was trouble for all those who failed to pitch up.
As if this was not enough of an insult, the polling officer-in-charge was the losing candidate in the for Zanu Pf parliamentary primary elections. Oh, the rural party never ceases to amaze me.
Yet here we are with Robert Mugabe and Zanu Pf displaying false bravado to hallucinate at the Zanu Broadcasting Corporation that "Zimbabwe will never be a colony again" when the fact is completely the opposite to that. Far-reaching constitutional and political reforms have actually been violated resulting in a compromise of the citizens' rights.
There is a dire need to educate Zanu Pf politically. Yesterday is absolutely relevant in determining Rhodesia's transformation into Zimbabwe and naturally it doesn't go without Zanu Pf and Mugabe coming into mind. The war was fought under many names and Zanu Pf was still standing and prominent when the Rhodesian forces realized the game was up.
We were all Zanu Pf at one point during the war and we fought against white domination, but nineteen years down the line in 1998 we realized that we had forgotten to fight against black domination. Robert Mugabe and his Zanu Pf have relentlessly used these emotional scars of war to cash in on support from unsuspecting civilians of Zimbabwe.
It is common cause that the Chimurenga war was fought and there is no doubt that the current dead, old and grey crop of Zanu Pf contributed and risked their lives in an attempt to liberate the nation from the hands of the oppressors. Everyone contributed the struggle in one way or the other, even those in MDC-T did!
For how long will Zanu Pf preach the liberation song? The liberation golden ticket has been a master key into many areas of abuse and manipulation. Facts and statistics state that Zanu Pf has depleted the biggest diamond field in the whole world in less than two years and the proceeds from such have gone to fatten the already fat Zanu Pf pockets.
The citizens of Zimbabwe have paid whatever was due and owing and payable to the liberators. The nation has paid enough. Even the war veterans who were born after the war were paid hefty for being in the war, and that was soon to be followed by the barbaric haphazard farm invasions, both which entered the nation's inflation into the world black book records.
To add insult to injury, companies and banks were all not spared by Zanu Pf. The unemployment rate has skyrocketed and as a result nation's vibrant and most educated age group got all scattered all over the world doing random and menial jobs for survival. What other form of torture and payment should the people of Zimbabwe sustain?
Robert Mugabe and his Zanu Pf have received undeservedly gratitude and recognition as they have demanded everlasting power and the right to kill and steal with impunity. That way ruination lies.
What has been Zimbabwe under Zanu Pf anyway, besides being a teapot shaped nation which has been relegated from the bread basket into a begging basket? The country is hardly a country at all; indeed it is nothing more than Mugabe Holdings trading recklessly and without having any form of risk management.
At one point all this jiggery pokery has to be stopped.
It is high time to stop Zanu Pf and Robert Mugabe. Morgan Tsvangirai is the main man and he has shown his wits to the grassroots mass that he is indeed the Moses of the current Zimbabwean.
A lot has happened in the Zanu Pf camp on its countdown to the congress. Heads rolled in the form of Rugare Gumbo and Jabulani Sibanda to Joyce Mujuru who were influential and controversial in the Zanu Pf circles. The opposition should not read too much into the happenings in the Zanu Pf camp, but there is a need of a joint strategy to launch an incessant barrage against Zanu Pf from a dizzy height.
Morgan Tsvangirai might not do it all alone; he needs all the support that he can get from all other stakeholders who were in the previous system like Madame Joyce and them. The man has foresight and has long called upon everyone to come into the big tent and assault Zanu Pf where it hurt the most. The victory is no longer for MDC-T, but it is a victory for Zimbabwe. It is a victory for a nation that has suffered for far too long under Robert Mugabe and Zanu Pf.
How do those in Zanu Pf sleep at night when the nation is suffering like this? It is an open secret that Robert Mugabe's intention with the people of Zimbabwe leaves a lot to be despised and nothing to be desired.
The people will not be silent forever! The peaceful people shall snap one day and all those responsible will pay in one way or the other.
On a sad note, Rest in Peace My Learned Colleague Getrude 'Mdara' Bassa-Maruma and Honourable Harare Deputy Mayor Thomas Muzuva. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, you are all in a better place! May your families be comforted. Till we meet again!
Disclaimer: if ever there are repeated lines, there is as a contagious disease of repeating speeches! It started spreading from parliament!
Free Zimbabwe Mugabe must go!
Morgan Tsvangirai the President in waiting!
Morgan Tsvangirai is a humble and patient leader whose heart is rooted deeply into a culture and norm that will liberate Zimbabwe peacefully without cutting democratic corners. Those who were impatient and decided to cut corners, found themselves in the political doldrums filled with pessimism.
To name, but just a few, the former great, but now defunct and relegated Tendai Biti, Prof Welshman Ncube, Elliot Mangoma and Lovemore Madhuku were all power hungry and peddled selfish and pushed greedy ambitions henceforth they are now citizens in the political abyss. With these case studies, Morgan Tsvangirai is totally justified in being patient. True and Real leaders wait!
Since 1999, Morgan Tsvangirai has given the people of Zimbabwe hope in their hopeless situation. The people of Zimbabwe spoke in political and social languages through a democratic ballot paper, but their voice has been silenced by Robert Mugabe who despite facing the grave, never want to lose power.
The elections have been nothing but ceremonial as they have been stolen by Robbery Mugabe. One too few many times Zimbabweans have been robbed of their future through an undemocratic act of robbery by Robbery Mugabe his Zanu Pf Holdings in broad day light. Elections have been there to erect a cabinet which suffers from an erectile dysfunction to erect an economic solution to the woes of Zimbabwe.
If the truth be told, what new voice of reasoning can Zimbabwe acquire from a recycled Prof Jonathan Moyo, Obert Mpofu and Savior Kasukuwere speak to the people of Zimbabwe? It is just a matter of time, soon and very soon the people of Zimbabwe will speak in tongues; more actions than those manifested before. And when that commences, no one will stop the masses.
After all the torture, abuse and losing a loved one, Morgan Tsvangirai never thought of retaliating towards the Mugabe regime. He never gave up, he soldiered on. Morgan Tsvangirai has led us all through these years, in the shallow and deep ends against all odds. The MDC-T stands accused of letting the voice of the Zimbabweans be silenced, and for letting Zanu Pf manipulate every democratic system in Zimbabwe using its power. GUILTY AS CHARGED!
But one day is one day and Robert Mugabe will have his day.
The future president of Zimbabwe has no violent intentions. The reason being that one civilian life is more important that the itch to remove Robert Mugabe from power using any other methods besides and other than paper, ink and a ballot box. The pen is not just mightier; it's even smarter than the bullet.
All nations that used the trigger route are still writhing in discomfort as civil wars never give birth to a civilized nation. Under the traditional principle of promogeniture Laurent Kabila bequeathed the formerly Zaire and now DRC which was 'liberated' by the bullet to his son Joseph Kabila and guns have never stopped blazing. Iraq and Afghanistan have never stopped having internal fights since the invasion by the illiterate USA president George W. Bush. USA enforces the United Nations treaties and laws in which itself is not part and parcel of! This will be a story for another day.
But with Zanu Pf's misdeeds, the nation remains deep in a delicate and volatile zone where scales or reaction could tip in any direction.
Yesterday Morgan Tsvangirai proved critics wrong, he has proved them wrong again today, and tomorrow together with the people's movement right behind him, he will rule Zimbabwe and drive the nation into the right direction where there will be – EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL.
MDC-T is a people's project; it was neither formed in a bar nor formed for selfish reasons. Unlike Zanu Pf which is owned by a few elites, the MDC-T is the people's project; owned by the people, held responsible by the people with the resilience coupled with permanency of the fact that its formation was propelled by the people. So it is long-lasting and it will last like a mother's love. With Morgan Tsvangirai and MDC-T Zimbabwe will be a better place. Together WE CAN do more for Zimbabwe.
The people's party under Morgan Tsvangirai has straightforward policies and celebrates policies like the Agenda for Real Transformation and JUICE. No other political party in Zimbabwe has got a single document of its policies - a single paper, certainly not Zanu PF! The MDC-T advocates for – EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR ALL irrespective of political affiliation.
The codified sections of humanitarian laws speak volumes against child labour and human trafficking, but most importantly there is an absolute and total neglect of a crime of 'elderly labour'! If ever there was such a crime, Robert Mugabe will be a victim of such. The old-man should rest; at least in peace.
To Robert Mugabe and Zanu Pf I say, the best you were, the shoddier you are, and the nastiest you shall ever be. This is a tag-line that clearly depicts the transformation of Zimbabwe under the auspices of none other than Robert Gabriel Mugabe and his old folk Zanu Pf party. With all due respect, (and in this case with lack of it thereof), Robert Mugabe has long ceased to carry presidential qualities and authority and he does not deserve to be addressed as such.
The Robert Mugabe led rural party has thrived on rural folk whom they have intimidated deeply over a decade to cast votes in their favour. During the last daylight robbery of July 31, the rural folk in Murehwa South were all illiterate at the polling station that I was monitoring on behalf of President Morgan Tsvangirai! It was mind bogging to discover that 'O' and 'A' level students were even amongst the assisted voters. At all material times, there were war veterans within the proximity of the polling station with a voting register ticking all those who came, meaning that there was trouble for all those who failed to pitch up.
As if this was not enough of an insult, the polling officer-in-charge was the losing candidate in the for Zanu Pf parliamentary primary elections. Oh, the rural party never ceases to amaze me.
Yet here we are with Robert Mugabe and Zanu Pf displaying false bravado to hallucinate at the Zanu Broadcasting Corporation that "Zimbabwe will never be a colony again" when the fact is completely the opposite to that. Far-reaching constitutional and political reforms have actually been violated resulting in a compromise of the citizens' rights.
There is a dire need to educate Zanu Pf politically. Yesterday is absolutely relevant in determining Rhodesia's transformation into Zimbabwe and naturally it doesn't go without Zanu Pf and Mugabe coming into mind. The war was fought under many names and Zanu Pf was still standing and prominent when the Rhodesian forces realized the game was up.
We were all Zanu Pf at one point during the war and we fought against white domination, but nineteen years down the line in 1998 we realized that we had forgotten to fight against black domination. Robert Mugabe and his Zanu Pf have relentlessly used these emotional scars of war to cash in on support from unsuspecting civilians of Zimbabwe.
It is common cause that the Chimurenga war was fought and there is no doubt that the current dead, old and grey crop of Zanu Pf contributed and risked their lives in an attempt to liberate the nation from the hands of the oppressors. Everyone contributed the struggle in one way or the other, even those in MDC-T did!
For how long will Zanu Pf preach the liberation song? The liberation golden ticket has been a master key into many areas of abuse and manipulation. Facts and statistics state that Zanu Pf has depleted the biggest diamond field in the whole world in less than two years and the proceeds from such have gone to fatten the already fat Zanu Pf pockets.
The citizens of Zimbabwe have paid whatever was due and owing and payable to the liberators. The nation has paid enough. Even the war veterans who were born after the war were paid hefty for being in the war, and that was soon to be followed by the barbaric haphazard farm invasions, both which entered the nation's inflation into the world black book records.
To add insult to injury, companies and banks were all not spared by Zanu Pf. The unemployment rate has skyrocketed and as a result nation's vibrant and most educated age group got all scattered all over the world doing random and menial jobs for survival. What other form of torture and payment should the people of Zimbabwe sustain?
Robert Mugabe and his Zanu Pf have received undeservedly gratitude and recognition as they have demanded everlasting power and the right to kill and steal with impunity. That way ruination lies.
What has been Zimbabwe under Zanu Pf anyway, besides being a teapot shaped nation which has been relegated from the bread basket into a begging basket? The country is hardly a country at all; indeed it is nothing more than Mugabe Holdings trading recklessly and without having any form of risk management.
At one point all this jiggery pokery has to be stopped.
It is high time to stop Zanu Pf and Robert Mugabe. Morgan Tsvangirai is the main man and he has shown his wits to the grassroots mass that he is indeed the Moses of the current Zimbabwean.
A lot has happened in the Zanu Pf camp on its countdown to the congress. Heads rolled in the form of Rugare Gumbo and Jabulani Sibanda to Joyce Mujuru who were influential and controversial in the Zanu Pf circles. The opposition should not read too much into the happenings in the Zanu Pf camp, but there is a need of a joint strategy to launch an incessant barrage against Zanu Pf from a dizzy height.
Morgan Tsvangirai might not do it all alone; he needs all the support that he can get from all other stakeholders who were in the previous system like Madame Joyce and them. The man has foresight and has long called upon everyone to come into the big tent and assault Zanu Pf where it hurt the most. The victory is no longer for MDC-T, but it is a victory for Zimbabwe. It is a victory for a nation that has suffered for far too long under Robert Mugabe and Zanu Pf.
How do those in Zanu Pf sleep at night when the nation is suffering like this? It is an open secret that Robert Mugabe's intention with the people of Zimbabwe leaves a lot to be despised and nothing to be desired.
The people will not be silent forever! The peaceful people shall snap one day and all those responsible will pay in one way or the other.
On a sad note, Rest in Peace My Learned Colleague Getrude 'Mdara' Bassa-Maruma and Honourable Harare Deputy Mayor Thomas Muzuva. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, you are all in a better place! May your families be comforted. Till we meet again!
Disclaimer: if ever there are repeated lines, there is as a contagious disease of repeating speeches! It started spreading from parliament!
Free Zimbabwe Mugabe must go!
Morgan Tsvangirai the President in waiting!
Ntate Moruti Chadya Tapiwa Diamond is a Father, a Legal Practitioner, a Lecturer, a Researcher, a Political Analyst-cum-Activist and is also the director of Information and Publicity in the South African Youth Assembly of the Morgan Tsvangirai led Movement for Democratic Change. Diamond is a man after God's heart like King David and serves as a resident Jnr. Pastor in the House of the Lord at Light House Ministries in Gauteng. He read law the University of KwaZulu Natal and is Researching towards an LLM. He concomitantly lives in the Natal Midlands and Johannesburg. He can be contacted on 27 (0)84 566 2756 or email him at diamondtapiwa@gmail.com . He writes in his own personal capacity.
Source - Ntate Moruti Tapiwa Diamond Chadya
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